What other one? Lolz i left the onyx
Noob Box Pass III
Originally posted by EricHill78Wow definetely moving smoothly.. i woulda mailed it sooner on my side but wasnt feelin good last Saturday
OK I got the box today.
I feel like there were like 50% open cans so I threw some Old viking and some thunder in there but whatever I got to try a bunch of new stuff which is whats this is all about anyway. So don't take this a complaining cause none is intended. Thanks everyone who participated.
Ill be sending it out tomorrow. Ill update when i have the tracking info.
Oh yea there is still some lucky whites, gots gul los and the new marlboros in there for you guys to try. I dont see anything special about the LS white and Ive yet to try the marlboro so no comment.