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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793


    Ready..Set..Snus.. Canada

    One of the six people from the state/country mentioned in this thread that post something have a chance to get a gift from me. Once six people have responded I will roll the dice and the winner gets a package from me.. If after five days there are not six post I will roll for the people who did respond.. Your number will be represented by order of your post.

    That's it..


    Disclamer-- By responding to this thread you agree that you are a current adult user of tobacco. You also agree that this is just for fun and is NOT promoting the use of tobacco or any tobacco manufacturers.
  • heapbag
    • Dec 2009
    • 102

    Originally posted by ABW
    Ready..Set..Snus.. Canada

    One of the six people from the state/country mentioned in this thread that post something have a chance to get a gift from me. Once six people have responded I will roll the dice and the winner gets a package from me.. If after five days there are not six post I will roll for the people who did respond.. Your number will be represented by order of your post.

    That's it..


    Disclamer-- By responding to this thread you agree that you are a current adult user of tobacco. You also agree that this is just for fun and is NOT promoting the use of tobacco or any tobacco manufacturers.
    Are there even 6 Canadians that post on here? I hope not Hope you roll a "1"!

    And even if I don't win, I have to applaud you for the generous act.


    • Maher
      • Sep 2010
      • 242

      Originally posted by ABW
      Ready..Set..Snus.. Canada

      One of the six people from the state/country mentioned in this thread that post something have a chance to get a gift from me. Once six people have responded I will roll the dice and the winner gets a package from me.. If after five days there are not six post I will roll for the people who did respond.. Your number will be represented by order of your post.

      That's it..


      Disclamer-- By responding to this thread you agree that you are a current adult user of tobacco. You also agree that this is just for fun and is NOT promoting the use of tobacco or any tobacco manufacturers.
      Greetings from BC ... very kind of you


      • TommyGunBC
        • Sep 2010
        • 268

        Wow thanks for thinking of us Canadian snusers


        • monkeypunch
          • Feb 2011
          • 125

          Count me in. How generous of you


          • ABW
            • May 2011
            • 793

            No problem guys..

            Please forgive me for the delay but I am slammed in class right now so I will check this thread again next Monday and roll the dice. I will ship it out to the winner on Tuesday..

            One more thing.. Every time I have done this little contest the winners have always received the little gift I sent. That being said I have no idea how customs is in Canada so I can't "promise" it will make it thru. I will send it US mail in a generic box with the declaration of just Samples... I am sure it will be fine..

            Good Luck!!


            • Lobstersnuser
              • Sep 2011
              • 64

              5th Canadian. Joined forum today. Very first post. Cope snuff dipper for 20 yrs. Interested in switching to snus. Can't think of a better way to start. Thanks.


              • ABW
                • May 2011
                • 793

                Lostersnuser was the winner... PM me with mailing info....

                Again, sorry for the delay..... I will get it out when I can..(swamped in school)


                • Lobstersnuser
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 64

                  Originally posted by ABW
                  Lostersnuser was the winner... PM me with mailing info....

                  Again, sorry for the delay..... I will get it out when I can..(swamped in school)
                  Talk about livin' large! I have never posted, but been a long-time lurker of only 1 other forum. Joined Snuson to further educate a curiosity & possibly redefine my tobacco experience (very informative site with knowledgeable members). Took the plunge, bullied the keyboard past the mouse & was immediately blessed with free snus. Sincere thanks ABW, you're kind gesture has put a little grin on this Canucks face. Let that infernal customs battle begin. PM sent.


                  • crazedcanuck
                    • May 2011
                    • 30

                    6th here? Am I still in? I'll probably send you something back actually. Regardless of who wins we should do a box


                    • Maher
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 242

                      Congratulations to Lostersnuser ... enjoy


                      • ABW
                        • May 2011
                        • 793

                        Package sent... Hope it arrives... Again, sorry for the delay..


                        • Lobstersnuser
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 64

                          Originally posted by ABW
                          Package sent... Hope it arrives... Again, sorry for the delay..
                          No worries about the delay. Thanks for taking the time as it sounds like you have plenty on your plate. Will post when it arrives.


                          • Lobstersnuser
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 64

                            The Mailman Cometh

                            Package arrived in the Great White North today. Smooth voyage. Click image for larger version

Name:	33558_dtl_400x372_snusbutiken.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	21.6 KB
ID:	595973Click image for larger version

Views:	1
Size:	32.6 KB
ID:	595972 Special thanks to you ABW for giving me the opportunity to sample 2 very different and unique tasting snus, both of which I hadn't tried before. As of this time I have tried 12 different inc. these and enjoyed everyone in their own way.

                            It's paramount to relax in a big comfortable chair with a gob full of snus and slowly but purposely try to identify each and every subtle flavor. This was never the case with cigarettes or dip, which for me, merely satisfied a craving.

                            Other than preferring the pure naked tradition of lös over portions, they all warrant space in my fridge. I certainly am a fan although shopping for my next order could be mind-boggling. Reminds me of the Xmas wishbook when I was a kid. Never could make up my damn mind.

                            Also, thanks for the congrats Maher.
                            Attached Files


                            • ABW
                              • May 2011
                              • 793

                              Glad the package made it and you got to try these out!! Good luck on your confusing yet rewarding journey into the world of snus...



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