Must be some nice stuff at Snusline...

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    I just don't like bad mouthing companies that are genuinely doing their best. BTW GN - I'm really digging this 69. It truly is a great snus......really nice nic delivery.


    • Samppu
      New Member
      • Apr 2013
      • 9

      I made my first two orders to Snusline (and hi, I am a new guy here). After two days it still says it is processing and they're not responding to my e-mails. Is this usual that it takes few days before they send me the confirmation e-mail? Should I use Northerner instead of Snusline (although Snusline is much cheaper...)? And I've heard many bad things about Northerner.

      I ordered 4x Odens 29 and 4x Thunder (different types of). May be they're out of stock or something? I have only one can of Odens and one can of LD... I need my snus quickly!

      EDIT: And anyways, I'm ordering to Finland.


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        Should be fine Samppu. They will send you a "shipped" email soon.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          Ansels right. There was a delay with the Odens which was nobody's fault. That's resolved now.


          • Samppu
            New Member
            • Apr 2013
            • 9

            Thanks! I am a little curious if I'll ever get my snus though, which is as far as I know common when ordering snus from internet for the first time. So I'll tell you if they'll send it to me or not.

            EDIT: Yeah I've read about the delay, but there shouldn't be any delay for now if I got that right?


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              I've snussed for 4.5 years and I've got all of my orders - eventually in some cases but mostly in a timely fashion. I wouldn't trust Northerner though - they have broken the vendor/consumer trust on many an occassion. Snus always gets delivered from Northerner.....when is the question.


              • Samppu
                New Member
                • Apr 2013
                • 9

                Originally posted by Frosted
                I've snussed for 4.5 years and I've got all of my orders - eventually in some cases but mostly in a timely fashion. I wouldn't trust Northerner though - they have broken the vendor/consumer trust on many an occassion. Snus always gets delivered from Northerner.....when is the question.
                Where do you order your snus from? I've used to buy snus from people who go to Sweden cruise (here in Finland two day cruise to Sweden costs just 20-30€). But now when nobody is going to Sweden I thought I'll give online shops a chance. At least Snusline is very cheap but I've heard mixed reviews of it which makes me suspicious. And still no "snus is sent" e-mail. I hope they're going to send it during the weekend...


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Samppu, for me the "sent" email could take up to a week... then once shipped it could take about 4/5 days to get to you.


                  • Samppu
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 9

                    First order (4x Thunder cans) was shipped today. Yay! I'm expecting them to arrive to Finland in Wednesday or Thursday.

                    EDIT: I've been considering about selling snus cans (6€ for one can, some people here pay even 10€ for one can) and I was thinking about buying 10 cans and getting 2 extra... how usual it is that customs find out that you're buying snus when you have like 12 cans? Should I make many separate 4x can orders so they will send them in letters or is it worth taking a risk and buying 12 cans? And I live in Finland, I've heard that customs can be a pain in the ass here.


                    • Frosted
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 5798

                      Depends. Is snus illegal in Finland? If not and it gets stopped you should only have to pay the tax as it is in your country and a small admin fee if it gets stopped.....but if theres free shipping Id keep each order to one roll.


                      • Samppu
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 9

                        Yes, Finland is part of EU. It is illegal here, but I heard that there is a new law that allows snus if taxes are paid. But yeah, I'll keep it to 1-4 cans per order then.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Noooo. Youll be able to order way more than that then. I order 20 at a time. Ive never been stopped by customs.


                          • Samppu
                            New Member
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 9

                            You're from EU as well? I made 3 orders with 4x cans each. I'll sell them and then I'll buy 10 just to give it a try.


                            • Skell18
                              • May 2012
                              • 7067

                              Originally posted by Frosted
                              Noooo. Youll be able to order way more than that then. I order 20 at a time. Ive never been stopped by customs.
                              Don't forget the reason we have such a shit selection and the crackdown is because of Finland, their customs are shit hot on this stuff so, I would keep the orders small. I am sure members on here from Finland have mentioned the troubles getting it in.


                              • Samppu
                                New Member
                                • Apr 2013
                                • 9

                                Oh... so it is true that Finland's customs are bullshit. But there was mentioned in the news that there is this new law that allows snus when taxes are properly paid few months ago... I am not sure about how it exactly was, I'll try to find it.


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