It seems to me common sense and acting Responsibly as an adult with consideration for others and sending it out in a timely fashion with this box pass spoiled it.... Some people are just irresponsible and don't care and don't belong in a box pass.... It has been and is just common sense to at the very least to put the open cans in a zip lock bag in a box pass.... I have never seen what nomad did but can see how this can happen and glad I for one didn't get in on this one.... I saw the writting on the wall on this one.... Not pointing fingers at anyone in particular... Just sayin' .....It is what it is...
A box pass needs to be mailed back out in a timely fashion and not kept for 5 days or a week because someone is too busy or doesn't have the time.... If you can't PM your address info to the person who is starting the box pass in a timely fashion.... You don't belong in it.... Period..... If this is your case you should not get into the box pass to begin with... Sorry just my honest opinion.....
Ok...I'll take responsibility for the honey bee, and no, I didn't tape the stuff shut, but when I shipped the box out it was in a medium flat rate shipping box that was COMPLETELY full. There was zero chance of stuff opening when I shipped it...
Also, as far as I can remember, the only open can was a taped up can of Offroad long cut.
Its unfortunate this box has taken a turn for the worst. I just wanted to try Gotlands yellow, added some prima fint that i didn't really want, added chads Odens, and moved it on it's way...
Mawdryn knows what he's doin he's a postman himself for god sakes! LoL
Oh reminds me one time i had a tin of we garrett scotch in my backpack that I take to work, it opened and good lord that was a mess.. it smelt of garrett for days had to wash the damn thing.
OK I've cleaned things up the best I could taped all the open packages back and added a couple of cans to boot. There's some nice Christmas snus in there as well. I'll go to the post office on base tomorrow and get a new shipping box, the post office I stopped at today on the way home had none in the lobby display.
Yup the post man leaves a note if i got a package.. i get off after 10 so ill know then. Cant get it till tommorow which sucks.. thats when the office is open..
OT - thanks for putting that bag of monkey snuff in therw bro, i filled a glass spice jar with a good seal with it I really like it. When you finish that clove snuff any chance I can try some?
OT - thanks for putting that bag of monkey snuff in therw bro, i filled a glass spice jar with a good seal with it I really like it. When you finish that clove snuff any chance I can try some?