Snusjet is back, but..

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  • Randall
    • May 2010
    • 753

    Snusjet is back, but..

    snusjet is back, but not selling to the US. Sucks!
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    Well that was a let down! I think I only ever ordered there once.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I ordered when they were dumping stock pre-PACT. I got a stockpile dirt cheap, and the service was good. I think for a reliable USA supplier, it's gonna be Northerner. Buysnus et al are fine companies, but I have my doubts about them for the not too distant future :^/


      • Mykislt
        • Sep 2010
        • 677

        don't worry, they don't have much of a selection


        • whalen
          • May 2009
          • 6593

          I still have hundreds of cans from the Snusjet pre Pact dump, that was the best score ever! They were great to deal with and I am sorry to see they are not shipping to the USA. I have boycotted Buysnus and Northener so far. I do not like what has transpired, although I give them credit for their efforts, just rubs me the wrong way all the cost increases, not so much the tax or shipping. Just not the same, and I have just today opened my last can of Lucky's, sad.
          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


          • saffron
            New Member
            • Feb 2011
            • 12

            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
            I ordered when they were dumping stock pre-PACT. I got a stockpile dirt cheap, and the service was good. I think for a reliable USA supplier, it's gonna be Northerner. Buysnus et al are fine companies, but I have my doubts about them for the not too distant future :^/
            Just curious why lxskllr. I have been a long term buysnus customer, will no longer use Northerner for personal reasons I would never post about. Why the pessimism about Buysnus?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by saffron View Post
              Just curious why lxskllr. I have been a long term buysnus customer, will no longer use Northerner for personal reasons I would never post about. Why the pessimism about Buysnus?
              I consider foreign companies a loophole, that are likely to get shutdown in the not too distant future. I've compared it to knowing a guy down the street that sells weed. That may work fine right now, but tomorrow is a whole different story. The cops could roll in, and that'll be it for the guy down the street.

              Take it for what it's worth; I've been called an alarmist. I was called an alarmist when I was getting uptight over PACT also. I think that's been proven a real disaster. Worse for some people than others but no good for anyone, and I'm not convinced it's been implemented to it's fullest yet.

              Like I said, Buysnus is a fine company; take advantage while you can if they work for you. These are the new good old days :^)


              • saffron
                New Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 12

                Since Buysnus is in Sweden, can't see them getting shut down. Only thing that maybe could happen is gov tightens up and makes PACT II worse. But until then, don't see much of an issue.

                Reality, I am like a few others I have read today, worried that I won't be able to afford snus soon. When what is in the freezer is gone, no money to buy more until I find a %$#& job.

                Hope I am still able to care when it comes to that. I would buy from Northerner if I had too. Just prefer not to.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by saffron View Post
                  Since Buysnus is in Sweden, can't see them getting shut down. Only thing that maybe could happen is gov tightens up and makes PACT II worse. But until then, don't see much of an issue.
                  The thing about that is all the government has to due is put them on a do not ship list. That's easy enough to implement, and it could be done tomorrow. Untaxed snus aids the terrorists ya know ;^)

                  Maybe it'll never happen, who knows? I'm generally pessimistic as far as tobacco goes though. Like I said, enjoy it while you can. Competition is good for consumers, and I hope the market can stay competitive.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                    The thing about that is all the government has to due is put them on a do not ship list. That's easy enough to implement, and it could be done tomorrow. Untaxed snus aids the terrorists ya know ;^)

                    Maybe it'll never happen, who knows? I'm generally pessimistic as far as tobacco goes though. Like I said, enjoy it while you can. Competition is good for consumers, and I hope the market can stay competitive.
                    Unfortunately, I think you are right about this. It would be nothing for our government to put a stop to these shipments. The only reason they probably haven't already is that there is not enough snus being shipped here to make it an issue. Northerner is the only US based supplier of snus and we need to vote with our dollars. The more demand Northerner has, the better the odds will be that companies will start registering with the FDA to sell their products here.


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