After smelling a few and trying two of them out that i felt confident in recognizing the smell and pouch, i realized i still probably am way off.. I mean, the first two i have tried i THINK i know.. But i definitly expect to see a big fat 0/2 on the scoreboard at the next update :wink: I will keep trying these one by one.. Anyone else finding it tough to taste more than a few in a row?? Love my vitamin N but these regular portions can get me!! I am finding i reach more and more for the white portions in my stash... That or the strong minis like thunder mini mint and taboca strong mini...(work in the pharmacy dictates much of this)
Either way, damn good job getting 6/10 darukis!! IMPRESSIVE.
Sorry for the slow response guys, with full time work, full time school, and now a full time girlfriend with some little ones, i have less time to sit and contemplate snus! (dont think this doesnt mean i am not loving the on the fly goodness that snus allows me) But i will get them in as quick as i can.. I need to hurry and get these done though as i just dropped almost 200 bucks on a snus order after my bonus at work and wanna start more adventures with my beloved snus!!
I'm finishing off my this morning. I'm tried of having this evil envelope looming in my subconsciousness. :wink: All these regulars are messing me up, I tend to stick to whites.
I'm on my last one now, and it just dawned on me. (After doing these 8 and OD'ing on nicotine) that the rat bastard didn't say anything about sterks. I swear he said no sterks somewhere. But all I can find is no mini's and maxis. My mindset while doing this didn't even consider sterks until now...............................on my last one..............................oh well. I think I need to go lay down. ops:
I'm on my last one now, and it just dawned on me. (After doing these 8 and OD'ing on nicotine) that the rat bastard didn't say anything about sterks. I swear he said no sterks somewhere. But all I can find is no mini's and maxis. My mindset while doing this didn't even consider sterks until now...............................on my last one..............................oh well. I think I need to go lay down. ops:
Sterk? I absolutely did not say there would be no sterks. I think I might
have said mostly sterks ... not no sterks. (kidding only)
All I ever said about the selection process was nothing off the wall,
nothing no one has ever heard of, and must be in current production.
The WTF? is the only item I now think may be a tad off-the-wall.
But hey, it's a bonus question and doesn't count against you if wrong.
sweet im stoked im still in the lead. i dont have the internet at my new house yet, so im at the library. i expected to log on and see someone taking over the contest. awesome.
In this thread I am going to finalize my rankings and evaluations of the V2 Test Samples I reviewed. They are all excellent snuses (except banana). Although...