Snus Central vs Premiumsnus

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  • dpete

    Originally posted by sirloot
    Order Arrived faster than expected .. didnt realy expect it to ship out till monday .. it shipped friday and came today .. nice!
    Got to say SnusCentral shipping is slick. Placed my order Thursday night Pacific time so it would be there to be filled Friday morning. Order shipped Friday, watched it travel and knew I'd get it on time when it flew into Oakland Sunday night. This was my 3rd order and have never had a problem. With the addition of Annika (very helpful lady she is) I don't foresee any problems and will order again - when I can afford to drop a C note or two.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
      :-). Yes, the Granit will be up until at least 23:59 Swedish time on Sunday. If I can get Moe drunk enough, it may last a little longer.
      Please give him some tequila on my behalf!


      • Mr. Unloadingzone
        • Jun 2008
        • 317

        Originally posted by Bigblue1
        so Larry I ordered on Saturday and it didn't ship today. So i re-read this thread and checked the pre-order thread and noticed the chrome won't be available till week 35/36. Why do they put it on the regular strong portion page if it's not available yet? I really can't wait 2 weeks to get my order. I did send an e-mail to them. I assume i won't get that an answer till early in the morning. From what i've read it should be no big deal to swap it out for something else, right so they can get it shipped......
        Valid point. If we have enough info we'll add the product page with the first line of the description in big letters saying "Expected in Stock Week XX"and attach a link to it from the Pre-Order page. 05, 06, and Green Harvest were not supposed to arrive until Week 35 but showed up Week 33. It's a lot quicker to delete a line of text than to create a Product Page. We don't want anybody to miss out on a new snus because they put in their order hours before we were able to create the Product Page.

        This month, we just got slammed with upcoming new product releases which is why they dominate the home page the past week or so.

        Which is also exactly why we are launching the new website very shortly. It will be a lot easier to navigate and use.

        Annika or her team would have emailed you this morning asking if you wanted to substitute, drop or wait on the new releases which haven't come in yet.

        Annika is VERY excited about the new website. She's been putting in a lot of overtime since the SM and V2 new releases went up....


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone

          Annika or her team would have emailed you this morning asking if you wanted to substitute, drop or wait on the new releases which haven't come in yet.
          Haven't heard from them yet, just sent another inquiry. They should be in the office by now, right?


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            Dear Mr. Unloadungzone when you going to have Odens Original Portion in you stock
            There are people who wants to Buy it But you Do not take it in to Snuscentral stock
            Best Regards


            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              Dear Mr. Unloadungzone when you going to have Odens Original Portion in you stock
              There are people who wants to Buy it But you Do not take it in to Snuscentral stock
              Best Regards
              True that.


              • Bigblue1
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2008
                • 3923

                Everything got taken care of early this morning. I have to say great customer care from these peeps. Even with having to swap out a roll UPS says I will get my stuff by Thursday all the way from Sweden. Woot! Pro-tip is staying up really late and addressing the issues because their is such a time difference like 8 hrs for me. Also Always check the pre-order page before you order as stuff on the main page may not be available yet.....


                • Fury
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 205

                  I just placed an order with sunday night and it should be here tomorrow. This is my first order since PACT went into effect, my stockpile of snus finally ran out. Here is the UPS tracking so far, its coming to south Florida. Should it look like this?

