Buysnus Problem

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Buysnus Problem

    I was wondering how come this happens.

    People in Ohio and such say they get their order in 3 days.

    Im in Georgia and its been 5 days already and nothing.

    It usually takes 4 or 5 but i ordered last thursday and still nothing.

    I know the 4th was a holiday but would that effect the mail/customs that much?
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077


    On 9 out of 10 orders, I get stuff from Buysnus in about 4 days. bit 1 out of ten, it can take twice that. Since it usually is so good, I just accept that. Plus, I order now when I get down to 30 cans in the freezer, so waiting isn't a problem any more


    • Grim
      • Jun 2008
      • 850

      I remember the first time i ordered it took 5 days.

      Every time since then its been 4. I mean i go to where when i ordered i knew when it would be there and made arrangements and it was always 4.

      Im just worried about the heat and humidity here in the south. I only ordered an Icetool and 1 can of Grovsnus Los. Figured i would try it. Everyone says its salty tobacco goodness and thats what i loved about american dip.

      But my buddy has 10 cans coming and i would want them to go bad.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I have close to 50 cans coming and I am in North Carolina. I snused last summer and never had any problems, even the few times an order took longer. Don't stress it my friend.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Mine have always taken 5-6 days to Savannah.


          • superdevil
            • Jul 2008
            • 158

            I placed my order last Wednesday, hopefully it will be here this afternoon. Has anybody ever had a problem with customs? Like, say they seize my order (five cans), will I have to pay taxes or something? This is my first import so I'm just wondering.


            • Kerprodo
              • Apr 2008
              • 138

              My understanding is that as long as it is under $200.00 in value there is no customs fee/taxes


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                superdevil, welcome to the forum, another snuser from North Carolina!!! I'm getting a rep around here as someone who always has a big stash, so if you are anywhere near Raleigh, and are in need, let me know.

                No, you will not have any problems on a 5 can order. I have been ordering it for 16 months+ and have never had an issue. So don't stress it. Snus orders always slow down when they span a holiday, hopefully, both of our orders should be here soon.

                Kerprodo, my last order was my biggest ever. I purposely kept it under $200, but the final total was something like $198. So we shall see what the cutoff really is. :P


                • superdevil
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 158

                  sagedil: I'm not too far from Raleigh actually, I live outside of Lillington. Fuquay-Varina is about a half an hour from me and that's where I go to get my Camel Snus.

                  I ordered a few different cans, some loose, portions and minis jsut to get a feel for what's out there. I really like the Camel originals, (I initially liked the Spice but I'm getting kind of tired of it now. The Frost makes me gag unless I pop one in right after I brush my teeth). I've smoked Camel non-filter or Lucky Strike filterless at 2 packs a day so I waited for Camel to come on to the scene with their snus as a reason to quit smoking.

                  I actually tried some loose snus years back from a German friend that was in town. I wasn't too impressed and I kept spitting it out like American Dip but the whole "teabag" portion style had me intrigued. As soon as I tried my first Camel Original I knew I no longer had a need for cigarettes and haven't touched one since.

                  I notice almost everyone here bashes Camel snus flavor-wise so I'm just curious as to how much better Swedish is over domestic, because I reeeeeeallly like the the lemon-tea flavor of Camel. I think my initial order is made up of Lucky Strike white, Goteburgs Rap'e, Mocca Pomegranate, Offroad apple portion, and something else I can't remember at the moment.

                  I just got a call that I have a small package from Sweden that came in the mail today...


                  • Kerprodo
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 138

                    I purposely do not bash Camel, it did lead me to real snus so I am glad that it was available in my area. If you liked original the Lucky will be closest to it, Gotebörgs is one of my personal favorite flavored snus, and I've never tried the Mocca or Offroad Apple (I stay away from the Offroad, 3 flavors I've had are either tossed out or buried in the freezer for an emergency). If you really like the lemony flavor give General a try, Onyx is particularly lemony to me.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      It's not that we bash Camel's flavor, but it is very "fake" compared to traditional Swedish snus. I actually love the spice, and usually have a can on hand when I want a desert snus. Although Triumph, when I can get it regularly, will probably replace it.

                      As I said earlier, the Mocca will be the closest physically to the Camel. It is also sweet, but not quite as overpowering. The Lucky White is one of my top 5. Definitely give you an idea of what traditional snus tastes like. But as a white, it will be more mellow and slow to come on compared to the regular Lucky Strike. The GR is a favorite of most. The offroad....well, it is in it's own snus space. Not a lot of Offroad fans here.

                      I'm glad you got it!!!! We are waiting for your reaction.


                      • superdevil
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 158

                        Ok, just opened up the package. The fifth can I couldn't remember the name of was the LD portion. I popped one in and spit the sucker out after a few minutes. Seriously this tasted like pure dirt salt ass. I chugged some pepsi to get the flavor out of my mouth.

                        I just tried a mocca pomegranate, I've had it in for a couple of minutes and I'm liking it o.k. I can taste the fruitiness but also a lot of salt, too. It's not bad. I've still got the Offroad, GR and Lucky Strike to try later. I'll post back with my impressions.


                        • Grampy
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 21

                          There will be no Camel bashing from me. I really like the Camel original too and still buy it from time to time.

                          The swedish stuff takes some time to grown on you. When I first tried it, I went straight back to the Camel for a few days. Now I prefer the imported stuff. Gotlands Yellow los is my favortite now.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            I should look and see if I can find the post I made on the other, crappy snus forum in the first months after Camel was introduced. Having done Swedish snus long before I tried Camel, I knew how different Camel was. I wondered at the time how people would make the transition "backwards", ie from Camel to real snus. At the time, I just thought it would be real hard.

                            Now it's so cool cause y'all are finally here. The mythical Camel snusers who would finally seek out the real thing and find us people. Some of us "Old Timers"... LOL.... have been waiting for you. Welcome!!


                            • Jason
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 1370

                              I've yet to try any of the Camel snus; it's not available in my area, and I can't bring myself to buy any off of Ebay or the like. That's simply money that would be better spent on snus I know I will like and enjoy. Their weak website is what enlightened me to the real stuff, though....


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