Box Pass: Losers Only v2.1

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  • austinreneau
    • May 2011
    • 39

    0311 0240 0002 3340 6081

    Thats the confirmation number, it just hasn't showed thats is been delivered yet and I was wondering if it was just a error on usps's part. My wife shipped it out on wednsday so it should be there any time now. He may already have it for all I know. I did not intend to get everyone worked up, after all this is the united states postal service were talking about. LOL


    • austinreneau
      • May 2011
      • 39

      Delivered, September 10, 2011, 9:58 am, LOS ANGELES, CA 90038
      Out for Delivery, September 10, 2011, 9:10 am, LOS ANGELES, CA 90038
      Sorting Complete, September 10, 2011, 9:00 am, LOS ANGELES, CA 90038
      Arrival at Unit, September 10, 2011, 8:30 am, LOS ANGELES, CA 90038
      Acceptance, September 07, 2011, 3:01 pm, LAS CRUCES, NM 88011

      No worries I just checked the tracking and she arrived today. YAY...


      • StuKlu
        • Feb 2010
        • 1192

        Any update on this box?


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          I was curious about this as well..


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253



            • dpete

              Just got done talking to GODOFSNUS on the phone and fortunately he is doing well but neck deep in starting his own business. He's not doing much snussing these days but said he will send the box up to me on Monday so I consider it as good as done. Hopefully I will be able to get it on its way to StuKlu by the end of the week.


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Originally posted by dpete
                Just got done talking to GODOFSNUS on the phone and fortunately he is doing well but neck deep in starting his own business. He's not doing much snussing these days but said he will send the box up to me on Monday so I consider it as good as done. Hopefully I will be able to get it on its way to StuKlu by the end of the week.
                Thank God! I was not involved in this box pass or the other Noob Box Pass III and hope I will never be involved in a box pass with such total irresponsibility and a total disregard to others on this forum... That is total bull shit and very irresponsible of CreteCoater and GODOFSNUS and a total disregard of others that were waiting on this box after them... Unless you are in the Hospital with something seriously wrong there is no excuse for this at all.... I can see a couple days or so as most that get into these can get busy from time to time and can't get to the post office due to their job or their wife may want to do it at the same time you need to get to the post office, But As for CreteCoater He came upon it after searching for some tools in his shop... 6 weeks later... Seriously Dude! WTF... Are you kiddin' Me... What are you like 5... What did you think dude! You got into the Box Pass knowing you had to pass it on.... Got mine F@$K the rest of you.... As for GODOFSNUS in Box Pass: Losers Only v2.1 ... Really! After weeks someone had to call him...He is doing well but neck deep in starting his own business. F$#ck you.... Again Seriously Dude! WTF... Are you kiddin' Me... What are you like 5... What did you think dude! You got into the Box Pass knowing you had to pass it on.... Got mine F@$K the rest of you....

                To me and you all can do what you want but these 2 should be band from ever getting into another box pass ever again.... This is total disregard for the forum members here and total irrespisiblity... End rant....


                • dpete

                  Originally posted by jagmanss
                  Thank God! I was not involved....
                  Good grief Agnes, when it is that time of the month you shouldn't be posting.


                  • jagmanss
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 12213

                    Originally posted by dpete
                    Good grief Agnes, when it is that time of the month you shouldn't be posting.
                    Might be... But I speak the truth... Lone wolf, I guess...

                    So let me guess you are between 18 and 22.... Just a guess

                    I know I'm an old fart here on the forum, But I'm at least Honorable and do what i say I'm going to do and not blow smoke up everyones arse...


                    • sirloot
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 2607

                      Originally posted by jagmanss
                      Might be... But I speak the truth... Lone wolf, I guess...

                      So let me guess you are between 18 and 22.... Just a guess

                      I know I'm an old fart here on the forum, But I'm at least Honorable and do what i say I'm going to do and not blow smoke up everyones arse...
                      Troof ! realy if you in a box pass and it takes you more than 3-4 days to get it back out *barring emergency* it rubs ppl the wrong way


                      • jagmanss
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 12213

                        Originally posted by sirloot
                        Troof ! realy if you in a box pass and it takes you more than 3-4 days to get it back out *barring emergency* it rubs ppl the wrong way
                        Thank You.... It's all I'm Sayin'....


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          I'll put it this way.. The AC is out in my car and when I mailed this pass it was about 103 outside, part of the frame of my car is cracked so when I hit even small bumps it makes a god awfull noise plus the fact it is unsafe. I'm getting it fixed this week. Money was really tight but I still made it to the post office because you guys were depending on me. I would of walked to the damn post office if I had to. I think highly of you guys and when you guys intrusted me in this pass or any other pass I took it serious.


                          • dpete

                            Originally posted by jagmanss
                            Might be... But I speak the truth... Lone wolf, I guess...
                            No, in this box pass discussion you are passing misinformation. GOS has had the box for 7 days and not weeks. I phoned him to not only make sure he was personally ok but to also get it moving along and make any discussion along these lines unnecessary. I find it unfortunate that you saw a need to place a rant in this thread.

                            Originally posted by jagmanss
                            So let me guess you are between 18 and 22.... Just a guess
                            Again, you are guessing in ignorance. My age information is easily available but IIRC you are a year or two older. I was born during the very early days of the Eisenhower administration. I voted for McGovern and happily would do so again. You may be satisfied with the old fart moniker but I'm going full-out for geezer.

                            Originally posted by jagmanss
                            I know I'm an old fart here on the forum, But I'm at least Honorable and do what i say I'm going to do and not blow smoke up everyones arse...
                            Me too but I don't think the situation in this pass warranted your rant. Granted, 7 days without saying boo is a bit too long for my tastes also but as Monkey previously stated, GOS is a stand-up guy and I agree. So life just got in the way a little bit. A friend gave him a nudge and very soon things will be put to right.

                            In the first pass I was ever involved in I wondered what everyone would think of me if I keeled over before it came. My family would have no clue as to what to do with a box of snus landing on the doorstep. Then I concluded that what the hell, I'd be dead. That would be the only reason a pass would stop with me.


                            • Bigblue1
                              Banned Users
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 3923

                              so yeah the pass was in limbo for like a week. Dpete wins this argument. That being said these box passes have become testy to say the least. Jagmans was in full on rage mode and must of just piggy backed this one on the other one that was lost for 6 months. All this being said, I do believe people need to understand the brevity of a box pass situation or a trade for that matter. Granted trades have a very good success ratio and passes not so much. I myself had to bow out of a Pass, but I did so with notice and time. If the pass were to have ended up in my mailbox I still would have forwarded it along and not taken anything and ate the shipping. But I know dpete and Jagmans to be stand up guys, As I do many, many others on this forum. So I just hope that in the infamous words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along"..........


                              • austinreneau
                                • May 2011
                                • 39

                                LOL, I missed a lot. Wow.


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