Originally posted by kevinatest
Help Me Figure Out A Contest so I can....
Originally posted by kevinatestHahaha don't worry, I still got a ton left even if I give a bit away, thing is that best before date is 15th of October, though it has been in the freezer since I got it, but I just can't empty all these cans, using lös maybe once or twice a day and got around 40 cans left...
That's a great idea Roo, I'm not that close to Tallinn but I go there once in a while, so that could be the contest. We have some big sights here where I live too, so there should be no problem taking a picture, or in a worst case, take one from web and saving to my computer, that way there should be no URL left. I'll think a bit and set something up I guess. Only thing is that I'm going to use EMS (Express Global Mail Service) to send it to US, is there going to be some problems with it in customs?? If so I probably have to hold the contest between those members who live in EU..