Man that sucks, sorry that happened to you. But don't worry about it too much...........someone is always giving me shit.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Thanks lxskllr, no, luckily I didn't break it. I would have been really pissed because it's already been broken and it's not the prettiest nose you've ever seen. I'm really hoping to make it through life without another break. And please, no Level. The Julesnus I took a pris of (with my icetool not my fingers!) was bad enough :P On a lighter note, I will be making the box bigger when I replace the one I received. There will be more goods both because I want to add more, and to make up for the delay
That's terrible. Very descriptive. Dude if you would have filmed it, the whole ordeal would have made Two girls One cup look like a kids show.
You could have been rich.
Thanks for not infecting the Force.
Let this be a lesson to everyone. Not everyone washes their hands. The girl at Burger King, the kid giving you change at the gas station, the last person who grabbed the door knob at the store.
YIKES! Roo that is some serrious badness there. Been there, never ever want to be there again. Happened to me travling through Holland a few years back. Yeah...take your time getting better. Let the force chill for a few days. I'm right behind PP and I say take all the time you need too in order to #1 feel better, #2 send the force on.
UPDATE: thanks for the well-wishes from everyone. I am feeling 75%. I only went in to work today for an hour, partly because I'm still recovering, and partly to avoid passing on this nightmare to my coworkers. Just went in to bang out some necessary work. My current plan is this: go to work tomorrow, visit the post office a block away, by a brand new box to contain the Force, sacrifice a piece of Tupperware to add some more freebies. I've even found my whiskey legs today, so I'm back on track and kinda drunk. Having said that, I will carelessly admit I was ever so slightly disappointed in the selection that finally came to me as part of the "exchange" box. There's much more in there, but I only found one can I hadn't had ina while and was glad to except. I know that's the rule on this pass, take one leave one, but I feel that for all the work baker put into it, there at least needs to be more freebies that are sealed and ready to plunder. Not at all to be critical of the wonder that in the Force. It's amazing. So as I said earlier, I will be adding more. Fresh, new, gastroentritis-free box with sanitized contents. I will be including something special for you PP, that actually has a bit of sentimental value, in part because I busted on your wife do hard. But mostly because I like you. I will also be including a special stash for Baker. So if something does not have your name on it, don't take it! I plan on sending the Force out on Thursday. There will also be goodies for the taking by everyone. Alan, I'm about to try your special Tennessee mix momentarily. With chopsticks, not fingers. Baker, from your previous post I take you to be a bit of a germaphobe. Rest assured, this wonderful thing will leave me in cleaner, better shape than I found it. Sorry for the delay. I hope you all understand. Thursday it is, any objections? First of all I need to go buy a new box tomorrow, then clean the hell out of it, and pass it on. Should be fun riding my 50cc scooter down a 50mph freeway (at 43mph max) with the Force secured between my feet. It will be a journey. I might even try to capture the Force on camera with a nice view of this beautiful city to chronical its adventures. Either way, it's coming. Obie-Wan-Offroady, expect it by monday at the latest. You guys are great. Thanks for your understanding. ~HR
Hey Roo, glad you're feeling better, hope your excursion is enjoyable. Take bottled water :lol:
Thanks for your kind PM, let me know and I will fix up a "care package" for you (to help in your recovery). I have 2 blends for you to try (one with moonshine)
May The Force follow you on your journey thru life.
Thanks asnider! Moonshine blend sounds like something very special. The remaining clan is in for a real treat with alan's special blend. It's damn near better than snus... I am all better and have just finished packing up the Force. It now has 60% more sealed snus, a seperate exchange collection. Wanted baker to end up with way more than he put in. It is only half-way through its journey so I could see it being twice the size when it gets back to Ohio. The Force will be traveling between my feet on my scooter to work with me tomorrow, Illinois bound, and feces-free.
The Force made it to work on highway 99 into downtown Seattle, barely. It was only a 12 minute ride but it was treacherous. I was fearing disaster the whole way...
The Force is about 16x16x10 inches and awfully boxy in shape :wink:
I drive one of these:
I wish I had the right cable here at work to post a pic I took with my phone. It was way too big to fit anywhere on this thing so I stood it upright. It's wider than the baseboard, hanging off the edge on both sides. There was no room for my feet so I pretty much wrapped my legs around it like it was PP's head and hung on for dear life!