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  • dman21
    • Jul 2012
    • 1141


    So I tried signing up for Snuscentral, just for the purposes of at the very least making mock orders to get an idea of cost. I put in the last 4 digits of my social security number, my card number, as well as my birth date. It says according to my birth date, I'm not 18. For the record, I'm almost 21. Is this some sort of glitch?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Sounds like it. If you want to sign up there, contact them. You get 10% off your first order if I remember right, but otherwise their prices will be very similar to Buysnus. They run a touch cheaper, but don't have a loyalty program last I checked.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Snuscentral has a nice selection but I have never ordered from them because of the shipping costs. I used to use buysnus a lot but stopped after they raised their shipping prices as well. Unless you order a lot your best bet might be Northerner.


      • dman21
        • Jul 2012
        • 1141

        As I've mentioned in previous posts, Northerner doesn't ship to Wisconsin.


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Originally posted by GoVegan
          Snuscentral has a nice selection but I have never ordered from them because of the shipping costs. I used to use buysnus a lot but stopped after they raised their shipping prices as well. Unless you order a lot your best bet might be Northerner.
          I love snuscentral. Just received 60 cans for $210 USD. Gonna end up buying it anyway. Same order thru Northerner would have cost me $290.


          • UsualSnuspects
            • Nov 2011
            • 278

            My avatar is from someone in shipping at SnusCentral... I've always received my orders within 72 hours, and the expiration dates have always been far in the future.

            It's kinda fun to watch it globetrot in real time too.


            • Grim
              • Jun 2008
              • 850

              I have nothing but praise for them. Hard to believe they ship as fast and sometimes faster than Northerner for those who live in the states.

              I will say if you are going to buy rolls at a time to use buysnus as you can get a free roll after you buy 5 if I remember correctly.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Grim
                I will say if you are going to buy rolls at a time to use buysnus as you can get a free roll after you buy 5 if I remember correctly.
                You get your 6th roll half price. Not as good as free, but nothing to sneeze at.


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  You get your 6th roll half price. Not as good as free, but nothing to sneeze at.
                  Didn't think of buysnus. Just did a mock on my last order thru them woulda been $209. Same groceries different bag. And I was already registered with snuscentral. Anyway you look at it. They both get to you faster and are cheaper than Northerner. Sorry to say. I didn't mention that I ordered on a Thursday and had my snus by Monday. Effing incredible if you ask me... No mess ups no oh sorry when you ordered it it was in stock but when we went to ship it wasn't now you have to wait till we get your whole order in, No matter how long that takes.


                  • mistahARK
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 56

                    Apparently, BuySnus and SnusCentral are shipped out of the same warehouse, much like Northerner and GetSnus are. I'm not sure if it's the same type of DBA agreement, but it's interesting.

                    More information on post #601


                    • whalen
                      • May 2009
                      • 6593

                      Originally posted by mistahARK
                      Apparently, BuySnus and SnusCentral are shipped out of the same warehouse, much like Northerner and GetSnus are. I'm not sure if it's the same type of DBA agreement, but it's interesting.

                      More information on post #601
                      Check both sites, these two are interesting they often have a squeeze the balloon type situation, one with lower snus prices and higher shipping, one with higher snus and lower shipping. I just always mock shop until I find the best deal. They are my go too for service and better yet fresh quality stock.

                      Northerner/Getsnus has always pissed me off and sent soon to expire snus far too often. Since I can no longer use them it is a blessing, since their long term indifference and half assed ways are so insulting anyway. No way to run a business. And yeah, I know we are supposed to bow down and kiss the ring for all their efforts.

                      A couple of more low nic GN products and reasonable shipping rate, would be a problem solved scenario. But I have to recommend Buysnus and Snuscentral. Snus acquisition is a just an expensive pain in the ass no matter what.
                      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                      • mistahARK
                        • Aug 2012
                        • 56

                        Originally posted by whalen
                        Check both sites, these two are interesting they often have a squeeze the balloon type situation, one with lower snus prices and higher shipping, one with higher snus and lower shipping. I just always mock shop until I find the best deal. They are my go too for service and better yet fresh quality stock.

                        Northerner/Getsnus has always pissed me off and sent soon to expire snus far too often. Since I can no longer use them it is a blessing, since their long term indifference and half assed ways are so insulting anyway. No way to run a business. And yeah, I know we are supposed to bow down and kiss the ring for all their efforts.

                        A couple of more low nic GN products and reasonable shipping rate, would be a problem solved scenario. But I have to recommend Buysnus and Snuscentral. Snus acquisition is a just an expensive pain in the ass no matter what.
                        That's interesting, because SnusCentral specifically stated that they want to provide a consistent service, without that balloon-type effect you mentioned. But hey, if their service and product is better, who am I to complain.

                        I'm stuck with Northerner for now, however, as I'm still in the small-shipment-sampler-stage, and BuySnus/Central's shipping is just too expensive to justify small orders. I did notice that my Northerner/GetSnus products were all rather dry...Looks like I'm gonna have to figure out my taste and get away from them ASAP.

                        Ok I can't get a direct answer on this, which products does GN make? I'm pretty sure he makes Oden's and Old Ving, does he make any others? And is he owned by Swedish Match?


