WooHoo Chad finally got lucky. Congratulations mate. Thanks LX.
send me your contact info so I can ship this out.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
OK, I got Chads award and all the snus packed up and ready to ship out tomorrow. We ended up with about 360 tins!!! Here is a copy of the letter that I enclosed with the snus for our military. Thank you to SnusDog for putting this letter together for me. And thank you to all of you that contributed to this worthy cause. PP
Dear Members of our armed forces,
First, let us introduce ourselves. We are members of an online forum called Snuson(www.snuson.com) . We share a love for Swedish Snus, Nasal snuff, and all the many freedoms that you guys are fighting to defend. For the most part we are x-smokers and x-dippers who love tobacco and have found Swedish Snus to be an amazing and much safer alternative to cigarettes or dip.
Now we know that there is no way we could ever thank you enough for all the many sacrifices that you make every day on our behalf. However, we wanted to do something however small to let you guys know how much we appreciate your service to our country. Therefore, we got together and put together a little care package full of snus for you guys to try out and enjoy.
What is snus?
Snus is a moist tobacco product which originated in the early 19th century in Sweden. It was brought over to America by the Swedish and Danish Immigrants and over time morphed into American dip (notice the names Skoal and Copenhagen). However, unlike the American dip of today, Swedish Snus maintains its traditional high standards of purity. In Sweden snus is regulated as a food product and must meet all the requirements for ingestible items. Thus one of the big differences between snus and dip is that there is no need to spit. This has made snus a very popular option for women as well as men around the world.
Another big difference between snus and American dip is the way Snus is processed. Snus is steam-pasteurized rather than fire-cured like dip. Also Snus is not fermented, contains no added sugar, and must meet Swedish purity standards with regards to any ingredient added. The result is that Snus has an extremely low carcinogen count (Cancer causing agents found in many Tobacco products especially those that involve fire, be it smoking like a cigarette or fire curing the leaf as with dip). In fact, after extensive testing there has been no link found between snus and any form of oral cancer or otherwise. For this reason Snus has become a popular alternative to smoking and traditional "chewing" tobacco. In fact, Sweden has the lowest male smoking rate in the European Union.
But health advantage is just one reason we love snus. Really the main reason is the great taste and superior quality of the product.
How to Use
First, because snus does not have all the chemical preservatives that other tobacco product have, it is best to freeze snus for long term storage or to keep it refrigerated once the can is open. However, if you do not have a refrigerator with you, your open tin will be fine (it may get a little dry after a few days but it won’t go bad) If it does dry out somewhat just add a few drops of water or coffee to the tin and let it set for a few hours. Disregard the best by dates on the tins as most of this snus has been stored in a freezer, where it will keep indefinately. Snus never really goes bad but it might dry out a little if not stored properly.
Second, Snus comes in two forms: portions (think small teabags) and loose (think dip just without the torn up gums).
In both cases the snus is placed in the upper gums (unlike dip which traditionally goes in the lower gums). This produces less saliva and thus the urge to spit. Keep in mind, snus is a food product and thus it is safe to swallow the juice. In fact, you are supposed to.
Portions are more discreet, less hassle, and are often where people start who have never used smokeless tobacco products. Pop a portion in and away you go.
Loose (Lös) snus is can be used like dip in the lower lip (pinch and go). However, it is more traditional to take a small amount compress it until it looks like a tiny loaf of bread and place it in the upper gums (thus the name for this process is called baking)
To learn more you can simply google “snus” or we warmly invite you to take a look at our site. We have a wealth of information, links, and resources that have been provided by a lot of knowledgeable folks.
Regardless, we hope you will drop by, hang out, and let us thank you for all that you are doing for our country (www.snuon.com)
In the meantime, enjoy the snus and know our thoughts and prayers are always with you.
Your Friends at snuson
Heres a photo of my girl with all the snus. Shes engaged to Brent [I'm working feverishly to steal her away from him while hes away], the person I sent this all to, who is helping to convert the men in his unit from dip to snus.
@ Snusgetter........Thanks for the help.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Ho.ly. sh∂t. That is a ton of snus. Way better than I ever did a couple years back. Way to go PP and everyone who contributed! That pile is so big I can't even spot my piddly offerings. Great letter too snusdog, really good. This forum rules.
shit! Haven't been on in awhile....... Sad I missed this. Not that I had much to contribute but would've helped out. Anyways, Good job once again guys........
@PP: If you haven't sent it off yet I can get 6 cans & a small monetary donation in the mail for you tomorrow. All fresh snus and I will take it off the exchange..... Let me know........ You should have it by friday if all goes well..... If it is dooable send me a PM with the address.......
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.