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  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    Originally posted by sirloot
    yeah well you can probably fly to Sweden and pickup what ya want cheaper than I can have it shipped to the US ! and yer a double twat cause you can have Lucky Strikes ! :P

    hmm perhaps an exchange could be made
    True, very true, I have a friend who lives in Norway but is Swedish and goes back a few times a month, so i can get what i want really.

    We can't get anything other than V2 snus here though :-( No-one ships swedish made snus or from sweden to the EU anymore since that whole legal case blew up, so you still have it better So no lucky strike or camel for us :-(


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Originally posted by Skell18
      True, very true, I have a friend who lives in Norway but is Swedish and goes back a few times a month, so i can get what i want really.

      We can't get anything other than V2 snus here though :-( No-one ships swedish made snus or from sweden to the EU anymore since that whole legal case blew up, so you still have it better So no lucky strike or camel for us :-(
      That really sucks, but i feel much better now! V2 needs to step it up i guess. And, if it makes you feel better I made a large order for you guys! Unfortunately I have nothing left over for shipping. So get a big suitcase and come on over for holiday, river fishing, Washington galleries, moonshine.
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        Hand Catfishing, random shootings, people Dancing with snakes in church, Methlabs, all those uniquely American experiances!

        Oh! Yeah! Grocery stores full of Chewing tobacco and Dip, cheap.
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Originally posted by whalen
          That really sucks, but i feel much better now! V2 needs to step it up i guess. And, if it makes you feel better I made a large order for you guys! Unfortunately I have nothing left over for shipping. So get a big suitcase and come on over for holiday, river fishing, Washington galleries, moonshine.
          Whay Whay you know I can send you moolah for shipping, plus virtual love I do like the Phantom Classic and Brown though, the brown is like Ettan. Still not the same and there is a large amount of stuff I want but cannot get. Thats what friends are for though


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            Originally posted by whalen
            Hand Catfishing, random shootings, people Dancing with snakes in church, Methlabs, all those uniquely American experiances!

            Oh! Yeah! Grocery stores full of Chewing tobacco and Dip, cheap.
            The cheap dip and chew are worth a bit of oddness! lol Got some redman the other day, its not bad stuff and not as sweet as I thought it would be, aint snus though!


            • wadetheblade
              • Jul 2009
              • 572

              After my complaining earlier... I found a way to make it happen. I honestly only use General, Jaks and various GN products, and the occasional N&J, so I couldn't pass this up!


              • Skell18
                • May 2012
                • 7067

                Originally posted by whalen
                Lucky Luckies! I miss my Lucky Strikes! But just dug up my last can of Lucky strong! Gonna have to lay down and enjoy it, i am tired of falling down with them.

                And, Is that true? These guy's been whining about SM snus when they could be grooving on lucky strikes and the JTI snus? Sun of a bitc..................!

                And that is the correct term, Twat, innit?
                Twat = slang term for the lady garden


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by sirloot
                  yeah well you can probably fly to Sweden and pickup what ya want cheaper than I can have it shipped to the US ! and yer a double twat cause you can have Lucky Strikes ! :P

                  hmm perhaps an exchange could be made
                  Well my next order from my friend will include a large amount of Lucky Strike so if you want some, let me know


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