                        • whalen
                          • May 2009
                          • 6593

                          Originally posted by mistahARK
                          That's interesting, because SnusCentral specifically stated that they want to provide a consistent service, without that balloon-type effect you mentioned. But hey, if their service and product is better, who am I to complain.

                          I'm stuck with Northerner for now, however, as I'm still in the small-shipment-sampler-stage, and BuySnus/Central's shipping is just too expensive to justify small orders. I did notice that my Northerner/GetSnus products were all rather dry...Looks like I'm gonna have to figure out my taste and get away from them ASAP.

                          Ok I can't get a direct answer on this, which products does GN make? I'm pretty sure he makes Oden's and Old Ving, does he make any others? And is he owned by Swedish Match?
                          GN stands alone on his own two feet, although he contracted out his two original sterks. There is a list he made, I will try to find it, it is constantly being added to, and his recent acquisition of the Swedish Match Snus miester will no doubt add to the list. He makes some quality product, although most of them are strong enough to kill me. I am too biased about him and his snus, a lot of us are, I love him with a lot of manly man love, and he, to my knowledge, has done nothing to discourage all of us to continue.

                          You are at a stage that, well lets face it, is an exciting time for exploring snus. But you will have to pony up the bucks to do it. Back in the old old days, I mean as far back as three years ago, ordering a can or three on a whim was cheap and easy. Now, you are going to be fleeced. I never ever order any thing less than the maximum amount that keeps me in the best cost zone, that has averaged to be 5 rolls at a time, but I know what I want, and they won't sell it to me anyway (Lucky Strike), so I order the same half ass crap that I make do with.

                          Ordering a small amount of snus from anybody is tantamount to trading a package of smokes for a prison honey bun now a days. You would be ahead of the game to acquire a small amount of the hot snus of the day, I cannot give you a recommendation, search and read the forum, and begin trading for snus, I have had nothing but fun doing this, and some of these sneaky and smart bastards here can get everything it seems.

                          Me, I have so many types and brands left from my pre Pact panic buying, They are holding up well, and I swear a three year old can is at least equal to a can of snus that has been awaiting a rotation at the Northerner warehouse.

                          Good luck to you, I am just a burned out snus junkie living on methadone snus now, sure, I crack open a can of Claq Qui and burn the candle at both ends sometimes, and I love GN snus, until I get overwhelmed by nicotine.

                          Sheet, I just saw where you are! AFG.................! Some body will step up with more good sources, but rolls from Buysnus/Snuscentral is all I got for now!
                          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                          • mistahARK
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 56

                            Originally posted by whalen
                            GN stands alone on his own two feet, although he contracted out his two original sterks. There is a list he made, I will try to find it, it is constantly being added to, and his recent acquisition of the Swedish Match Snus miester will no doubt add to the list. He makes some quality product, although most of them are strong enough to kill me. I am too biased about him and his snus, a lot of us are, I love him with a lot of manly man love, and he, to my knowledge, has done nothing to discourage all of us to continue.

                            You are at a stage that, well lets face it, is an exciting time for exploring snus. But you will have to pony up the bucks to do it. Back in the old old days, I mean as far back as three years ago, ordering a can or three on a whim was cheap and easy. Now, you are going to be fleeced. I never ever order any thing less than the maximum amount that keeps me in the best cost zone, that has averaged to be 5 rolls at a time, but I know what I want, and they won't sell it to me anyway (Lucky Strike), so I order the same half ass crap that I make do with.

                            Ordering a small amount of snus from anybody is tantamount to trading a package of smokes for a prison honey bun now a days. You would be ahead of the game to acquire a small amount of the hot snus of the day, I cannot give you a recommendation, search and read the forum, and begin trading for snus, I have had nothing but fun doing this, and some of these sneaky and smart bastards here can get everything it seems.

                            Me, I have so many types and brands left from my pre Pact panic buying, They are holding up well, and I swear a three year old can is at least equal to a can of snus that has been awaiting a rotation at the Northerner warehouse.

                            Good luck to you, I am just a burned out snus junkie living on methadone snus now, sure, I crack open a can of Claq Qui and burn the candle at both ends sometimes, and I love GN snus, until I get overwhelmed by nicotine.

                            Sheet, I just saw where you are! AFG.................! Some body will step up with more good sources, but rolls from Buysnus/Snuscentral is all I got for now!
                            Yes I noticed that many of his products are 20mg or more...I suppose in Los form that would save A LOT of money, but I couldn't handle portions of that lol. I'll have to try a couple of his, I think I have Old Ving on the way.

                            I'll get to that point eventually, but for now I'm noting which ones I like so I can get more, and reading around to see which flavors are worth trying. So that way at least my shipments will be of a decent size. And I REALLY wanted to try Lucky Strike, and am super pissed the FDA is screwing me out of that.

                            I'll have to take your word on that and start looking for deals to stock up on. As of right now, I have no long term storage capabilities, but once I get back state-side I'l be sure to get on it.

                            Thanks and I appreciate the help!


                            • dman21
                              • Jul 2012
                              • 1141

                              Unfortunately for those of you who order large quantities, there are those like myself who don't want or need that much snus lol. A typical order for me would probably be 10-20 cans, which will probably last me at least 4-5 months. I go through about a can a week. So I cannot justify buying 60 cans of snus, which expires anyways


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