Snus Email List

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  • Kerprodo
    • Apr 2008
    • 138

    Snus Email List

    Do either BuySnus or Northerner have any type of mailing list set up? Poked around on both sites but haven't seen anything to sign up for. I have ordered from both BTW.
  • PrisMaster
    • May 2007
    • 208

    I occasionally get emails from buysnus and I think Northerner to. Buysnus is more often. Maybe like 2 a month from buysnus. Usually whenever something new comes out or something is heading out for good. I cant remember how I got on the list, but its there.


    • Tony
      • Jan 2008
      • 61

      I get emails from buysnus, I think only because I order through them. I also get emails from Swedish Match because I registered. They send really good deals but there shipping prices make it not worth it. No idea for northerner.


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        I get mail from both Northerner & BuySnus. Unless I've missed it, Northerner doesn't have a login feature, but they do ask you for an email address during the order confirmation process. At BuySnus, you can login when you visit with a user name and password.


        • Kerprodo
          • Apr 2008
          • 138

          I think it must take awhile for them to update the lists afteer you register and order, I have received the last two buysnus updates (Phantom and Mocca+). Never was a huge deal, usually look around buysnus/northerner thinking about ordering snus at least once a week anyway.


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