Fight for snus. Denmark attacked

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  • pris

    That guy must be being bunged £££££s from big pharma and/or cigarette companies for his ridiculous, incomprehensible stand against snus, oh and I bet his freezer's full of the stuff

    Originally posted by Ansel
    Regarding John Dalli, i wish someone would take him out.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885


      I really hope your words will come true -

      In my opinion Sweden shouldn't have joined EU at all in the first place, just like Norway

      Norwegians live the best life there could ever be, even a low paid job average joe afford pretty much anything

      they did not need to join EU.

      I really feel sorry for Sweden, I've heard a lot of nasty stuff since joining EU on a different note

      where all kind of gypsy came, yugoslavs, moldavians, bulgarians, ukranians, arabs and started making their OWN laws because they are millionaires (and this started just about when Sweden joined EU)

      The slavery started also, where all these bastars listed above corrupt the law and government to open up businesses and hire by the thousands of innocent people that don't get paid, yet the Swedish Gov is still in the sleep mode (again because of high financial interesst)

      A friend of mine has worked in Sweden and hasn't got paid, along with other 100 fellows on their team (and they worked 12 months) he was threatened with his life if he would not leave the area

      shit happens, all because EU


      • kevs
        • Mar 2011
        • 875

        Originally posted by pris
        That guy must be being bunged £££££s from big pharma and/or cigarette companies for his ridiculous, incomprehensible stand against snus
        oh no mate, every respectable guy in EU only accepts €€€


        • pris

          lol :-)

          Originally posted by kevinatest
          oh no mate, every respectable guy in EU only accepts €€€


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Originally posted by kevinatest
            lol :-)

            oh no mate, every respectable guy in EU only accepts €€€
            money doesn't have color

            only politic parties do



            • kevs
              • Mar 2011
              • 875

              Originally posted by precious007
              money doesn't have color

              only politic parties do

              Actually yeah, as € is going down, it would be smart to accept money in £ or $. I keep most of my saving in Norwegian kronor in Nordea bank for example...


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                Originally posted by kevinatest
                Actually yeah, as € is going down, it would be smart to accept money in £ or $. I keep most of my saving in Norwegian kronor in Nordea bank for example...
                Norwegian banks are great -

                I keep mine in Belize, basically this bank has the lowest maintenance fees -

                Not that I would get many benefits from keeping such low amounts, low.

                But they're safe and they are in $$, I don't trust any other currency

                I was referring that if these EU guys bank 10 mil overnight for doing nothing then it can be really anything +/-

                same shit

                it's always rolling for them

                all they have to do is wear a suit and talk crap


                • kevs
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 875

                  Yup same here, at least I'm sure if something happens with € then atleast I still have some backup money anyways


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    Originally posted by kevinatest
                    Yup same here, at least I'm sure if something happens with € then atleast I still have some backup money anyways
                    speaking of currency, they say gold will continue doubling by the year and silver too

                    I don't have money to invest but have you ever thought of investing in metals?

                    heard a lot of people that are pretty successful with hit


                    • kevs
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 875

                      Originally posted by precious007
                      speaking of currency, they say gold will continue doubling by the year and silver too

                      I don't have money to invest but have you ever thought of investing in metals?

                      heard a lot of people that are pretty successful with hit
                      Have heard the same story..

                      As the gold mines are getting empty it sure gets more valuable but the question is for how long. When lot of people starting investing in metals, prices will probably drop again. But if I had like 10 000€ that I could use I'd invest in gold for sure, it still is quite stabile currency so you don't have to keep an eye on your investments every day.
                      The second area where I would invest is wood, at least in here the forest business is going up and up.


                      • chainsnuser
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 1388

                        Originally posted by kevinatest
                        Btw just started thinking here, why EU is so against snus and it's connections with €.
                        It's much easier. I think a British organisation of e-cig-users is dead on
                        (extremely worth reading IMHO):

                        Snus threatens existing income streams

                        - of the cigarette industry (less cigarette sales)

                        - of the pharma industry (less NRT sales)

                        - of medics (less people with severe, profitable illnesses to treat)

                        - of anti-tobacco professionals (whose jobs would become unneeded if people switched to a no-risk nicotine-source like snus)

                        And on top of all that stands the vast percentage of people who are not financially affected by snus, but (after 50 years of anti-tobacco "education") are so totally brainwashed to almost literally believe that every tobacco leaf must be possessed by the devil and has to be avoided like the plague.

                        So, that's massive opposition for us snusers.

                        It's hard to imagine a theoretical possibility how the ban could be lifted under such premises, but it's not impossible. When snus was still allowed in single countries of the EU, it always stayed a niche product that nearly no one had ever heard of, not even real tobacco connoisseurs. So, a lift of the ban wouldn't really be a massive threat for the mentioned industries, but it would remove some extremely well-founded anti-EU criticism. I have not given up hope yet.



                        • Fazer
                          • May 2011
                          • 663

                          I think chainsnuser has just hit the nail on the head with that post ...


                          • kevs
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 875

                            As I said it was just an alternative thought, but it's well known that lot of money would be lost for some, if snus was legal


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              I still believe land is the best investment, however it takes ages to profit from it -


                              • squeezyjohn
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2497

                                Originally posted by precious007
                                In my opinion Sweden shouldn't have joined EU at all in the first place, just like Norway. Norwegians live the best life there could ever be, even a low paid job average joe afford pretty much anything. They did not need to join EU.
                                There is a massive difference between Norway & Sweden!

                                Norway has an even less dense population than Sweden for it's size, and it has massive resources in North Sea oil and gas which Sweden does not. That is why Norway does not need the EU!

                                When I went over to Norway a few years ago - I could not believe their prices for things compared to the UK. One beer was equivalent to £10 (€12) in a bar - and that was in 2007. People didn't blink at those prices because their wages are so high in Norway. And the people were definitely derogatory to the Swedes and the EU - one even said that they were not worried about Sweden at all because if they wanted to they could buy Sweden. There is a long history of rivalry between the two countries, and for most of that time Sweden was the rich cosmopolitan neighbour to Norway's fishermen and farmers before the oil and gas was discovered in the 1970s.

                                The Sweden of today is still a very prosperous and progressive society with respect to the rest of Europe - but you should not compare them like-for-like with Norway.

                                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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