Where to find Camel snus in Seattle?

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  • spcmiller
    • Jun 2008
    • 15

    Where to find Camel snus in Seattle?

    Good morning,

    I was recently driving back from CO and stopped in Portland and picked up a few cans of Camel snus and LOVE IT! I live in Tacoma, so driving to Seattle is closer than driving to Portland. I just don't know where to go or how to get there. If someone knows where there's a store that carries it please let me know.

  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    You could try www.snuscamel.com or give Camel a call. Or save a lot of money and order the real stuff.


    • TropicalBob
      • Feb 2008
      • 316

      That sounds like sarcastic elitism. If he likes Camel, so be it. It's a real product, just not to your taste.


      • spcmiller
        • Jun 2008
        • 15

        Originally posted by TropicalBob
        That sounds like sarcastic elitism. If he likes Camel, so be it. It's a real product, just not to your taste.
        Thanks! I found it very close and very convenient! I do like the Camel stuff better...I suspect I'm not to only one with this opinion.


        • ponysoprano
          • Jul 2008
          • 562

          Camel snus is now widely available in the Seattle/Tacoma area. Tom's University Smokeshop in the U-district carries it. I turn to the Camel when I'm out of Swedish snus, waiting for my order from buysnus.com. The Camel Spice flavor is strangely addictive, I think theree must be some sketchy unregulated additives in there.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Camel Snus is a ripoff! You only get 9 grams of tobacco per tin and it costs about the same as a can of Swedish snus (which contain on average 24 grams of tobacco). As well, I noticed that Camel snus burns my gums every time I use it. This is probably a sign that the tobacco contains more TSNAs than real Swedish snus.


            • RobME
              • Jul 2008
              • 387

              Originally posted by snusjus
              Camel Snus is a ripoff!...
              No, you're just not yet getting taxed on the European product, that is, if you're in the USA. Besides, Camel snus is a blessing (in disguise). It's a product that'll help many smokers (if they've a mind to) switch from a harmful tobacco dependance; smoking, to a considerably less dangerous 'sport', snussing.

              And for the few, the brave, the strong searching souls who first discover Camel snus, we fortunately find our way to the Swedish product. If Camel snus is how you found yourself here... you should be happy for it.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                RobME, thank you. That is my attitude about Camel as well. I am of the pre-camel generation of snus users, I found the Swedish stuff long before Camel was around. When Camel first came out, I was disappointed. (well, other than really liking Spice as a desert snus). But I realized that with the marketing commitment Camel was making, there was an opportunity to introduce the concept of snus to a much larger segment of the American population.

                I knew in time, that we would see a large influx of new snus users who would make their way to us after starting with Camel, and that has happened. So if Camel is a gateway snus, more power to it. And for the folks that love Camel, more power to you. Snus is about using what you like. So if you like Camel, I'm happy for you.

                I never want to see us dissing ANY snus here. There is a market for just about anything. And snus tastes are so unique, no matter how bad the majority of us may think something is, someone will love it.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  Originally posted by sagedil
                  .........I never want to see us dissing ANY snus here. There is a market for just about anything. And snus tastes are so unique, no matter how bad the majority of us may think something is, someone will love it.

                  Not the Tourney snus............not at all. That snus sucks big time. No one likes it. My breeding worms won't even use it.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • RobME
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 387

                    ...this is a long post...

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    RobME, thank you. That is my attitude about Camel as well...
                    sagedil, you're welcome. You know... If I had a nickel for every time I read your thoughts on this matter, I think that by now, I might have at least fifty cents, maybe even a buck, and that wouldn't help me very much. BUT seriously, what HAS been very helpful (for me and others) are the many enthusiastic, informative and sometimes funny posts by you, Xobe, PP, and the other 'elders' here, (though I'm older than a lot of you). I like to contribute now and then... be helpful in my own right, but I'll never be as prolific as you. I suppose it should be ME thanking YOU.

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    I never want to see us dissing ANY snus here. There is a market for just about anything. And snus tastes are so unique, no matter how bad the majority of us may think something is, someone will love it.
                    Not necessarily so, you might want to reconsider...

                    Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                    Not the Tourney snus............not at all. That snus sucks big time. No one likes it. My breeding worms won't even use it.
                    I gotta go with PP on this one. That shit is particularly bad.

                    Originally posted by jamesstew
                    (from another thread) Grand Prix goes by the Tourney name in my neck of the woods. Not very nice.
                    I have to think that someone (or some company) was either sleeping, stupid or particularly greedy to put those brands on the market. Grand Prix/Tourney really does give snus a bad name.

                    Originally posted by bakerbarber
                    (about Grand Prix) Pretty bad stuff. I bought two cans the same day I bought Triumph for the first time. It was actually unbearible. I gave it second chance and bought a new can some time later. Yuck. I bought two of the three flavor they offer. Haven't seen it around lately.

                    Stay away, trash can bound after one taste.

                    Try it if you like super dry, stale, ashy flavor. Tasted like cigarette chaff in a rough used tea bag. The mint was worse.
                    Speaking of Triumph...

