3.0 The Box Pass From Hell!!!!!!

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    So, has he read the messages? This is all rather dumb. I mean, he was free to take all he wanted, just expected to pass the box.


    • Veganpunk
      • Jun 2009
      • 5381

      He pm'ed me. He was in the hospital for awhile. BFH and a few personal items were stolen from his car while he was in there.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Interesting. I'm curious. I'm forgiving too, usually, depending.


        • Veganpunk
          • Jun 2009
          • 5381

          I edited the above post for a short version since he's offline now.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            Well, I think we all know stuff can happen. I think we just wanted an answer, and no answer leads people to think the worst(theft). People get sick, they fall over and die, have accidents, family emergencies, stuff stolen. It's the not knowing that leads one to guess and wonder.

            Oh, I hope he's OK.


            • Veganpunk
              • Jun 2009
              • 5381

              Exactly. Also the previous issue with snusinusa has a lot of us jumping to conclusions. He wrote a very long in depth pm describing everything, and I'll post it if I get his permission, or better yet, let him explain what happened to all of you guys.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                BFH was STOLEN? Oh no.....some poor soul has NO idea what they just took.


                • Veganpunk
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 5381

                  Originally posted by chadizzy1
                  BFH was STOLEN? Oh no.....some poor soul has NO idea what they just took.
                  lol, that's what I was thinking. I hope they choke on the homemade Level. :twisted:


                  • MisterSpaghetti
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 54

                    Hello, all.

                    First, let me say how sorry I am that this happened. More, I'm sorry I haven't really had the ability to come here and explain myself; I've been away from a computer for some time and to be entirely truthful, the box has been the furthest thing from my mind up until this past weekend.

                    Here's the skinny:

                    I had the box in my car, sealed, with the postage already affixed (through USPS shipping online) ready to go to the post office the next day. I put it in my car so I would remember to take it. I'm pretty forgetful sometimes. In the middle of the night the day I was supposed to return the box via the postal service, around 3 a.m., I woke up not feeling good. My stomach was in knots and my pulse was really strong. Then I began to feel a tightening feeling creeping around my left shoulder and decided I better not screw around. I downed 2 aspirin and drove myself to the closest hospital. They decided I was having a heart attack, so they put me on a gurney and hooked me up to an IV which had some clot killing agents in it. I later found out that they do this at hospitals that aren't really equipped for cardiac emergencies in the hope that they can clear the clot. What it does, though, is thin your blood to dangerous levels and triples your recuperation time. It didn't work, and they had to airlift me by helicopter (I'm waiting on the $4,000 bill for this) to the nearest trauma center, which is about 60 miles away. There they prepped me for surgery and inserted a stent through my leg. It was all really pretty painless and I tried to remain very calm, even calling and joking to my wife hoping I could calm her down some.

                    I felt great the next day, but I wouldn't leave the hospital for a week because of the anti-clot meds I had in me. I had to lie flat on my back for 4 days with a catheter in my leg (very uncomfortable) waiting for the blood thinners to wear off before they could remove the catheter. I won't go into how painful this was. It was easily the worst pain I ever experienced in my life. It was so bad, I was delusional.

                    After they let me leave, I was on bed rest for about another week with light exercise. It was this past Sunday when my wife reminded me my car was still at the hospital and we drove to get it, only to find the box, my portable MP3 player and my cell phone missing. In my haste to get to the hospital and get treated, I left my door unlocked (duh). I reported the other things missing to the police and filed a report, but left out the details on the box. I don't really know the legalities surrounding it and didn't want to get anyone in trouble or, worse, cause problems for sunson.com, its members or shut down future box passes.

                    So that's it in a nutshell. I'm feeling fine, great actually, and am back to work today (yay! finally out of the damn house).

                    When I saw the posts here, I did wonder though, why anyone would think that someone would want to make off with that box. It was pretty gnarly. :-)

                    Thanks to all, and again my apologies!


                    • mlkramer
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 393

                      Well, Most important thing is that your healing up! Secondly, I truly now hope Box From Hell truly lives up to it's name and puts a serious curse on whomever was a Jackass enough to steal it from a hospital parking lot. My Mom spent nearly a year in the hospital which brings it's own stress, and anyone with the ability to prey on peoples stress and illnesses to steal from a hospital parking lot deserves all the wrath that Hell has to offer.

                      I would have liked however to seen that persons face when they opened the box. Perhaps the smell alone put them on the ground and made them see the light.

                      Anyway, take care of yourself and thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery!


                      • daruckis
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2277

                        Originally posted by daruckis
                        im still doubting misterspaghetti took the box and ran. i mean honestly, i feel like i took anything that was any good from that box. i mean there was still over 30 some odd cans in it, but i dunno. it was mostly crap. and unlike snusinusa, he hasnt read his messages.

                        i was pullin for ya.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          MrSpaghetti, I wish you future well health. I kept thinking something must have happened, as there was no reason to steal the box, and then never be able to post here again. I am glad you are good, and everything went well. A heart attack is something I would not want, and something I think about, and sometimes feel like I might be having. Keep that in mind if I leave a trader or exchange hanging and don't post in a while.

                          Welcome back!


                          • Veganpunk
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 5381

                            Yes, Welcome to Snuson Mr. S.........again! :wink:


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              I'm glad you're alright MrS. I would like to extend my apologies for thinking negative thoughts about you, and wish you all the best for the future :^)


                              • texasmade
                                • Jan 2009
                                • 4159

                                welcome back Mr.S glad your ok and that you aren't a snusinusa


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