I don't think I would have done well. But some snus I think I could tell. General, Offroad, Odens, GR2, Claq Cui.... I don't think I could tell the difference between a Grov, Ettan, Camel, Lucky Strike original portions.
Box Pass Challenge *SCORECARD*
Well that's it folks!
All Hail the Grand Poobah of Snusdom .....
the one,..............
the only ............
(drum roll ..... )
Congratulations to all and thanks for playing.
I'll post the actual snus list used on the challenge in another as I would
like to invite comments. I won't list individual choices as that would be
just mean!!!!
Bat :twisted:
Congrats D. That was way harder then it looks. I saw the answers, and if I was an outsider I would have been thinking I would have smoked you guys. Anybody else who thinks that should go do Chad's challenge. Thanks again Bat for hosting this contest. (and not putting up our guesses by our names.ops: )