Buysnus is awesome!!

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  • GenuineSpirit
    • Jun 2008
    • 225

    I am super happy with them, I have received prompt emails about my order including the time they were out of stock and they sent them as soon as they received them from the manufacturer with no additional postage. I am curious what the laws are in the states for posting their banner link on a website as I am thinking of doing so.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      Just placed another order with buysnus for 2 rolls. Between the 2 rolls and the shipping I saved over $12 compared to northerner. Plus they are throwing in a free tin.

      ROBME.......Buysnus has FINALLY established a firm freebie policy. When you place an order a page comes up for you to choose a gift, depending upon the quanity of snus you purchase. In the past it was hit or miss as to whether you received a gift or not. You shouldn't have that problem now.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • RobME
        • Jul 2008
        • 387

        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
        ROBME.......Buysnus has FINALLY established a firm freebie policy... You shouldn't have that problem now.
        Thanks PP. I appreciate the heads-up! (also, I re-edited my post above). I did get a free can on my last order. Very nice of them!

        Thanks again,


        • Seneca
          New Member
          • Jul 2008
          • 3

          I gotta say-- I have to agree with all of you on this one. I couldn't BELIEVE that I got a package from Sweden to Dallas, TX in 5 working days. I mean, seriously. I can't even get MYSELF to Sweden in 5 days unless I'm prepared to bend over and grit my teeth-- and they have good prices, too! I've been constantly on the lookout for prices lower than theirs and I haven't found it yet. Had to go to my local cigar shop last week because I got caught a little short between shipments (a friend of mine is trying to quit smoking and I gave him 2 cans of White Portion) and I had to LAUGH at what they were charging. I paid it because I was desperate, but I told the guy that this website was basically going to rob him blind unless he got with the program.

          Anyway, in case I didn't mention it before: Hey everyone! Happy snusing!


          • Soliex
            • Jul 2008
            • 58

            I got my order from buysnus, ordered Sunday arrived Friday.

            They did mess up my order..

            I wanted:

            Skruf x2
            Skruf Cranberry x1
            Göteborgs rapè x2

            I got:

            Skruf x2
            Skruf Cranberry x1
            Göteborgs rapè *minis* x2
            Knox x1

            So I guess for getting 2 mini's they give me a Knox, never tried it but I will.

            Im happy with it


            • Jason
              • Jan 2008
              • 1370

              Are you sure you didn't click on the G. Rape minis by accident? I've done it more than once; the tins look very similar. Luckily, I usually catch my mistake by the time I go to the checkout section. :wink:


              • Soliex
                • Jul 2008
                • 58

                You're right, I got the mini's that I ordered... oh well I guess they are handy to use if im in a meeting or want to be discrete.


                • nmg
                  New Member
                  • May 2008
                  • 3

                  I personally was just overcharged by buysnus for a whopping $1.96 according to my bank statement. This will not stand!!!

                  Honestly, I have spent hundreds of dollars with them and have never experienced such a thing before. I have complete faith that they will at the very least throw in an extra can of snus on my next order. I could not say that about any other retailer in... well, ever. They are good people and will do you right.

                  Edit: Placing an order on a Monday and receiving it on a Thursday is frankly amazing regardless of the extra charge... From Sweden to Minnesota in 3 days... wow.


                  • Soliex
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 58

                    Yeah, I like Buy Snus they threw in an extra tin of Knox (Which isnt that strong compared to Skruf) just to fill the envelope!


                    • cwcov
                      New Member
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 13

                      Only snus e-tailer I've used so far, and with the service and speed I've experienced, anybody else would have to "beam" the stuff to me. First order seemed to take a while, but I ordered at the end of the week, so the weekend screwed me up, (I now place orders Sun night/Mon morning).

                      I haven't had any accuracy trouble, but I've been ordering mixed rolls to get an assortment, and build points.

                      The one problem I've had is a "chipped" lid on a tin of Kronan los, and that had to have been more the USPS fault. Still, buysnus rectified the situation.

                      Only thing I would like to see is maybe points for every ten tins, or 1/2 points for 1/2 rolls. Not sure I want to order a full 10 cans of a certain snus yet, but I can think of a coulple that I'd like to order 5 of.


                      • KarlvB
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 681


                        I don't order rolls because I enjoy the experience of ordering every couple of weeks, but I do order a fair bit every time (6-8 cans) and I think they should reward regular customers as much as customers who buy in bulk if only buy throwing in a can of that customers favourite snus every so often (based on purchasing habits)

                        Another point that I think they need to address is the free gift process. Some forum members have mentioned that the process has been standardised, but I put in an order valued at over $80 today and wasn't given any option to choose a gift.

                        I am guessing that this was because I was close to the next weight limit, but what about all the other orders that I've placed?

                        Now I do realise this may sound like sour grapes because I never get free stuff - it is not!

                        I really enjoy ordering from Buysnus and I've never had any trouble with an order so I will remain a loyal customer for a long time free gift or not.

                        Besides if I had to choose between nothing a free tin of Elixyr I will always choose nothing



                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          Originally posted by KarlvB

                          Another point that I think they need to address is the free gift process. Some forum members have mentioned that the process has been standardised, but I put in an order valued at over $80 today and wasn't given any option to choose a gift.

                          I am guessing that this was because I was close to the next weight limit, but what about all the other orders that I've placed?
                          Everytime I order "now", during the order process a page comes up with all the freebies, depending up on the quanity of snus you buy all you have to do is click on one of the gifts. However you have to be a registered member of buysnus to get any promotions. This page comes up just after the shopping cart page, when you click on "continue" to go to check-out. I noticed that it didn't come up before I logged in to buysnus. After I logged in and went thru the process BOOM it was there for me to check off my promotional gift. So ya need to login in to get any freebies.
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • KarlvB
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 681

                            Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                            Everytime I order "now", during the order process a page comes up with all the freebies, depending up on the quanity of snus you buy all you have to do is click on one of the gifts. However you have to be a registered member of buysnus to get any promotions. This page comes up just after the shopping cart page, when you click on "continue" to go to check-out. I noticed that it didn't come up before I logged in to buysnus. After I logged in and went thru the process BOOM it was there for me to check off my promotional gift. So ya need to login in to get any freebies.
                            I always log in before I order or even put anything in my cart. I've had an account with Buysnus since last December and regularly receive email updates etc. I also have a complete order history in the order history tab and yet I've never had the option to receive a gift. That is why I find it weird and the only reason I could think of was that I am so close to the postage weight limit that giving me a free gift would push it over and cost them postage..... Maybe I should mail them and ask?


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Thats strange. I'm sure its not a postage thing. However, I thought of this before but didn't mention it, could it be that buysnus is offering the promotions to USA snusers only? As a promotion to lure more USA buyers? I would email buysnus to get the low down on this issue. It doesn't seem fair at all. Let us know.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                Or maybe they just feel sorry for us cause the dollar is so weak and pathetic.


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