henry woo the 3rd, new snus. coming in '10.
2.0 Box Pass-The rise of the snus clan.
Originally posted by zmanzeroclan, i propose we have a sacred oath. that nothing will evaporate the trust that we place in each other with The Force. that honor is above all in this, that we are committed.
*hmmm... i guess that don't sound too bad.*
may I edit that quote to..........
clan, i propose we have a sacred oath. that nothing will evaporate the trust that we place in each other with The Force. that honor is above all in this, that we shall be committed to an institution that will provide proper care.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Ok, so I finally got around to reading all of the first box pass thread! Was unaware of the sadness and tension surrounding the sudden lack of updates as to the box, and whether the box might have suffered a fate associated with large east coast cities, homosexual rape, cooties, liberal voting, or dancing with snakes, ECT.
This explains the sudden call for Clan oaths and reaffirmation of faith in the snus brotherhood, this I now understand, but who put in the freakin Granit? I know that Sage is now secretly raising a new shrine in its honor, but really, he's the only one that would fall for that! I expect at least one can of level, just to piss me off!
But in honor of the pass, and the fact that I am last on the list, I planted the tobacco seeds yesterday, and plan to harvest and grind, ferment, and bake said snus, by the time the box gets here. Should be plenty of time! And should a miracle occur, or the US Mail starts functioning (pick only one), and the box arrives too soon (remember, pick only one), I shall lean towards my lonely often misunderstood avatar for guidance as to what mortaly produced snus could be worthy of such an inclusion!
Luke Nordstrommen.wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Heck, if Sage hadn't snagged the Granit, then I probably would have. I'm just glad I got to try the Swedish Camel and Elixyr. Two cans i never would have tried if it hadn't been for Box.
If there is some trickery afoot with Box, all I can say is that I'm glad it waited until the end. Everybody got to enjoy the wonders of Box. Except, of course ddanb, who poured his heart and soul into the endeavor to ensure that all involved had an exciting adventure!
I eagerly await the arrival of The Force...I can't wait to see the wondrous magic that the great Master Roda has bestowed upon us all! I believe that all who have answered the call to join the passing of The Force, will prove that good shall triumph over evil, and hopefully restore ddandb's faith in humanity.
I move that we make ddandb an honorary member of The Clan. If I can get Master Roda's permission, maybe The Force can make a small detour before it reaches the end of its journey.
Darth Pall Mall
Originally posted by Badfish74I move that we make ddandb an honorary member of The Clan. If I can get Master Roda's permission, maybe The Force can make a small detour before it reaches the end of its journey.
Darth Pall Mall
Originally posted by RooOriginally posted by Badfish74I move that we make ddandb an honorary member of The Clan. If I can get Master Roda's permission, maybe The Force can make a small detour before it reaches the end of its journey.
Darth Pall Mall