Get over it man, the product you purchased was not defective. It was presented to you exactly as it was intended to be, and you didn't like it. Do you ask for your money back when you don't like a movie?
Money back guarantee?
<NewYork> Hi folks. I'm new to the forum. I think you're all idiots. Due to the smoking bans I have to become one of you. But I don't want to develop the same rotten tastebuds that you seemingly all have. I want snus that tastes as flat as the industrial food I'm used to. The Swedes should do nothing else than to bow to my personal taste.</NewYork>
On a more positive note, New York, of all the snus brands, I have tried, I liked less than one fifth. The rest was tolerable for me at best. That's life. Not everything can be in line with your personal tastebuds. People are different. But even with most brands that I didn't like, I was able to appreciate the work that Swedish snus-producers had invested to develop these brands with often very complex and really interesting flavours, just not perfect for me. I don't see a comprehensible reason for all your bitching. You should change your attitude - or realise, that snus simply isn't for you, like others already have said.
Originally posted by NewYorkYou can all talk the shit you want. Go ahead and be a bunch of suckers and give your money to these companies that prey on people like you to over spend on products that don't cost shit for the company to buy or send. When a company jumps up that offers better customer service all those other companies will go under. As a consumer I will SPEAK MY MIND. Here in america we have what is called freedom of speech and freedom of press. If you don't like it go live in ****ing swedin. I may be the only one saying "hey this is bullshit" but that is where change comes from. I am not one to lye on my back and say "well, thats just how it is I'll just deal with it". If people are constantly bringing the food back in your restaurant saying it sucked, well then it probably SUCKED. Maybe they were just hungry and said screw it i'm gonna eat it anyway for now. I'm not going to tell you how to run your business but there are certain things you will learn that will make a difference of having a business for 10 years or having one for 50 years with many locations. Snus is being marketed towards Americans. It's not going to do very well at all untill some things change. So go buy your vacuum cleaner that breaks in 2 months just to pay for it again. I will make sure I get mine at no cost, seeing as I already paid for it once.
And a whole lot of this...
You don't know anything about this forum mate, had you tried coming here and not being a dickhead you would have found that snuson if full of very helpful, extremely generous, and downright hilarious people. I don't frequent any other forum because all of them that I have found are full of douchebags like you who act like you're acting right now. See ya.
Originally posted by NewYorkhaha some of you people really need to get lives. All you internet tough guys are the same. And the ones that think your taste is "superior" LMAO really? you REALLY think that? wow. The majority of people in this world are idiots, and I think I found a lot of them on this forum.
You sir, are the idiot.