Spain, anyone?

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  • TBonehawk

    Spain, anyone?

    I'm planning to be in Spain this coming Fall, and I am wondering if any of you have ordered snus (from buysnus, for example) from Spain. I wonder about customs duties and such there. With all the bureaucracy, I'm kind of worried about getting snus delivered. Any problems?
  • phish
    • Jan 2007
    • 265

    Hmmm...I haven't heard anything about spain and snus. In fact I don't think I've even seen anyone on the board from spain


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      I don't imagine it will be a problem. Finland seems the only weird exception in the EU with odd rules about such things.


      • TBonehawk

        Spain: no problem

        Deliveries arrive to Spain no problem!

        No taxes, no funny stuff. Although, I don't know what they do when you're not at home since it wouldn't have fit in my mail slot. I was always home when the delivery came. I just had to buzz the letter carrier in, and she brought it right to my door!

        I ordered a roll from months ago, and a couple of loose cans from Northerner a few weeks ago. Both times shipped with regular Swedish Post. Both times it arrived in 3-4 days. It's cheaper to use BuySnus for rolls, and Northerner for just a few cans, but prices are much higher in Europe compared to the US - even without the crap exchange rate!


        • mwood72

          Does anyone know how Spanish customs react to Snus if you take a holiday there and take some with you?

          When I went there a couple of years ago I remember cigarettes were very cheap and everyone seemed to be smoking. I remember looking around a cigarette supermarket and being offered a Marlboro shirt if I bought some Marlboros!

          I chickened out of taking my Snus with me that time and ended up smoking Luckys all the time I was there


          • captncaveman
            • Jul 2008
            • 924

            For customs you are allowed a limit in grams of tobacco. I have no clue how many grams, i was able to get 3 cartons of cigs threw just fine.


            • holnrew
              • Jul 2008
              • 613

              It should be fine, but be prepared for the EU prices!


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                I will be on vacation in Spain in february (on the Canary-Islands that geographically belong to Africa and have some kind of late-spring-weather all year long). Well, I'll just pack some snus-cans and see if I get problems with customs. By law, snus is free for use and free of import-restrictions in Spain (just like in the rest of the EU, it's just not free for sale), but I don't know what a customs-officer might think, who sees the stuff for the first time.

                If everything goes wrong, I'll just smoke the damn-cheap Spanish cigarettes for a week. I'm kinda religious nowadays about non-smoking, but after 30 years of casual smoking, 20 years of regular smoking and at least 10 years of chainsmoking, I'm not too concerned about the whole thing.



                • holnrew
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 613

                  8) I went to Tenerife a few years ago around this time of year, lovely weather. Have a good time!


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Thank you!


                    • TBonehawk

                      You should be able to bring in snus no problem. I came in with about 10 tins and nothing happened. If you run out of snus while here, you can always get Makla Ifrikia (loose Belgian snus) for €1.20. Most tobacconists sell it, but I have found a few that don't. If you go to El Corte Inglés you should find it without issue. It is called "tabaco de mascar" (literally 'chewing tobacco'). You can read about Makla in a couple of other threads. The smell is pretty nasty, and it's quite strong, but you get used to it. I'll be here one month more, and I'm running out of snus. I don't really want to pay the high taxes and fees again, so I'll be sticking to Makla til I get back to the US.


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