A roll of bad snus! Ewww!

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  • Reynard
    • Feb 2009
    • 804

    Originally posted by Renico
    I have been lurking around Snus2 for quite some time now. The got pretty much all snuses thats available for us folks in the EU. (no swedish match)

    Have you always got it from there? Prices looks allright, ecspacially the On-sale snus. What about delivery times from them?
    Snus2 are great, I have made 6 orders with them, delivery is free if you spend over €112, and shipping is UPS, so very speedy. Excellent customer service too.


    • Duff338
      • Sep 2011
      • 423

      Vulpes I may not be right about this, just sharing my own experience..maybe other members who have been here longer and have more experience with snus could offer better insight.


      • Reynard
        • Feb 2009
        • 804

        Originally posted by Duff338
        Vulpes I may not be right about this, just sharing my own experience..maybe other members who have been here longer and have more experience with snus could offer better insight.
        I value your input I'll give it a few days in the fridge, if it's still bad I'll send it back.


        • Duff338
          • Sep 2011
          • 423

          Cheers Vulpes, let us know what the outcome is.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            I looks like someone used the portions and spit them back into the can...


            • Reynard
              • Feb 2009
              • 804

              It does, but I can assure you, it's a fresh can of snus - just not what I'm used to with oden's


              • WolfenJack
                • Nov 2011
                • 140

                i got a can of N&J Crushed Ice the other day from snus.com (Northerner) and the portions were all dried out. Terrible really! Anyways, I let them know and they sent out a new one right away. I don't know if it will be any good. I love N&J portions so we'll see. I have heard mixed reviews seems to be a love it or hate it thing. I like my portions on the wet side. Am I just a weirdo? Okay let me re-phrase that because, truly, I am a weirdo. What I meant was does anyone else like their portions on the damper side?


                • Duff338
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 423

                  I opened can of Thunder Frosted today that looks similar to your original picture Vulpes, soaking wet portions.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    You can't blame the distributor. Only if the dates are off..

                    Makes me wonder though, do all the sellers store their snus in refrigerators? Really there is no way to tell for sure unless we get a photo tour.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      OK here is my 2 cents worth

                      First......If any of you find a can of LD los its mine.......and I need it back

                      Second, I have had two tins of Odens portions mind you both were of the Extreme variety vs the original/older type of Odens.

                      The portions in both tins looked exactly like the Oden's in your picture

                      I wonder if you did not get the newer type but mistakenly packaged in the older tins.


                      1) do all the tins look the same.......I would open another one to see if there is any difference. If there is you got a bad can....if both tins are the same.......that could mean a number of things (like the whole roll is fine, bad, or misslabled)....so we are really back to square one in that case

                      2) Have you ever had Odens original before? how does the taste compare?

                      Have you ever had the newer type of Kanel? How does the taste compare?

                      A bit of what you said about the taste reminds me of some of the reviews I have read of the newer Kanel (you might want to go back and read some of them to see if anything rings a bell).......in which case.....the color and taste suggest misslabeling.....vs bad snus (it is still not what you ordered....and still due a exchange.....but it would not be harmful.......or an indication that the shop is mishandling the product.......just looks like someone forgot to switch out the cans when running a different product.
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        That tin in the right looks yummy. My kinda snus - wet. I like it when it's wet


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          Snus is a bit like wine it improves with age after it has been cooked. If you've seen the Swedish Match videos, you see the freshly made snus goes into cold storage for awhile before it is ready for shipment. Snus fresh from snusugn (snus oven) takes about four weeks of aging before it is ready for use.


                          • Reynard
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 804

                            Originally posted by Snusdog
                            OK here is my 2 cents worth

                            First......If any of you find a can of LD los its mine.......and I need it back

                            Second, I have had two tins of Odens portions mind you both were of the Extreme variety vs the original/older type of Odens.

                            The portions in both tins looked exactly like the Oden's in your picture

                            I wonder if you did not get the newer type but mistakenly packaged in the older tins.


                            1) do all the tins look the same.......I would open another one to see if there is any difference. If there is you got a bad can....if both tins are the same.......that could mean a number of things (like the whole roll is fine, bad, or misslabled)....so we are really back to square one in that case

                            2) Have you ever had Odens original before? how does the taste compare?

                            Have you ever had the newer type of Kanel? How does the taste compare?

                            A bit of what you said about the taste reminds me of some of the reviews I have read of the newer Kanel (you might want to go back and read some of them to see if anything rings a bell).......in which case.....the color and taste suggest misslabeling.....vs bad snus (it is still not what you ordered....and still due a exchange.....but it would not be harmful.......or an indication that the shop is mishandling the product.......just looks like someone forgot to switch out the cans when running a different product.
                            Hi snusdog,

                            I have opened 3 cans, and they are all the same. I have never had oden's original, but there is a definite cinnamon taste to this snus. Just that it's not the taste that hits you, which is foul. Doesn't taste like the lovely Kanel that I know and enjoy. I left a can out in the fridge which I'll try in a day or two, otherwise I'll ask for a replacement.


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              Originally posted by Vulpes
                              Hi snusdog,

                              I have opened 3 cans, and they are all the same. I have never had oden's original, but there is a definite cinnamon taste to this snus. Just that it's not the taste that hits you, which is foul. Doesn't taste like the lovely Kanel that I know and enjoy. I left a can out in the fridge which I'll try in a day or two, otherwise I'll ask for a replacement.
                              Just make sure to tell them you want a can that is near or slightly past the expiration date next time.


                              • Reynard
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 804

                                Well a few days after I opened the snus, and it's dried out a bit but still tastes awful. My instincts were right, there's something definitely wrong with this roll. Magnus at snus2 has said he'll contact the manufacturer (Gajane).


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