SnusOn Web Shop Problem

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  • eulamue
    New Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3

    SnusOn Web Shop Problem

    I saw a lot of other people with problems getting their snus shipped out, so I ordered only items that were in stock in high amounts thinking the order would be able to be shipped out sooner...

    Well now more than half my order is showing up as out of stock when I check on the status of my order - 23 days later. That is exactly three weeks since I ordered, and no sign of the order even being processed. I was charged for the order on the date I purchased it, and the status immediately changed to "Pending". That is how it has been for the last 23 days, now.

    I sent an email asking for confirmation that my order was received. I think more than a month is too long to wait for someone to process an order, much less ship it. I received no response from my request for some kind of sign that the store isn't abandoned. I'm giving them four more days, sending another email, and then doing a chargeback with my card if I can't get some kind of noise from them indicating they haven't taken my money and closed up shop.

    What do you think is going on? Some kind of sneakiness, are they just short-staffed, or is there a serious problem with the checkout system? I like the snuson forums, and used to come here on a pretty regular basis, but this store does not seem to be working out.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    There's no "sneakiness", but the support is... lacking. I don't know why. I think it may be all of the above that you listed. the process could use some serious streamlining. My suggestion is to keep on top of it, and you'll get your snus eventually.


    • UsualSnuspects
      • Nov 2011
      • 278

      Did you try creating a ticket on the website? I haven't always gotten the answer I wanted, but I've always gotten an answer...


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        How can they continue to do this badly at such a basic function? I only say this because I never actually had a smooth order with them, I mean if you were to try to consistently have problems you could not do it. I wish them luck, and appreciate their efforts, but it's 2012 now. It's like the Peter principle over there. I can only hope that someone actually rolls out a half way decent snus at convenience stores across America, SM is working on it. The day I can buy a can of Ettan at the 7 Eleven is the day I never look back. I wish them all the luck, but please.....................!
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          The ticket system, when I first heard of this it made me laugh. It reminds me of a busy deli. You take a ticket and wait for your number to be called to keep order. When the deli isn't busy they can help you right away. No need to take a number. It just makes me think that there are so many problems people are having that they had to start this system.


          • UsualSnuspects
            • Nov 2011
            • 278

            Originally posted by EricHill78
            The ticket system, when I first heard of this it made me laugh. It reminds me of a busy deli. You take a ticket and wait for your number to be called to keep order. When the deli isn't busy they can help you right away. No need to take a number. It just makes me think that there are so many problems people are having that they had to start this system.
            Usually a ticket system would be hidden from the customer, otherwise it's how any company tracks customer service problems electronically. Imagine the nightmare it would be for them to just save email threads! If anything, it speaks to how much business they've attracted. Even if they could get a grip on their inventory they'd be smart to have a ticket system -- maybe call it something else like "Super Happy Fun Type-'n'-Wait!"

            Having a phone number published on the site might help them seem more like a valid business too.

            What's their relationship with beyond handling the shop?


            • mh_logic
              • Apr 2010
              • 61

              Of course I see this thread immediately after placing a $100 order. Great.


              • eulamue
                New Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3

                Well I'm still holding my breath after lxskllr suggested I just be patient and keep on it. In three days my order will have been "pending" for one month. I did send a request for an update in status or something, but still no response. My order was for over $100, too. I'm sending another email today, but I don't have high hopes. I think my order was charged and then forgotten, somehow. Once the month is up, I'm reporting them to my financial institution so I can get my money returned. I really hope they get their act together.

                Here is some incorrect info from the FAQ:
                "- Our customers email-messages are answered in 24 hours."

                I checked my spam folder, too. Nothing.


                • Froofather
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 198

                  Wow. I was planning on places a big order with them today. my stock is running low. Guess im gonna have to go with snuscentral like old times.


                  • eulamue
                    New Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3

                    Finally got word back after sending another email through the contact form yesterday afternoon. They gave no excuse for the long delay other than one of the products I ordered is not in stock any more. Everything I ordered was at 500+ when I ordered it. That either means they take a week or two before they put your order together, or they don't keep quantities updated and the quantities listed are completely inaccurate. I am still disappointed, though willing to try them again at some point in the (distant) future if my order does ship out in the next few days. I am relieved that they hadn't just taken my money and forgotten about me.

                    I sent emails at different times of the day until someone at Northerner finally responded. I suspect there are one or two employees who are supposed to respond to emails, but instead just ignore and delete them. Emma was the individual who finally responded. I asked her to replace the item that is out of stock with one that is similar but in stock. I'll post again if things don't work out, but I have a feeling that my order should ship soon enough.

                    My longest wait importing snus was 23 days from (though I have also received orders from them in one week). For this order from the snuson shop, I ordered only what I thought was in stock in the warehouse in my country and it took 29 days for them to tell me that part of my order was out of stock. I'm thinking that at this point in time it is probably a better bet to just order it from out of country where the stock is better, get exactly what you want, and know that if the shipping is slow, there is probably a good excuse for it.


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