                    The Swedish brand names and parent companys are relatively unknown here in the USA, but everyone knows of Camel, Marlboro and Newport, even though they may not associate them with RJ Renolds, Philip Morris and Lorillard. Camel and Marlboro have menthol counterparts, and now they have a (small but growing) snus association. Newport (otoh), is a menthol brand, so - my guess - is that Lorillard, rather than branding a Newport snus, with its menthol association - which might discourage potential sales - decided to create a new brand. Triumph; made by Swedish Match is a really superb product. The best 'Americanized' true Swedish snus on the market, and who knows about it? Certainly not many Americans. And what's the difference... Triumph? Tourney? Grand Prix? They all sound the same to me, but I know better... and many of us here know better, but most don't.

                    (Now I'm speculating)...

                    Who's the target market for this stuff?... Hmmm... Everyone?... (no Rob, get real)... Smokers?... (of course, but who else?)... Dippers & chewers?... Bingo!... And what's up with the 'Racing' type names?... Well, lemee guess... any NASCAR fans among us?... Any of 'em dip or chew?

                    (OK Rob, we know all this, where the flock are you going? Do you have a point?)

                    Yeah, I really do have a point.

                    My guess (unfortunately), is that anyone trying out Grand Prix or Tourney for the first time, would never care to try that snus stuff again. And for the great unwashed... Triumph is probably the same crap. I mean, what's in a name? Triumph, Tourney, Grand Prix??? The latter two, might just kill-off sales of the former... by association - unfortunately.

                    Lorillard has a toll free customer service phone number on their website. It's 877-703-0386. I called them. Being in NY, and knowing the test markets for Triumph are in Georgia and Ohio, I wanted to know when their snus might be available here (where I am).

                    The CS rep was very nice. She didn't know what snus was (I told her). She put me on hold and checked it out on her end. Apparently the sales and marketing folks don't tell them anything. She couldn't tell me anything about Lorillards future distribution of Triumph snus. She did tell me "No one asks for it".

                    So that's the bottom line. No one asks for (or about) Triumph snus. It'll be a miracle if the product survives. After all, it's not selling. She did send me two discount coupons for the product, (that was nice), not that I can use them. Hey, bakerbarber; Maybe I'll send them to you and we can do another trade of sorts.

                    Dissing snus? Hey, it happens, and where it's deserved (Tourney & Grand Prix) the products should die a quick death. I just hope that Triumph doesn't go with 'em.

                    Maybe some of y'all here in the USA should give Lorillard a call (on their dime), with five minutes of your time and try to keep this one alive.

                    I'm done.... I feel better already. 8)


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      Originally posted by TropicalBob
                      That sounds like sarcastic elitism. If he likes Camel, so be it. It's a real product, just not to your taste.
                      I didn't mean it that way, I have no problem with anyone liking any product according to their own tastes. I just have a few gripes with Camel's marketing, pricing, and packaging of their snus entry. By all means if you enjoy it use it. I'll still pop a 'Spice' every once in a while but find it does nothing for my nicotine cravings.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        LOL RobME and Premium Parrots, yeah Tourney, or Grand Prix is really bad, I get it.

                        BUT....... What if someone DOES like it? What if, the snus Gods really have a sense of humor that day and some poor, unlucky shmo actually, in his head at least, likes it? I DO want us to be careful how we speak about a snus so it doesn't come off like that person is stupid or wrong for liking a snus. Hell, we accept people who like a certain Blue snus here. We even accept those REALLY strange snus users who seem to like that God awful Elyxr crap. ops: ops: ops: .

                        There is just a line we walk that I want to be careful not to cross. Snus tastes are strange sometimes. And I want folks to always know they are welcome here regardless of what "crap" they may like.


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          Yours truly, The Amazing Jamesstew has repeatedly defended Tourney in the past. But then something bad happened and I'll not defend it any more. Me doesn't care if anyone makes fun of any snus I like, I can handle it. Well just as long as you don't knock my GS Gul. On another note I still don't understand why Camel 'pouches' are shaped like sausages.


                          • ponysoprano
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 562

                            When I was recently unemployed, I would turn to Camel when the good stuff ran out. Now, forget it, I'm working for a check, and Snus is my last single vice! Now that I'm working, I'll never buy that dromedary crap again. I just got a $90-something order from buysnus, my largest yet, including the OffRoad 2k8 ltd. can. Sue me, I'm a sucker for candy-flavors and I have a mega sweet tooth. I seem to be the only chap on this forum who can tolerate OffRoad, let alone, actually order it on the semi-regular. I'm saving the wacky 2k8 flavors, as they have an early 2k9 exp. date, but I'll keep you jokers posted on my opinions of the limited flavors that sound more like porn star names than snus varities...."Hot Honey" "Brandy Alexander" "Wild Strawberry" etc etc


                            • jamesstew
                              • May 2008
                              • 1440

                              I'm almost tempted to buy the new Offroad flavors to get the cool tin. I'm a scotch whisky fiend and that's what it reminds me of. I usually don't go for flavors buy 'hot-honey' has me intrigued.


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