3.0 The Box Pass From Hell!!!!!!
Sage, Sage, Sage...
I was sitting by the computer surfing the web today, and smelled something a little funky. I haven't had the septic tank pumped in awhile, so I took a look out back to make sure everything was ok. All was well out back, so I followed my nose to the source. Around the side of the house, up to the front porch, and there it was, the Reaper :^( THAT'S where the smell was coming from.
There were some special precautions taken to keep postal workers, and random innocents safe from the odious contents, but SOMEONE left a seal cracked, and it stunk up the air around my house :^S
Rest assured Chad, I'LL be making sure you won't have uncomfortable explaining to do to your mailman ;^)
Anyway, I tried some Level to refresh my memory. I could say it's much better than when I had it a couple of years ago, but then I could also say I'm Santa Claus, and would be just as close to the truth :^D
It starts off terrible... Very bitter, and kind of sour. It's quite earthy(like loam), and hard to keep in tbh. If you tough it out, and get past the initial full flavor, it mellows into something tolerable. This is one of the few(only?) times you might want to take a used snus out of the ashtray, in preference to a new one out of the tin :^D I can honestly say it's not the worst snus I've had, but that's not much of an honor. You could also say Pol Pot wasn't the worst dictator we've ever had :^D
It won't be long and I get my revenge.......hee...hee........hee......Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.