Northerner Stock

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    Originally posted by rickcharles606
    Product arrived late yesterday, and they are still getting shipments from the bonded warehouse. Once it's all checked into inventory, the site will be updated. Soooooo, sure...I'll take that action ;-)
    Ahhh! We shall see, So the site will be updated Monday then

    Just remeber I called it... If not and if by some miracle the site is updated before Monday, I may have to eat crow


    • rickcharles606
      • Mar 2009
      • 2307

      Originally posted by jagmanss
      Ahhh! We shall see, So the site will be updated Monday then

      Just remeber I called it... If not and if by some miracle the site is updated before Monday, I may have to eat crow
      Well, since you're the community naysayer and town crier...I'll be sure to alert you of all the issues and happenings before they happen. I'ma call Dionne Warwick ;-)


      • jagmanss
        • Jul 2010
        • 12213

        Originally posted by rickcharles606
        Well, since you're the community naysayer and town crier...I'll be sure to alert you of all the issues and happenings before they happen. I'ma call Dionne Warwick ;-)
        Really Rick! What you can't take a joke or the heat anymore You want to go there? I'm the community naysayer? Are you serious? Really? Have you really been a member here or just a spokeperson for Northerner? I pick the later.... Have you seen the negative threads and comments as of late about Northerner, All it takes is a member to search Northerner on here and Most of which have not been posted by me at all BTW, As a matter of fact I rarely post at all... Go ahead and attack me about that, as I'm sure you will, Stating my post are snarky comments, Oh! And yeah this one is.... But facts are facts and a majority of snuson member's are saying they are done with Northerner and will order elswhere is a fact... Here is another per you...

        Originally posted by rickcharles606
        Okay, here's the lowdown:

        The bond has been issued, and our product should be released tomorrow and the warehouse FULLY stocked by Thursday or Friday.... We always want to ensure that you guys are taken care of properly.
        Really! That is a flat out lie and blowing smoke up all of snuson member's and this is taking care of them? Your a spokesperson for Northerner... Really? I really wish Fred was still here... At leat he wouldn't make the Snarky comment you just made..

        On a side note: If it's that time of month for you I totally understand... LMMFAO


        • whalen
          • May 2009
          • 6593

          Rut Ro!

          Two Things,-
          I appreciate that Rick has tried to make things better, and his work increasing the local shops selling snus is a blessing!
          The Day Northerner stopped shipping to Maryland, and became useless to me, was a blessing in disguise!
          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Ahh. Fuggit, still no Pioneer today so I ordered 2 rolls of Northerners almost expired special because I am getting low. I am almost afraid to see what I end up with. First no Gellivare and now no Pioneer. The snus game is starting to get old.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Originally posted by jagmanss
              Really Rick! What you can't take a joke or the heat anymore You want to go there? I'm the community naysayer? Are you serious? Really? Have you really been a member here or just a spokeperson for Northerner? I pick the later.... Have you seen the negative threads and comments as of late about Northerner, All it takes is a member to search Northerner on here and Most of which have not been posted by me at all BTW, As a matter of fact I rarely post at all... Go ahead and attack me about that, as I'm sure you will, Stating my post are snarky comments, Oh! And yeah this one is.... But facts are facts and a majority of snuson member's are saying they are done with Northerner and will order elswhere is a fact... Here is another per you...

              Really! That is a flat out lie and blowing smoke up all of snuson member's and this is taking care of them? Your a spokesperson for Northerner... Really? I really wish Fred was still here... At leat he wouldn't make the Snarky comment you just made..

              On a side note: If it's that time of month for you I totally understand... LMMFAO

              WOW...and you're calling me thin skinned?? All of what I said, was in fact true. The product is in the warehouse on Friday. Is it all checked into inventory, not yet..but it will. Did I come back and say that it would be Monday, yep....because I wanted to make sure everyone was fully up to date on the "happenings". I will continue to work towards Northerner's goal of getting snus into every shop I can, and you can sit back and find fault at every turn. I hope that one day you'll see that all I want is for everyone, including you to be able to buy your snus locally. And No one ever said that we were perfect, and you've been very quick to point it out at every turn. Especially since you asked me to "support" or take part in your "campus give away" or whatever it was....and I declined because I didn't want to open the company up for liability issues.

              Don't worry though...I do hear you and the others and we make strides everyday to get better. So thanks for your feedback

              Thanks Whalen ;-) I'm doing what I can bro, lol


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                OK someone give Rick a raise and give him control over online sales please.


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Originally posted by GoVegan
                  OK someone give Rick a raise and give him control over online sales please.
                  I'll take the raise, but not sure I'd want control over online sales...LMAO


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    First of all Rick isn't their spokesperson. He's in charge of getting shit out to local stores and brokering those relationships etc. He does us a favor by trying to push things along for forum members etc. Everyone is pissed at Northerner right now, but anyone who has been here for more than 20 minutes knows that this shit happens at least once every year or so. Be it PACT or the Eurozone melting down, some catastrophe ****s up their stock, and so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Every year everyone says they are going to leave, and then everything goes back to normal.

