Box Pass: Losers Only v1.0

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Enjoying some of this Gotland's Gul tonight, thanks Mike!


    • nachowayne
      • Nov 2008
      • 316

      In the mail! Should have gone out Monday, but I'm a loser. :-p USPS 0496 9010 7560 4009 6729 . Expected delivery to dpete Tues, May 3!


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        Hi Guays. Jdman got his ass banned today. You can remove him from the list. If you send him anything theres a good posibility it won't be seen again. Heres the list. Apparently its up to nicodude to skip jdman and send the box on to Rattlesnake. Btw, jdman was alot more disruptive than you realize. I've been getting PMs from the members since he joined. We gave him warnings and every opportunity to straighten up and he didn't. His last BS was just too much for the mods to deal with. Believe me there was plenty of reason to ban his ass weeks ago.

        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • Rattlesnake
          • Nov 2010
          • 891

          We had a very fair group of Mods, that have thankless jobs to keep everything going smoothly.
          So I just say THANks to the Mods, and good job PP.


          • nachowayne
            • Nov 2008
            • 316

            I was wondering about all that. On a lighter note, the box finally showed up on usps tracking. Not sure why it took them until CA to get it on there. Been hating the postal service for a few days now...


            • dpete

              Originally posted by nachowayne
              I was wondering about all that. On a lighter note, the box finally showed up on usps tracking. Not sure why it took them until CA to get it on there. Been hating the postal service for a few days now...
              I'd been wondering, too. It's very close and would not be surprised to see it tomorrow instead of Tuesday. I won't be able to post informative videos as I wouldn't be able to replace all the broken monitors after my ugly mug made an apperance but I will post my observances about the goodies enclosed. Then it will be off to MGX in OK.


              • CreteCoater
                • Feb 2011
                • 304

                I have some "American" ETTAN to add to it lol


                • dpete

                  Box arrived safely. Haven't had a chance to check it out much yet but there seems to be a whole lot of snus! Very impressive. If you'll excuse me, I think I will go and have a look see.


                  • MGX
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 127

                    Oh goody. I have some gellivare and landstroms I'd lke to add with some other loose brands.


                    • nachowayne
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 316

                      Bump! Oh yeah, dpete, I guess you don't watch a lot of dip videos if you think there is some kind of cuteness requirement for the internet! :-P


                      • dpete

                        Originally posted by nachowayne View Post
                        Bump! Oh yeah, dpete, I guess you don't watch a lot of dip videos if you think there is some kind of cuteness requirement for the internet! :-P
                        No, my internet video viewing is usually of a different nature. I really did like seeing your kids, took me back a few years. Those are great times but go by way too fast.


                        • dpete

                          I would really like to thank Mike for starting this pass and Chad for adding some really great stuff. Originally I was going to try to mini-review what I sampled but that got too complicated so let's just say everyone try the Habanero Lime. It is great. I'd never had the LS Bold and we Americans sure miss out by not being able to get it here. All the Kardus let me know I have to start saving up for this years batch. Thanks again, guys.

                          The box is on it's way to MGX as of about 11 am PDT. Sorry but I didn't ask when the expected arrival time will be and I hope the USPS has improved a bit on their tracking this week. Just checked and it is due to be delivered on the 12th.

                          0310 1230 0002 2102 9996

                          I threw in some stuff including a can of Skruf Xtra Stark and a can of Oden's Extreme. Well, I did cheat a bit and took 3 clicks out of the Oden's before putting it in the box. It's damn good stuff.

                          Edit: Quicker than they first said, box is out for delivery on the 9th. Look for some really good stuff MGX!


                          • dpete



                            • MGX
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 127

                              Woo Hoo! Just carried the box in from the mail box. This thing is heavy! It'll have to wait until after work and then I can ship it out tomorrow!

                              Thanks everyone and thanks for starting this pass!


                              • dpete

                                Originally posted by MGX View Post
                                Woo Hoo! Just carried the box in from the mail box. This thing is heavy! It'll have to wait until after work and then I can ship it out tomorrow!
                                Very glad it made it safely. There is so much there to sample that it takes a couple of days to do it justice.


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