Hope everyone has fun!
4.0 Box Pass, Snort & Spit - The Adventure Begins!!!
At 11:00 AM this morning, a box containing Windex, Peanut Butter and many other things that are not discussed in polite company was sent to bakerbarber in Ohio. Thus begins the saga of Snort & Spit!
From time to time, participants and interested observers in this great adventure are asked to post their comments to this thread.
So for now, "Let the Adventure Begin!!!"If you have any problems with my posts or signature
I'm gonna ask again because I'm still not sure. Are we shipping in the order that we signed up, or are we shipping to whoever's closest? I plotted a map if we want to do it by location, otherwise we can do it however you want wa3zrm. It's your Snort & Spit. I'm gonna try and embed this. If it doesn't work, here's the link.
<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH&daddr=MI+to:AZ +to:TX+to:AR+to:KY+to:NJ+to:NY+to:MA+to:PA&hl=en&am p;geocode=&mra=ls&sll=40.20405,-74.981689&sspn=3.624658,7.547607&ie=UTF8&ll =39.368279,-96.767578&spn=32.459336,56.25&z=4&output=em bed"></iframe>
View Larger Map
Originally posted by MullolleyI'm gonna ask again because I'm still not sure. Are we shipping in the order that we signed up, or are we shipping to whoever's closest?If you have any problems with my posts or signature
It's exciting...like Christmas in September...makes someone all giddy inside.
We used to do cigar passes like this...got excited each time...
Windex, peanut butter and if this ends up going anywhere near San Fran, there is a restaurant there called The Stinky Rose...put in some garlic flavored condoms for me
Originally posted by paulwall9Good lord cigars are way more expensive!!!!
I'ld like to find some snus like that...stuff the big resellers aren't putting online...but I figure I had better refine my taste before I start that hunt...*laugh*