Actual price of Snus in Sweden

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    Actual price of Snus in Sweden

    So I was curious today about how buysnus could afford to give the 6th roll deal and toss in free cans here and there. Going by Wikipedia, yeah I know, snus is between 3 & 4 Krona a can in Sweden and around 7.5 in Norway.
    My next stop was to an online currency converter.

    My question is does anyone know the true relation of what the actual price of Snus is for Swedes in U.S. Dollars?

    According to my unscientific 5 minutes of Google time today I came up with less that 70 cents a can. That doesn't sound right to me. I used 4 Swedish Kronans to US dollars. I also did 7.5 Norwegian Krone to US dolllars and pulled in under $1.40.

    Are they using Euros? I don't recognize the currency symbols Wiki used. I am asking clearly due to my ignorance of Europen culture. I have enough trouble keeping up with TMZ.

    If I'm wrong please tell me the real state of affairs and exchange so I can continue to feel like I'm getting a great deal.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    The Buysnus prices are probably what they should pay without all of the crap attached. There's a 17% VAT, as well as the egregious tobacco taxes. I get the impression that a can of snus for a Swede costs about $8 in America. That's unscientific, and based on personal impressions. Someone with firsthand knowledge should be able to give you a better idea.


    • KarlvB
      • Feb 2008
      • 681


      I was in Stockholm recently and bought the following

      Granit Portion x 1
      Granit White Portion x 1
      Retro White x 1
      Romeo y Julieta x 1

      I paid SEK170 ($28 roughly) or around $7 per can

      On average the majority of shops I was in priced snus at anything between SEK37 ($6) and SEK42 ($7)

      The same order would cost you 18.70 (freight included) so saying that you are getting a great deal is the understatement of the year

      I wish I could pay those prices.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I don't know where you got those numbers, dude, but you're missing a factor of ten - snus in sweden was 25-30 SEK when I was there and taxes have gone up twice since then. Snus in Norway is usually around 70 NOK, I believe. What we pay on buysnus and northerner is basically what you would pay in Sweden.

        Actually, I just looked at wikipedia - it seems they've converted SEK and NOK into euros - hence the €3-4 in sweden and €7.50 in norway - convert those into krona and you get €3-4 = 28-37 SEK, €7.50 = 60 NOK. Don't know why Wikipedia is using euros - maybe just because it's something most people have a better grasp on.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          As lxskllr already mentioned, just go to Buysnus and click on "Freight country within the EU" to get the normal market prices in Sweden (around 7$ for most brands). I don't think, that Buysnus charges more than an average store in Sweden. There are too many competitors to charge "luxury-prices".



          • phish
            • Jan 2007
            • 265

            I remember paying around £7 for a tin of general in Norway. Although compared to normal tobacco snus is cheap! About £15 for a pouch of tobacco :\ .


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              I figured Wikipedia was skewed that's why I asked.

              We know what happens when someone "ASSUMES"

              Thanks for the perspectives.

              Even with the higher water content snus is still cheaper for me than copenhagen snuff. Not to mention better.


              • surfing_64
                • Jan 2008
                • 82

                When i lived in Norway in 2006, it was about 50nok or about $10 a can. We;d always take a trip to sweden (was about 45mins drive from where i was) and load up duty free


                • Blacha
                  New Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 5

                  The price probably was 3 or 4 EURO in Sweden , and 7 or higher in Norway...
                  In Poland ( where I`m l from) one can cost araund 19zl, 1 Euro=3,4zl , so 1 can cost 5,5 Euro.
                  1 sweden krona=0,3zl , so it`s impossible that 1 can in Sweden cost 1,2zl....


                  • Mazur
                    • May 2007
                    • 159

                    Here are some prices. I have made this photo a year ago in some store in Stockholm.

                    Price in swedish crowns, for tin/10 tins.

                    Now prices are probably 5-10% higher.

                    When you buy in airports or railway stations it's much higher.


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      wow I wish I could walk into a shop in the US and see that kind of selection. Now I'm lucky to see Triumph lingering on the counter collecting dust waiting for probably only me to buy another can. Was that a walk in cooler or a view through a door like a beer cooler?


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        I'd guess it's behind a glass door from the flash reflecting on the glass. That'd be a sight to see!


                        • Mazur
                          • May 2007
                          • 159



                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            :P Oh the thought of being able to walk into a local store and see that. Hopefully the day will come. :wink:
                            I think a lot is to be said about the whole snus experience compared to american snuff. Such a paradigm shift in thought would have to occur here. What snuff user would be opposed to holding their tobacco product to the same standard as food stuff. When I think of how long some of the american snuff I see in stores has been sitting out on a rack rotting in the can waiting for someone to buy it I almost can't believe I used it.
                            I wish more snus were available in more areas in the US. It no doubt would catch on. Then all could stroll up to their local snus door, browse, pick, and be confident of getting a quality, wholesome product.
                            So many american snuffs don't even plainly label a date on the can, let alone the ingredients like snus.


                            • CrownTown
                              New Member
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 3

                              God damn that would be a sight to see


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