                  Location Date Local Time Activity
                  Louisville, KY, United States 08/23/2011 5:03 P.M. Departure Scan
                  08/23/2011 2:33 P.M. Import Scan
                  08/23/2011 1:28 P.M. Arrival Scan
                  Philadelphia, PA, United States 08/23/2011 11:36 A.M. Departure Scan
                  Louisville, KY, United States 08/23/2011 10:53 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency
                  Philadelphia, PA, United States 08/23/2011 7:35 A.M. Arrival Scan
                  Louisville, KY, United States 08/23/2011 1:51 A.M. RegisteredwithClearing/ submitted to Clearing Agency

                  Koeln, Germany 08/23/2011 5:23 A.M. Departure Scan
                  08/23/2011 12:43 A.M. Arrival Scan
                  Malmo Sturup, Sweden 08/22/2011 11:24 P.M. Departure Scan
                  08/22/2011 10:05 P.M. Arrival Scan
                  Jonkoping, Sweden 08/22/2011 7:30 P.M. Departure Scan
                  08/22/2011 6:51 P.M. Export Scan
                  08/22/2011 6:51 P.M. Origin Scan
                  Sweden 08/22/2011 10:20 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

                  So does that look like normal routing for something coming from Sweden? Is that "Registered with Clearing Agency" crap just it clearing through customs? Are the raping my package? Am I gonna get stuck with a brokerage fee or anything?


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by Fury
                    Location Date Local Time Activity
                    Louisville, KY, United States 08/23/2011 5:03 P.M. Departure Scan
                    08/23/2011 2:33 P.M. Import Scan
                    08/23/2011 1:28 P.M. Arrival Scan
                    Philadelphia, PA, United States 08/23/2011 11:36 A.M. Departure Scan
                    Louisville, KY, United States 08/23/2011 10:53 A.M. Registered with Clearing Agency
                    Philadelphia, PA, United States 08/23/2011 7:35 A.M. Arrival Scan
                    Louisville, KY, United States 08/23/2011 1:51 A.M. RegisteredwithClearing/ submitted to Clearing Agency

                    Koeln, Germany 08/23/2011 5:23 A.M. Departure Scan
                    08/23/2011 12:43 A.M. Arrival Scan
                    Malmo Sturup, Sweden 08/22/2011 11:24 P.M. Departure Scan
                    08/22/2011 10:05 P.M. Arrival Scan
                    Jonkoping, Sweden 08/22/2011 7:30 P.M. Departure Scan
                    08/22/2011 6:51 P.M. Export Scan
                    08/22/2011 6:51 P.M. Origin Scan
                    Sweden 08/22/2011 10:20 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS
                    This is how they always look coming from Sweden, perfectly normal.

                    You will get a UPS bills someday, I get 3 or 4 of them a year, but I never pay them.


                    • Fury
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 205

                      Chad, What is this 'bill' that UPS sends? What are the results of not paying it? Can they send it to a collection agency to collect and screw up your credit score?


                      • TheJanitor
                        • May 2010
                        • 260

                        I never received a UPS bill. Wouldn't pay it if I did.


                        • chadizzy1
                          • May 2009
                          • 7432

                          Originally posted by Fury
                          Chad, What is this 'bill' that UPS sends? What are the results of not paying it? Can they send it to a collection agency to collect and screw up your credit score?
                          It's some BS customs fee. It's for like 7 bucks. I get a few a year, I just trash them. One I sent back and said "take it out of the 30$ I paid you in shipping". Never heard back from them.


                          • Bigblue1
                            Banned Users
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 3923

                            Ok guys been awhile since I got an order from Sweden and never with UPS, WTF does this mean.

                            Philadelphia, PA, United States 08/24/2011 8:47 A.M. A valid tax identification number or deferment number is required for clearance.


                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              Originally posted by Bigblue1
                              Ok guys been awhile since I got an order from Sweden and never with UPS, WTF does this mean.

                              Philadelphia, PA, United States 08/24/2011 8:47 A.M. A valid tax identification number or deferment number is required for clearance.
                              That's new, I haven't seen that before.


                              • Mr. Unloadingzone
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 317

                                Originally posted by chadizzy1
                                It's some BS customs fee. It's for like 7 bucks. I get a few a year, I just trash them. One I sent back and said "take it out of the 30$ I paid you in shipping". Never heard back from them.
                                That fee has already been paid for you. Sometimes UPS "accidentally" double-bills. Contact the store and they will make you whole.


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