Noob Box II - The Legend of Chad

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    Noob Box II - The Legend of Chad

    Noob Box is meant for broadening your tastes. Participants are not required to replace what they take here. If you feel like adding to the variety than go for it.

    Ten people sign up and the box of snus travels to each destination. This box will not return to me ever. This is a box pass for snus users to try new things. Weather you are brand new to snus or have been using it for years this is a nice way to sample. There is no control over the types of snus in the box and the selection will perpetually change

    New snus users are encouraged to participate for a free sampling of many different snus. There is a healthy selection of flavored, non flavored, sterk snus here. Some are minis, some regular portion, some white portion. Since this is a community effort there may be some cans at or around their date. There are various comments on this. Search the site for answers. Feel free to steward this for the benefit of the next person.

    Send me your address and the first ten are in. I'll create a route for this and the last person on the list should continue the pass in a similar fashion. Sample away and do the right thing for the next person.

    The box is ready to go with more than two dozen cans of snus. Let's see if we can get this box moving soon.


    The Legend of Chad

    On a cold winter day in central Arkansas there was something different in the wind. The air was crisp and clean. The trees shimmered in the sun as the dawn of a special day had arrived. The royal blue sky was peppered with puffy white clouds and Chad Jones reached for a portion of snus.

    In the late morning as the sun rose high in the sky the winds changed. There was a flash and then a presence. A presence that was kind and powerful. Chad reached into his cold-storage facility and brought out his cache of snus almost as if guided by a higher power. The snus gods gave a nod that day and it was then Chad knew what he had to do.

    A fine selection of was prepared as the warm glow of Swedish snus washed over Chad. Share snus…that was the mission. Expand the wonder of this fine product to more people…as many as you can. Shout SNUS! from the rooftops and spread the knowledge that there is a wide and diverse world of tobacco out there.

    Chad prepared this offering to the snus community without any motive of personal gain, in fact Chad gave this as a gift. A gift of experience for those who follow. A gift of exploration for those that adventure. A gift of relief for those that struggle. A gift of love for those that also love.

    Please find this snus for you to explore. If there’s something that you love, take a can. If there’s something that you’d like to try take a can. If you’d like to try a portion go ahead, take one. Take a few. You may have as much of this snus as you’d like. If you also feel that the snus gods are smiling on you feel free to add to the collection so that the snus experience is shared to many and the legend of Chad lives on.
  • Christi
    • Dec 2009
    • 2104

    That, my snus friend, is awesome. Great story, it added much flare!


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      So far there's 4

      6 more to go


      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        Up to six. I'll be sending the box out tomorrow. If you've PMed me your address you're in.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          Still waiting on two more addys

          I'll give it 'till Monday I guess.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            Shipping it out today.

            F. Bandersnatch


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528



              • lawofficegirl
                Banned Users
                • Mar 2010
                • 293

                got it today. i'm psyched. i can't wait to get home.


                • f. bandersnatch
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 725

                  Is this box pass dead? I've got a couple cans on the exchange I wouldn't mind throwing a couple ion a box and mailing it out, if anyone on the list is still interested/alive. Roll call, please.


                  • /dev/null
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 38

                    I guess Lawofficegirl forgot the "pass" part of "box pass". :wink:


                    • f. bandersnatch
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 725

                      I think the remaining interested parties should just join in the 10.0 expanding box pass.


                      • lawofficegirl
                        Banned Users
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 293

                        nah, lawofficegirl lost her job and was carless until last week, it went out and should be arriving at f bandersnatche's tomorrow.


                        sorry guys, i hit a very bad spot , with the whole losing the job thing and being carless (which i had been carless since 2/10) however i was going to mail it from the office then lost the job and no way to get to the po. again a million apologies. let me know once you get it F.


                        • f. bandersnatch
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 725

                          LOG-Good to hear from you. I am sorry to hear about the hard times. Hope things get better for you soon.

                          And don't sweat the pass, its just nice to know what is going on.

                          P.S. Your name is awesome in acronym form.


                          • lawofficegirl
                            Banned Users
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 293

                            oh. well, things are looking so so thus far, i thought id be able to go back to work at my office, but starting to wonder, got rent money for about 3 more months and utilities but that's about it, luckily i bought 2 cars and have no payments so i should be able to find some sort of employment w/in that period of time anyway. box pass moving along, i havent' tracked it yet but thats the number. thanks for the well wishes.



                            ps. never thought of it.


                            • f. bandersnatch
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 725

                              Got the box today. It has quite a lot of snus in it. Not a whole lot of types I am into, but plenty to test out.

                              I will probably just add a few cans and mail it out tomorrow or Monday. Not a lot of pure tobacco or loose in there, so I will make sure and add something in that vein.

                              It is nice to try out some of this stuff though, as it is stuff I would never have considered ordering, and it is nice to satisfy ones curiosity at the price of postage.

                              And what the hell are these stonewall dissolvables? Anyone?


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