Actual price of Snus in Sweden

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Well soon, I will be up to 85 cans in the freezer. Maybe, if I can keep going like this, one day, my personal stash will look like that. We can have dreams, can't we?? :lol:


    • kevin32
      • Jul 2008
      • 106

      In Norway grocery stores sell for 54 or 55 NOK. Cornerstores, gas stations and immigrant owned stores sell for 65 or 66 NOK. How do they get away with it? They sell to minors. Still very very expensive compared to the rest of the world. I'll for sure start ordering from BuySnus if it can bypass customs when I go back to Norway in August. I'll buy from there and earn money by selling it to friends for 40 NOK a tin, if possible.

      On a side note, I only have 2 snus left and 5 more cans on their way, sent 48 hours ago. I'm kinda scared to use them up. The Skoal Bandits they have here don't even cure my oral fixation.


      • TheJR
        • Jul 2008
        • 57

        Normal price for a can of snus atm here in sweden is 35kr ($5)


        • kevin32
          • Jul 2008
          • 106

          Originally posted by CrownTown
          God damn that would be a sight to see
          If you go into one of the larger tobacconist shops in Sweden they've basically got all 4 walls filled with snus, then behind the counter they have a few cartons of cigarettes.


          • Sedriak
            • Sep 2008
            • 17

            Hi all,

            depending were u buy it from the price can vary but not alot. your average newsagent/ 7:11, General (portion) goes for about 40/41kr, lös for about 48-50kr. At one of the large supermarket chains about 37kr for general portion. General is one of the more mid pirce brands, not as much as Nick & Jonney or Röda lacket, Lucky strike etc. but more expensive than Kronan, Catch etc. u can be lucky and find some local corner stores selling on the cheap (i pursume ''tax'' free). always nice when u find of those places!!!


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              I had to go change my pants after seeing the pictures of those snus coolers. I hate the fact that I have to order this stuff online and then camp out in a tent next to my mailbox until it gets here (ok, maybe it's not that bad). On the other hand, I can't see something like that ever happening here in America. I don't think a refrigerated case full of tobacco would be allowed. Here, you have to ask the clerk to get your cigarettes for you, say a special password, show your ID, a letter from your local congressman saying you're old enough to smoke, make a secret handshake and then jump on your left foot. And that's just to get some Marlboros! Can you imagine US legislature believing that the only people walking up to that cooler are of age and also trusting them not just to slip a can in their pocket and walk out? It brings a tear to my eye that I have to say this, but I don't think so.


              • Mongrul
                • Aug 2008
                • 151

                As a noob, I'm hoping the authorities don't start paying attention to snus. I've gotten 3 orders without problems. All said snus on them. I'll bet the clowns at the post office don't know what it is yet. They are not supposed to ship to Arizona, but Northerner, and Buysnus do, and Snusbutikan will ship Monticristo and Romeo and Juliet as well. (The other two will remove it from your order due to Cuban ban) I've recently discovered the joy of los, and wanted to get my hands on the best stuff. I pay over $6.00 for a pack of smokes, snus will save me a ton of cash, and help me improve my health as long as the stinking tobacco Nazi's in the government keep their grubby hands out of our cookie jar!!


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