                    Rick is just doing the best he can, he doesn't own Northerner and is just trying to be helpful in a situation that was not caused by him. Stop with all the hostility people, we all go on our collective rags every year here and it gets old. We get it, Northerner isn't always reliable. This is not new news. Go shop somewhere else if you feel that way. Vote with your dollars.

                    As Rick stated, Northerner is a large operation and has different rules to play by. They get scrutinized more and move much larger shipments, hence things like the bond guys get on their back. In the long run though they are driving the push to get snus into local stores which is really the end goal because someday online tobacco will be a thing of the past and you will be glad that they took the time to do things the right way.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      Dam you Rick. Its all your fault.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                        Dam you Rick. Its all your fault.
                        So let me get this straight..................GV wants Pioneer and Gellivare..............but Rick was doing some S&M with a bond guay in some seaport warehouse.....................Jagmanss has the hots for this he got pissed.................then Rick disconnected all the Northerner Customer service hot lines so his wife couldn't find him...........................but he felt bad about the whole sordid affair…………… he sent all the Pioneer and Gellivare to some BM shop in Clarksville we could have it when the internet shuts down

                        Man..............I don't see what all the fuss is about...............seems perfectly clear to me
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Ainkor
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1144

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          First of all Rick isn't their spokesperson. He's in charge of getting shit out to local stores and brokering those relationships etc. He does us a favor by trying to push things along for forum members etc. Everyone is pissed at Northerner right now, but anyone who has been here for more than 20 minutes knows that this shit happens at least once every year or so. Be it PACT or the Eurozone melting down, some catastrophe ****s up their stock, and so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Every year everyone says they are going to leave, and then everything goes back to normal.

                          Rick is just doing the best he can, he doesn't own Northerner and is just trying to be helpful in a situation that was not caused by him. Stop with all the hostility people, we all go on our collective rags every year here and it gets old. We get it, Northerner isn't always reliable. This is not new news. Go shop somewhere else if you feel that way. Vote with your dollars.

                          As Rick stated, Northerner is a large operation and has different rules to play by. They get scrutinized more and move much larger shipments, hence things like the bond guys get on their back. In the long run though they are driving the push to get snus into local stores which is really the end goal because someday online tobacco will be a thing of the past and you will be glad that they took the time to do things the right way.


                          I'd much rather be able to buy my snus locally than ship it in to support local businesses and for the simple fact of convenience.

                          While it sucks at times that shipping has it's drawbacks, until snus is more popular, it's the best there is.

                          I have about 50 cans of various kinds I use but keeping my wife's in stock is a challenge


                          • SnusoMatic
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 507

                            Originally posted by jagmanss
                            Really Rick! What you can't take a joke or the heat anymore You want to go there? I'm the community naysayer? Are you serious? Really? Have you really been a member here or just a spokeperson for Northerner? I pick the later.... Have you seen the negative threads and comments as of late about Northerner, All it takes is a member to search Northerner on here and Most of which have not been posted by me at all BTW, As a matter of fact I rarely post at all... Go ahead and attack me about that, as I'm sure you will, Stating my post are snarky comments, Oh! And yeah this one is.... But facts are facts and a majority of snuson member's are saying they are done with Northerner and will order elswhere is a fact... Here is another per you...

                            Really! That is a flat out lie and blowing smoke up all of snuson member's and this is taking care of them? Your a spokesperson for Northerner... Really? I really wish Fred was still here... At leat he wouldn't make the Snarky comment you just made..

                            On a side note: If it's that time of month for you I totally understand... LMMFAO

                            a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views: Despite a general feeling that things were going well, a few naysayers tried to cast gloom.

                            I've been trying to build my vocabulary and i use a lot. if i understand correctly the general feeling here is that things at northerner are going well? That means i can order my beloved odens es loose and get this nasty odens extreme out of my mouth. maybe i am just scoffing

                            verb (used without object)
                            to speak derisively; mock; jeer (often followed by at ): If you can't do any better, don't scoff. Their efforts toward a peaceful settlement are not to be scoffed at.

                            Derision may be the better term.

                            Seriously i have my fingers crossed for monday odens es loose :-)


                            • N0mad
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 550

                              Originally posted by rickcharles606
                              here's the lowdown:
                              Our last 5 shipments have been sitting in a UPS bonded warehouse in Philly for three weeks waiting for the bonding company to issue us a new continuous bond.
                              Damn does this mean the kidnapped snus has spent a week or more in transit from the manufacture, then four to five weeks in a holding pen, then another few weeks at the Northerner warehouse and another week or so in transit to the consumer? I wonder what really fresh snus taste like.


                              • GoVegan
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 5603

                                I may not have to worry about ordering online soon. The guy at the 7-11 I spoke with thinks he will have General by the end of next week. This actually seems promising! General is not my favorite but I could use indefinetely if I needed to.


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