They're slowly expanding. But if they want to capture the US market; they should be expanding outside of tobacco shops. Set sights on grocery chains (e.g. Safeway) and membership warehouses (e.g. Costco).
Seeing crates of Ettan behind the cage at Costco would surely bring a tear to my eye.
Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
Crow: Of course, that's a given.
Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me. Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
Frosted: lucky twat Frosted: Aussie slags Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow
There was a time when Heineken or Moosehead was considered a real score in a US convenience store. Imports just weren't carried. Now you can find a wide variety of Imports and Craft Brews at almost any convenience store. Hell, they even carry E-cigs now. I am hoping it is only a matter of time until it is the same with snus. And Costco...well that would be amazing!
This is good news. But! If 15 portions "coffin tin" of Ettan sells for $7 this would not be such good news... Wonder what the price point would be for a 15 portion tin....
+1 Means we here in FLA won't be seing any of them anytime soon....
Tampa is pretty good with General sellers. No matter which side of town I am on I can grab a tin. Tobacco Depots carry it.....every one I have been in except for the one in Ellenton.....and it is cheaper per tin than online sales. Too bad I don't love General.
+1 Means we here in FLA won't be seing any of them anytime soon....
Doesn't really matter when it comes to FL because it will be expensive and I'll still be ordering direct from Sweden. Oh well, I certainly can't can't bitch about my choices....
Doesn't really matter when it comes to FL because it will be expensive and I'll still be ordering direct from Sweden. Oh well, I certainly can't can't bitch about my choices....
Correction.... If we had those in the USA I wouldn't need to use online shops... Oh! Screw it who am I kiddin' that ain't never going to happen.
If they bring out Ettan lös (even better, resurrect the 50g tins for lös from days gone by), I'll be pretty happy about this. Otherwise, don't care. Gotlands would be nice locally, but I'd prefer to see some sort of licensing arrangement from Gellivare to sell their stuff over here.
Doesn't really matter when it comes to FL because it will be expensive and I'll still be ordering direct from Sweden. Oh well, I certainly can't can't bitch about my choices....
Son of a bitch, is that what heaven looks like?
I'm not going to get worked up over this news, if General and Ettan come to this area it won't last, too many rednecks with their dip and spit cups.
Altria Taking Snus Nationwide
Company offers snus as a new smokeless alternative.
RICHMOND (AP) - Cigarette maker Altria Group Inc. said Thursday that it plans to expand its Marlboro Snus smokeless tobacco nationwide by the end of March as it looks to shore up its business as American smoke fewer cigarettes.