ordering snus is officially too ****ing expensive

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  • Duff338
    • Sep 2011
    • 423

    Originally posted by shortiee4
    6 USD a pack!? Try $7-9 around here in Taxachusetts! I've read a single pack is $13+ in New York. Snus has saved my wallet a ton!
    I live in NY, depending upon where you are $8-$16 a pack....it's outrageous, just like the taxes and cost of living here.


    • Roo
      • Jun 2008
      • 3446

      Originally posted by wa3zrm
      How large is your order?

      I want to get some Oden's; however, they want $33 on the GN website for a order under $160.
      Buysnus is about the same.
      $4.175 per can and I did have some bonus points that knocked $17 off the total, so I guess it's typically more like $4.65/can, and I usually order 4 rolls at a time.

      Odens Extra Strong Original Portion 10 Pack
      35.78 71.56
      Odens Extreme Portion 10 Pack
      35.78 35.78
      Skruf Extra Strong Portion 10 Pack
      38.12 38.12
      Bonus discount 50 % on: Odens Extreme Portion 10 pack -17.89

      Amount: 127.57
      Freight: 39.53

      Order total: 167.10


      • enojy
        • Jul 2010
        • 150

        I'm having a hard time finding affordable snus nowadays as well. It seems there are no vendors left willing to ship even the smallest amounts for less than ~$28 USD. Even Premiumsnus went and upped the snus & shipping prices. I'm sitting on around 4 rolls right now, guess I'll do what I can to make them last...


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Originally posted by Mikko
          "voice from the east" man I wish that could be my title under my name haha.
          Go to your profile page and add it under "Location"

          It will appear 3 places down under your picture

          You can get to your profile under "settings" at the top right of the page or by just clicking your screne name in one of your posts (once there look for the "edit my profile" option somewhere on the left hand menu bar).
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • clint404
            • Jul 2011
            • 317

            Originally posted by shortiee4
            Not sure how close you actually are to Atlanta itself, but it seems like there are a lot of shops in that area according to the General website.
            I just moved to macon for my job with belk but I drive all over the state and to auburn as well. Either was to tobacco depot in snellville or sweetbriar smoke shop in columbus its 2 hours.

            I'm a traveling IT repair tech for 20 stores and I check generals site religously to find new stores during my travels.


            • eyephantom
              • Jul 2009
              • 333

              If that buysnus deal included grov, ettan, or any predominately tobacco flavored regular snus that I could use throughout the day and a variety of los choices, I definitely would have jumped on it.

              The problem is that after 2+ years, I've found the snus that works for me and don't really want to deviate from that. I really only dig general, ettan, grov, odens, and phantom blue.

              I pretty much order 5 rolls at a time. So, 5 rolls of only general at a b&m store plus shipping would be $162
              5 rolls of a mix between the snus I would typically order at buysnus plus shipping would be $226.39
              A price difference of over two rolls of general!, which is not something I can justify.


              • timoteo
                • Dec 2009
                • 583

                If you spend 150$ or more at SC you get 10 bucks off, and 20 off if you spend 250 or more


                • shortiee4
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 115

                  Originally posted by timoteo
                  If you spend 150$ or more at SC you get 10 bucks off, and 20 off if you spend 250 or more
                  Yeah, the idea now is to make really large orders every so often and save a lot of freezer space as well.


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    Originally posted by shortiee4
                    Yeah, the idea now is to make really large orders every so often and save a lot of freezer space as well.
                    That's what I've been doing. Make a huge order like $400 once in a blue moon when the shipping is free. I was around $3 per tin shipped last time.


                    • scylla
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 44

                      Say Mikko, I don't know how the trade situation is between China and Vietnam, but last I heard Pioneer snus is made in Vietnam. Never tried it but I hear it's pretty good stuff.


                      • Mikko
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 103

                        Originally posted by scylla
                        Say Mikko, I don't know how the trade situation is between China and Vietnam, but last I heard Pioneer snus is made in Vietnam. Never tried it but I hear it's pretty good stuff.
                        I thought it was from Laos?

                        Either way I might get around to ordering it, or if I am ever there for holiday I will try to pick up a can. Also I don't live in China anymore, I live in Hong Kong now and thank God for that! haha if I still lived in China it would take me 2-4 weeks to get my snus! The postal service there is terrible!


                        • shortiee4
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 115

                          Originally posted by clint404
                          I just moved to macon for my job with belk but I drive all over the state and to auburn as well. Either was to tobacco depot in snellville or sweetbriar smoke shop in columbus its 2 hours.

                          I'm a traveling IT repair tech for 20 stores and I check generals site religously to find new stores during my travels.
                          Well that's all you can do I guess, aside from ordering online. Just save up a bunch of cash to do a big order once in a while.


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            I don't even want to revisit my old Getsnus orders, way too sad a thing to do. That was the end of an era folks. Been downhill ever since. I have been dabbling with some special deals now and then, but mainly existing on that PACT act freezer full, I really miss that ability to just get a wild notion and place a small try out order. The prices are bad, ever escalating, but for Marylanders, they just went and made it illegal to purchase over the phone or Internet. That just really makes it tough. And actually Cigarettes are the cheapest things around here now, I legally buy pounds of whole leaf and render them into MYO tobacco for the wife. Gonna have to get that Los cooking thing going soon, then just drop off the map. I got my snuff down.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • victoryredchevy
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 303

                              Agreed. It's too flippin' expensive. As a matter of fact, I'm upper decking a Skoal Wintergreen Bandit as I type because of this very issue. This is what I've been doing when, like now, I'm out of snus and can't afford more. Don't get me wrong. I like Bandits, but I love snus. I started snusing to get away from dip, which I'd used for 4 years prior to converting to snus full time. Now, here I am. Depending, again, on the very thing I was trying to avoid. Yes, I realize I could quit tobacco all together and avoid all this, but I like tobacco. I don't want to quit, damn it. It's not my damn fault I can't afford it. I used to be able to afford it and that was when I was earning nearly 3 bucks less/hr! BEFORE PACT. It's the classic case we've seen time and time again. Beauracracy gets a hold on something good and destroys it.


                              • Nuusku
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 993

                                5-6 euros per. 1 can here...

