On the way down to Chicago today, I checked General's website to see if there was any stores that carried it that would not be too out of the way for me. I stumbled upon a store called Tinderbox in Rockford. They carry all the US General products and at $5.25/can, I'd consider the price fairly reasonable. Just thought I'd throw this out there for those of you who live within that area.
Southern WI/Northern Illinois
I know right. Fortunately, where I am going to be moving to, there is a tobacco shop that sells General about 30 miles away. The only bad part is the outrageous price. $8/can. I am also going to be near the Minnesota border, so hopefully prices in MN are reasonable. Northerner doesn't ship to Wisconsin, so I am left with snuscentral, which has by the looks of it, outrageous shipping costs. I also can't say I snus enough to justify purchasing in bulk either.
Originally posted by dman21I know right. Fortunately, where I am going to be moving to, there is a tobacco shop that sells General about 30 miles away. The only bad part is the outrageous price. $8/can. I am also going to be near the Minnesota border, so hopefully prices in MN are reasonable. Northerner doesn't ship to Wisconsin, so I am left with snuscentral, which has by the looks of it, outrageous shipping costs. I also can't say I snus enough to justify purchasing in bulk either.
I used to get snus and stonewalls shipped from lil' brown shack, but they also stopped shipping to WI. The only place I have found is snuscentral. I would assume Buy snus would also be a place but they carry the exact same thing as snuscentral.
I wish Northerner would sell in a few WI locations.
sure I can. And I have a much much wider variety in stock. and am in the northern mid east part of Illinois. Like less than 1 hour due east of Rockford.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by voodoomani used them for a while as well. only had general, but $15 (plus shipping) for five cans shipped domestically was a decent deal.
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