The best E-Store?

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  • Snus Boost
    • Jan 2011
    • 640

    The best E-Store?

    I am trying to figure out where I should start buying snus. I have been ordering through Northerner. Don't get me wrong the service has been great and I am getting my snus in 2 days for 15 bucks shipping but the selection is pretty limited. If I have only been snusing for 7 weeks and I am thinking it's limited I know after 6 months I'll be sick of it. I know that it's very possible that I will try everything else and realize that all I want Northerner carries. For now however I am tired of seeing posts about how great this snus or that snus is and I can't get it.
    I can't even order Thunder Coola through their U.S. warehouse and they carry a lot of Thunder. I compared my last order to Snus Central and even though shipping was 30 instead of 15 Snus Central was only 1.50 more. So basically I am asking what stores you guys recommend. I am looking for a broader selection and obviously good service. Not paying a fortune would be nice to. I have seen some stores that advertise "the best prices online" and A 31 dollar roll is 58. Thanks for your help
    P.S. I have noticed that except for Thunder everything I get is within a month of the best by date. Is this common or would I get product that is a little more fresh somewhere else. If so could you let me know where?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    You pretty much have Northerner and Buysnus. Virtually all the other stores are owned by one or the other. You might want to try SnusCentral. They're affiliated with Buynus, and give a discount for the first order. If you go that route, make the most of it. You'll get raped on shipping, so big orders rule. Get rolls of stuff you like, and singles(at least) of everything you think you might want to try, even if you don't necessarily want it now.

    As far as freshness goes, I never noticed a difference between vendors, but I never realy looked either. It just hasn't been something I've cared about.


    • brant
      • Jul 2010
      • 108

      I think all the eStores have their own merits - but one thing I will note, getting nearly expired snus is something to complain about. It's even worse if you walk into a brick and mortar - they will sell expired snus. Happens. But, freshness is something to judge an eStore on, for sure, as well as missing snus, missing orders, length of ship time, etc.

      When I order, my cans usually have 3 - 4 months or more left until their expire date. From Northerner, was either that month I ordered or within 1 month.

      I have used Northerner before, on multiple occasions, and is why I don't use them now (read what you want from that - their wins and losses have been covered elsewhere, and it is a choice folks make in the end to go or not go with one eStore over another). I do think you will find, even though there are many varieties of snus, if you are happy with what you get from Northerner - you will be sticking with them in the long run. My point here is that I have tried as much of a variety as possible - and found I am down to only 6 or 7 I can justify spending money for or favor over all the rest - and if Northerner provides those brands for you, you are all set.

      Shipping costs hurt everyone, and taxes applied can be high too - so, like most, I reserve my orders for rolls and do big batches every 3-6 months or so - and when it comes to bulk orders, most cost savings between the stores will show where the true savings reside.

      I hope that helps.


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