Originally posted by Wintergreen
Chad's Noob "Box Pass"
Originally posted by chadizzy1
And I can't reveal the contents, but there IS wintergreen in there
I am excited can y'all tell, haha.
Yeah, I'm still sitting around 55 cans, I may throw in a few more after my "big" order comes in on Monday to make more room. I'll be shipping out the box on Monday.
I have most of your addresses, if you haven't sent it yet, please PM it to me.
Same rules apply, address list will be in the box, take what you want, and some of you said you want to add some - that's cool, rebox it, and ship it to the next person down the line. I'm starting with a good size box, so no worries about space or having to buy a bigger box (as the last few of our passes have trended toward).
Box pass is now closed, and we ended up with 10 names - woohoo!