SnusCentral and shipping to Canada

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  • Opie
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 50

    SnusCentral and shipping to Canada

    Hello, I have used snus for roughly 4 years but I recently ran out. Northerner's shipments are being taxed by customs almost every order now, plus they have increased their shipping prices. Which brings me to my point, I NEED A NEW DEALER!

    Snuscentral ships to Canada, 10$ shipping from Sweden. Are they any good? Is their snus fresh? Does the shipment say moist tobacco all over it??
  • EricHill78
    • Jun 2010
    • 4253

    Snuscentral is great.. they ship very fast and the snus is allways fresh. Snuscentral is part of MaKe WeBo. MaKe WeBo covers three websites. Snuscentral, buysnus, and premium snus. I've only ordered from the first two and had no problems whatsoever.


    • Lobstersnuser
      • Sep 2011
      • 64

      Originally posted by Opie
      Hello, I have used snus for roughly 4 years but I recently ran out. Northerner's shipments are being taxed by customs almost every order now, plus they have increased their shipping prices. Which brings me to my point, I NEED A NEW DEALER!

      Snuscentral ships to Canada, 10$ shipping from Sweden. Are they any good? Is their snus fresh? Does the shipment say moist tobacco all over it??
      Fellow Canadian:
      My experience so far:
      SnusCentral: 5 orders consisting of 5 tins each order. 2 week delivery, nailed by customs each time.
      BuySnus: 4 orders consisting of either 4 or 5 tins each. 2 week delivery, nailed by customs each time
      Northerner: 3 orders consisting of either 4 or 5 tins each. 6 day delivery, slipped by customs each time.

      Near as I can figure:you pays your money and you takes your chances. Small orders seem to have a better chance getting through. Don't forget about PP...... Best of luck!!


      • Opie
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 50

        Thanks guys, yeah I used to order like Lobster, 4-5 cans per order. I recently got into the habit of ordering rolls, because every 10 you get 1 free from Northerner. Then the customs kicked in, it's atleast 40$ per roll, I've seen 55$ before.

        Does or conceal their packages at all? Whereas northerner it says SNUS stamped on each package.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Thanks for the referance Lobsterman.

          I haven't had a shipment get tagged by customs yet. And I ship a lot to Canada. I have my ways........

          and they are perfectly legal.

          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • Opie
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 50

            pm sent


            • Lobstersnuser
              • Sep 2011
              • 64

              Originally posted by Opie
              Does or conceal their packages at all? Whereas northerner it says SNUS stamped on each package.
              What packages I've received, Northerner (European warehouse) has by far the smallest labeling. Probably why they have slipped through. Remember, when making small orders, if they are held, along with the duty charge (inc. taxes) each package that is opened incurs a handling fee of $8.50......tends to add up. Also, I really notice a difference in product freshness on the packages that have been palmed over by customs, my guess not retailer related; but because of the increased delivery time....... my experience so far, seems to be totally opposite from yours.......guess rule of thumb scenario is out of the picture.


              • crullers
                • Oct 2011
                • 663

                Hey Opie, you get nailed every time you order a roll? That's good info for me - I am almost at the point where I am ready to order rolls of my favourites, but I will order 5 tins at a time if that is the case. I have only had 3 orders so far, 5 tins each, all from Northerner - 2 slipped by no problem, the third was caught by customs and ~$25 applied on that one (including the $8.50 "handling" fee, what a joke). The one that was delayed by customs took about 3 weeks to get here and my Grov Black didn't taste too great. Kinda had a vegetable odor/taste to it which I figured was due to the time in less than ideal storage.

                In Northerner's defense, I ordered 10 tins the first time and they automatically split my order into 2*5 and shipped 1 day apart. I was a bit puzzled why, but I guess it is to give us a chance to slip by the unfair taxes levied upon us. I am expecting another 10 (split again into 2*5 by Northerner) to arrive any time now. I suspect that whomever you order from, it is a bit of a lottery as to whether or not you will be dinged by the taxman.


                • hot899
                  New Member
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 3

                  Have ordered from SnusCentral now 3 times (6 tins per order ) each one arrived to me here in Southern Ontario in less than 2 weeks in the mail with NO extra charges from customs.Stay clear of GetSNUS from PA/USA, a month to get to you and hit hard with duties on ANY size order


                  • plumbers crack
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 30

                    I do most of my snus orders from SC, 1 in 4 get pulled by customs. Never had any issues with broken or stale tins. SC also ships in 5 tin shipments once a day so you can get the deals on rolls and not get killed by customs.


                    • j03
                      New Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 2

                      There's three brands of Swedish General you can buy in Canada legally for $12 a tin! This is expensive and the flavors are awful. I'm thinking of making an order, but I am discouraged by what I'm reading. Is there anything new on this topic?


                      • CanadianSnus
                        New Member
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 2

                        In Alberta it's $14 for mini (half-gram) portions (24 per box) and about $20 for regular portion (again, 24 per box). No idea why it's so insanely expensive. However I'm not sure why you don't like the flavours -- they're the same Swedish Match flavours as the stuff they sell in Sweden and Norway, and AFAIK made the same, in the same factories in Sweden. There's a General white portion (called "Original" in Canada), something called "General Titanium" which is the same as Onyx, and a mint (which they call "Fresh") and "Smooth" (those two are the minis). All of them have double the nicotine of the ones sold in Sweden. I gather the ones marketed to Norway are also double the nicotine. And also insanely expensive -- I think Norway's not far from the Canadian prices.


                        • heapbag
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 102

                          Each province sets its own excise rates for tobacco + alcohol, but based on the prices you mention for snus in Alberta it's cheaper for me to have it shipped from Sweden and run the risk of getting hit with duty.
                          If I'm hit with duty it works out to about $10 a tin (original cost + shipping +duty).
                          If I'm lucky enough not to get charged duty then I consider it a happy day. I use BuySnus myself and have about a .500 duty average with them. Northerner is just too damn expensive. Premiumsnus was great when they charged a flat $5 shipping per roll but now they are no different from their parent company (BuySnus).
                          I will say this, I always ask them NOT to split the rolls. I find that when split if the 1st one gets caught by Customs then generally the 2nd one does too as they send it within 24 hours of the 1st order anyways. I don't like to pay $8.50 twice in handling fees if I don't have too.


                          • heapbag
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 102

                            PP you must have reserved your right to delete your one post within this topic! I don't doubt that you have happy clientele, but I struggle with how you say that your methods are perfectly legal.

                            I only say this because I wouldn't want yourself or a customer getting waterboarded. It will make the snus too runny.


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Not to worry mate. It is perfectly legal to ship tobacco privately to anyone in the world.
                              tho some countryes have banned shipping tobacco products. And there are countries/states that will not accept commercial packages without paying the tax if the package does happen to get tagged by customs. I don't lie one ioda on the customs form. But there are several additional steps that I take to ensure it flys bys customs. Hey, haveing one shipment out of 200 is a great record. Luckily the duty was only about $20 on a very large order. The buyer was still happy as hell.

                              And yes I did state that I reserved the right to delete that post. That member PM'd me at least 12 times asking ridiculus questions and wasteing my time. I don't think he ever did buy anything.

                              edit. I checked and I see I did send him a small order. But he wasted so much of my time for a very small order it took all the joy out of helping him out. He didn't care as long as he saved the $2.

                              Originally posted by heapbag
                              PP you must have reserved your right to delete your one post within this topic! I don't doubt that you have happy clientele, but I struggle with how you say that your methods are perfectly legal.

                              I only say this because I wouldn't want yourself or a customer getting waterboarded. It will make the snus too runny.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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