Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
The best snus deal is SnusOn's VIP if they offer snus you like. $2 per can including shipping. Otherwise place large orders to offset shipping charges.
The best snus deal is SnusOn's VIP if they offer snus you like. $2 per can including shipping. Otherwise place large orders to offset shipping charges.
hey HEY!! I'm trying to sell some snus here damit.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I usually check out a few websites and add exactly what I want to the cart in each, then check out their shipping rates. I went with snuscentral last time, their shipping was $30, but I usually try to order enough to keep my total per can under $3, including shipping and taxes. That usually means I have to order quite a bit, but my wife hasn't complained about me taking up space in the freezer as long as I'm not stepping out on the patio to smoke every 20 minutes ;-)
Yeah, But what was the tobacco tax for that order?
Ahhhhh! This is just what I came to gripe about... I just went to make my first order on Northerner since the PACT act. (I'd been ordering solely from BuySnus to fill my Skruf void, but now I've Skruf'd myself out.) I was comparing the price of my order (1 roll of 02, and 2 rolls of Nick and Johnny Strong White.) While shipping from Northerner was only $14.77, the frigging tobacco tax was $52.90 on THREE ROLLS...
Screw Northerner... I'll take my chances with the tax man and stick with BuySnus. Shipping may be ten bucks more, but it somehow takes Northerner just as long to ship from PA to WNY as it does for BuySnus to come from Sweden, and I can still enjoy my Skruf when need be.
Ahhhhh! This is just what I came to gripe about... I just went to make my first order on Northerner since the PACT act. (I'd been ordering solely from BuySnus to fill my Skruf void, but now I've Skruf'd myself out.) I was comparing the price of my order (1 roll of 02, and 2 rolls of Nick and Johnny Strong White.) While shipping from Northerner was only $14.77, the frigging tobacco tax was $52.90 on THREE ROLLS...
Screw Northerner... I'll take my chances with the tax man and stick with BuySnus. Shipping may be ten bucks more, but it somehow takes Northerner just as long to ship from PA to WNY as it does for BuySnus to come from Sweden, and I can still enjoy my Skruf when need be.
Phew... I feel a little better now.
I never paid my UPS bill. I wonder if they're going to come after me.