Originally posted by Snusdog
I Won At The Casino! Several Contests! As promised.
Just so happens my troublesome squatting tenants downstairs had a little GF beater. Heard them arguing when I got home so after he menaced me I called the sheriff ( because I want these turds gone!) and he had been hitting on her. So Glad he pulled his pants down in front of me and pretended to jack off plus offer to hit me in the face with a motorcycle fender but hit the wall instead. Made me call. She is glad too. I didn't realize she was in danger really. Thought he just hated me because I want him gone. He came in on his dads coat tails but Orgon law sucks. I had to pay to evict them but he got taken to jail before that and he's still there too because turns out its his second offense for assault and she's pressing charges and nobody trusts him to help bail him out. Only 21 lying thieving Shit. That's the kind of people who abuse other people. The type that end up in jail
Oops...47,500 thousand usd
Originally posted by FayloolJust so happens my troublesome squatting tenants downstairs had a little GF beater. Heard them arguing when I got home so after he menaced me I called the sheriff ( because I want these turds gone!) and he had been hitting on her. So Glad he pulled his pants down in front of me and pretended to jack off plus offer to hit me in the face with a motorcycle fender but hit the wall instead. Made me call. She is glad too. I didn't realize she was in danger really. Thought he just hated me because I want him gone. He came in on his dads coat tails but Orgon law sucks. I had to pay to evict them but he got taken to jail before that and he's still there too because turns out its his second offense for assault and she's pressing charges and nobody trusts him to help bail him out. Only 21 lying thieving Shit. That's the kind of people who abuse other people. The type that end up in jailWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Right! At this point, I just wanna know how much 2 birds cost! I never win shit so I just wanna see how much cash that is for a couple of birds. No offense PP, I'm sure it's a lot of work. I'm just really curious now about the bird business...especially being that I'm looking for a new career; -)
Originally posted by jagmanssMan! I tell you what, If PP is making that kinda cash for selling Birds... People are in the wrong business selling drugs... I'm gonna go in the bird business or just be PP's bitch.
Originally posted by jagmanssMan! I tell you what, If PP is making that kinda cash for selling Birds... People are in the wrong business selling drugs... I'm gonna go in the bird business or just be PP's bitch.
Like any business its very hard to be successfull at breeding parrots. The Hyacinth macaw is probably the hardest to get to breed and certainly the hardest to keep the babies alive. The cost of a breeding pair can vary greatly depending upon the quality of the birds and the sellers reputation. Not only do I get top price but other breeders try follow my lead. When they get their prices up close to mine I raise my prices so I can stay on top. Currently most parrot sales are way down due to the economy but the countries economic situation has no effect on Hyacinth buyers and sellers, luckily. Couple that with the fact that our government wants all Hyacinth macaws registered, owners permitted and inter state sales will be restricted unless the buyer and seller both have permits.
You are way more likely to serve a prison term if you get caught smuggleing birds from other countries than if you smuggle drugs. Sad but true, but very warranted as many smuggled birds die in transit. I sold a bird to a customs agent a while back and he said that bird smuggleing still goes on. I didn't think people did that anymore.
I had 12 pair of these Hyacinth macaws and probably 80 of the regular macaws plus about 80 African Grey parrots a few years ago. When I was diagnosed with my health problems and was told to go home and get my affairs in order. The first thing I needed to do was sell off my collection. I sold off everything and was left except the 12 pair of Hyacinth macaws. I finally realized that most of them had to go as well. I decided to keep 3 pairs. I had my pick from 12 pairs. No one gets that opportunity because hardly anyone in the world has that many and the best pairs are never for sale. After I sold off 9 pairs I finally caved and decided to sell one more pair.......the cash in the photo represents the funds I recieved from one pair of the remaining 3. I still have 2 pair left that I am keeping for the time being. So obviously that pair I sold was a great pair. Along with that the family that owns the Chicago Bears [McCasky] bought that pair. I've known them for a long time and they know I wouldn't sell them crap birds. Another hint.....I bought a pair of Hyacinths from one of the McCaskys a few years ago for about half of what I got for the pair that they recently bought from me. So you can see how the price may vary. I got top dollar for that pair. Possibly more than anyone has ever received. When I had them advertized I would get emails from other breeders that would say I could never get that much for them. I always told them that I will get that much or I won't sell them. That has actually happened quite a bit over the years. Don't tell me I can't get that much money for a bird because I will prove you wrong....it just might take a few weeks or months. But I was in no hurry to sell out, in fact I hated it. It took much of my reason for living away but is giving me more time to devote to getting my affairs in order....and putting some cash back.
Like many of you I was living pretty much month to month, never had much cash unless I had just sold some babys, then I had bills to pay. But lately, since I had to sell off most of my collection.......well you might say my financial position has done a 180 and I'm not so fearfull about how my wife will be able to support herself after I'm gone. I never intended to ever sell off most of my hys ever. But I needed to follow the Doctors orders or die sooner.
Oh and Snotty.....now is not a time to get into birds. Normally you can't survive on that income...unless you have a bunch of Hyacinths babies. But you need the breeders to make the babies. My wife and I both worked very hard all our lives. My wife and I had a preschool/daycare for over 20 years and it is still operating, I owned a construction business and had up to 16 crews for 30 years but had to quit a few years ago due to the stress. I have been breeding birds for over 30 years as a hobby. Well, I always said it was a hobby untill I totaled up how much I made from breeding. When I realized I made over 2.4 million just on the bird breeding [in 30 years] I finally realized that I actually had 2 jobs for the last 30 years [plus the preschool/daycare] and I had better have something to show for it.
On the other hand......while the Hyacinth macaw is quite expensive, most people that own them....really love them. Some of my stock I paid alot of money for and they were worth it. About 9 of the 40 or so Hyacinth macaws that have gone thru my hands were given to me free because I'm honest and the owners knew I could take good care of them. Normally no one would ever give a Hy away.
so theres a lot of hints and some info for whoever might think they can cash in on breeding birds. I'm in a very very rare postion...and I thank the Lord everyday for helping me to be the type of person that I am and for all that I've had the pleasure to experiance in life.
.......and I take great pleasure in giving a bit of snus away to my friends here at Snuson.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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