Must be some nice stuff at Snusline...

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  • Opuspocus
    • Jul 2012
    • 25

    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
    I sympathise.
    The only reason I changed from odenssnus was because payment got complicated and I have a rule that I don't use credit cards. But...when you need snus you need it. Odenssnus is the most reliable.

    Given previous panics I now order when I've got 3 rolls left.
    Cheers mate. Just knowing that someone else understands my plight and has been in this situation before makes me feel better.

    I order when I get to 5. I thought I'd be getting mine well before I ran out but obviously I was wrong. I'm going to stick to Odenssnus based on how my order goes. Snusline is very erratic with orders and shipping and my current experience has completely put me off them.

    Even if my order has been shipped, the earliest I can get it is Tuesday because of the freaking bank holiday. Total disaster. I had to go out and buy a pack of cigarettes again.
    Last edited by Opuspocus; 20-04-14, 01:58 AM.


    • Opuspocus
      • Jul 2012
      • 25

      Originally posted by trebli View Post

      This is the best solution to the problem of running out of snus. If you don’t have room for a big freezer. get a small one. Snus keeps well when it is wrapped and frozen. In the long run the freezer pays for itself because you can buy large quantities on sale and save money.
      Ah, good idea! I was thinking of getting one of those dedicated 20 snus can fridges just the other day. This might just prompt me to invest.


      • Stark
        • Nov 2013
        • 120

        Honestly I never had your issues at snusline, I always received my orders in less than one week. But it's true that sometimes it's a bit dry, and I don't like when they replace the labels with the Hebrew's ones - makes me think that they are recycling expired snus.

        Anyway I made one order recently on I made it on Friday, was shipped on Monday and received next Friday. So, even if it's quite fast, don't expect it in 2-3 days.
        But, honestly, I never received such a fresh snus. Probably the fact that's bought directly from the producer, without any mediators, means that the snus is really fresh.


        • Opuspocus
          • Jul 2012
          • 25

          Originally posted by Stark View Post
          Honestly I never had your issues at snusline, I always received my orders in less than one week. But it's true that sometimes it's a bit dry, and I don't like when they replace the labels with the Hebrew's ones - makes me think that they are recycling expired snus.

          Anyway I made one order recently on I made it on Friday, was shipped on Monday and received next Friday. So, even if it's quite fast, don't expect it in 2-3 days.
          But, honestly, I never received such a fresh snus. Probably the fact that's bought directly from the producer, without any mediators, means that the snus is really fresh.
          You're naive if you think it's anything other than expired snus. I know it's expired, but expired snus is better than no snus which is why I have kept buying.

          Snusline is generally not bad with order speed but I can't count the amount of times I've made an order and had it shipped like 3-4 days after I placed it. That throws my timing completely off and you have no idea when to re-order. If I do order from snusline again, I'll order as soon as I receive my shipment. (It is highly unlikely I will order from them again. I won't support these expired snus re-packagers with shady customer service).

          I hope Odenssnus fairs better. I would think they would considering you're getting it straight from the supplier. Let's wait and see.


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            I don't think they are marketing expired snus at all ... I quite often check and peel back the hebrew label to reveal the swedish ones underneath and every time I have checked the snus I get from snusline it has been well within date.

            i haven't always been that lucky with ... ahem ... some other vendors.

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • trebli
              • Mar 2010
              • 797

              For the snus users in Europe Snusline has been a lifeline.


              • paulgedz
                • Apr 2014
                • 55

                i've ordered once before and got it within 4 days, 20% free also. It didnt seem dry or expired to me. I am currently waiting for an order from them as we speak. I'll keep using them until I myself get shafted.


                • Opuspocus
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 25

                  I'm from the EU and don't get me wrong, SNUSLINE was there for us when nobody else was. Now, we've got several options available and they've been coming short for me in the past few months. That and this colossal cock up was the nail in the coffin for me. Also, the snus has been drier than a nun's c*** and possibly expired as of late. Stickers mean nothing to me, you can tell from the smell, consistency and texture of the snus. Most of the time, it's been fine, though.

