No joserra - there are no different laws. The ban on Swedish Match and some other Swedish brands is entirely self-imposed.
Swedish Match have made it clear to the vendors that if they sell to the EU then they will no longer supply the online company selling it! I think that their reason is because they want the best chance for snus legalisation in the EU in the future. This all seemed to happen after the scandal when the EU health commissioner John Dalli from Malta was caught trying to get Swedish Match to bribe him to allow snus to be legalised (asking for €60,000,000 apparently!)
Swedish Match did not pay the bribe - and instead told the EU about the corruption .... who then sacked John Dalli, maintained the snus ban despite all the evidence ... and swept the whole thing under the carpet!
It stinks ... but you can't blame Swedish Match for wanting to keep the moral high ground in this EU ban scenario.
Those Swedes are not joking when it comes to honesty.... Thanks squeezy
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