                  I'll give them until tomorrow to reply to my e-mails just in case they're coming off a massive Easter (or Jewish equivalent) bender or something. If I still don't get a reply, my relationship with them is over.

                  Also, to the above poster. Four days? Really? I've NEVER got anything from them in four days. (UK snuser). The benchmark time is 8-10 days.


                  • Stark
                    • Nov 2013
                    • 120

                    Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
                    I don't think they are marketing expired snus at all ... I quite often check and peel back the hebrew label to reveal the swedish ones underneath and every time I have checked the snus I get from snusline it has been well within date.

                    i haven't always been that lucky with ... ahem ... some other vendors.

                    Actually normally, like you are saying, the hebrew label covers the original swedish label so it's possible to check the original expiration date. BUT, sometimes, there is not the original label, and you find only the hebrew one. In this case, honestly, I don't find any other possible explanation than that they wanted to change the expiration date.
                    In any case Snusline is still a good choice for me, being really fast and cheap, especially if I want to buy just a few cans.
           is fast too, and has really fresh snus, but sells only GN products and 10 euros of shipping costs is too much if you're planning to buy just a few cans.
                    Northener is a good and serious company, but the delivery time could be really long.


                    • Frosted
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 5798

                      Actually, I remember - they have a MASSIVE easter break out there. I tried ordering this time last year and it didn't come for ages.
                      The snus is not expired btw.....and they have been a lifeline for us over here.
                      All of the snus I've had from any vendor has been dry apart from odens direct. Don't forget that this stuff is shipped from Sweden to Israel and back to you again. With Northerner it was Sweden to USA and back over here again. That's a hell of a lot of travelling in hot conditions etc. We're lucky to have snus at all and for that I'm extremely grateful to the vendors and companies that still sell. I go for the whites now anyway, probably because of the dry problem with snus that's supposed to be moist.

                      I only had a problem with snusline once when they were out of stock and awaiting a shipment of Odens which took ages to get there but their communication with me has always been great. But don't forget that ordering or communicating over a bank holiday is always going to be a bitch.


                      • paulgedz
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 55

                        Originally posted by Opuspocus View Post
                        I'm from the EU and don't get me wrong, SNUSLINE was there for us when nobody else was. Now, we've got several options available and they've been coming short for me in the past few months. That and this colossal cock up was the nail in the coffin for me. Also, the snus has been drier than a nun's c*** and possibly expired as of late. Stickers mean nothing to me, you can tell from the smell, consistency and texture of the snus. Most of the time, it's been fine, though.

                        I'll give them until tomorrow to reply to my e-mails just in case they're coming off a massive Easter (or Jewish equivalent) bender or something. If I still don't get a reply, my relationship with them is over.

                        Also, to the above poster. Four days? Really? I've NEVER got anything from them in four days. (UK snuser). The benchmark time is 8-10 days.
                        True story. My first order was made on a monday morning and arrived on the friday morning. i couldn't believe it. I was used to waiting 8-10 days for northerner. I have ordered from snusline last monday night and I'm still waiting but as mentioned the easter holidays are porbably a big deal in israel haha. Not to mention UK good friday and easter monday. I ordered from odenssnus on tuesday and haven't recieved anything yet either. I'm hoping for tomorrow but also as mentioned i feel a bit raped paying £10 for shipping 10 cans. I have noticed with me that the northerners shipping and taxes are boosting my order costs up too thats why i've tried to make a switch to snusline.


                        • Frankie Reloaded
                          Banned Users
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 541

                          There are several ways of repairing dry snus, ranging from a lemon slice or piece of an apple as recommended by Northerner up to whiskey as recommended by seasoned Snusoners


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            Orders from snusline take 10 days for me but I'm cool with that as they're highly competitive and trustworthy.
                            I'd expect you'll get a shipping date in the next couple of days and if not I'll be worrying along with you.


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              Oh by the way - if you're ever in an emergency, go to and get yourselves some Oliver Twists. They're a good temporary substitute.


                              • paulgedz
                                • Apr 2014
                                • 55

                                Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                                Oh by the way - if you're ever in an emergency, go to and get yourselves some Oliver Twists. They're a good temporary substitute.
                                what are they?


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