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  • Bigblue1
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2008
    • 3923

    Originally posted by GoVegan
    I know northerner has their issues and more than once I have been on the receiving end of crappy service but I will be the first to admit they have always taken care of it in the end. The loss of Northerner would be a terrible blow to the USA. Its just a matter of time before international shipments to the USA marked snus will be banned. Northerner has at least made a commitment to be here. The new website sucks and seeing other customers info is definitely not cool but I still think this will all work out in the end.
    I don't see how international snus shipments could be deleted without national snus shipments being deleted. I'm not an international shipper but I'm sure they can't pick on one part of commerce for no reason. With Nafta and gat and many other treaties I don't see it happening. If anything would happen it would be all Tobacco banned from all shipment but I'm not worried about that. UPS is a big company with plenty of money who are gouging these international shipments of snus. It may not be a lot of shipments but I'm thinking the margins are big. And they have a monopoly on it. I'm not seeing it going away anytime soon. I am a believer in competition and hope Northerner get's their sh!t together but I for one am not gonna finance it for crappy service in return. Remember I used to be with you on this but no More......


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by GoVegan
      The loss of Northerner would be a terrible blow to the USA.
      Regardless of what anyone thinks of Northerner, losing them as a choice would be very bad. Centralized services aren't good for anyone. Without Northerner, if Buysnus went down, that would be pretty much it for online snus. I'll take high prices, and crappy service over nothing at all every time. I keep hoping they get their shit together. They have tons of potential, but they keep blowing it over rookie mistakes. It doesn't have to be, and that's what makes it really frustrating to watch.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        I'm just baffled

        How do you do this to your own business……….especailly when pre-testing the new site would seem such a simple and obvious means of prevention.

        And yea I still root for Norhterner.....especially with our brothers in the EU needing snus.......and the fact that loosing snus sites left and right is a bad trend for us all

        That seems everytime they change a roll of toilet paper over there......there is a 4 month phuck up

        I hope they get it sorted out soon
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          They've even spelled nicotine wrong on the front page about electronic cigarettes.
          You didn't write that for Norhterner dog did you?


          • cyrruss
            New Member
            • Oct 2012
            • 1

            Firstly, first post here. I love this site. Good info and always a good read.

            Secondly, wow. I am amazed. I have been ordering off Northerner with no problems for a few months now. Then they do this.

            Three times I have been logged into another persons account. One time was when I was logged into my own account and it just magically changed on me.

            I just checked in the 'my orders' section and I have an order in there from a completely different person. I checked the shipping address and I can see all of their personal details in there (phone #, address). It is for a stokers 12OZ wintergreen btw. My other orders are there too but they are still pending (ordered yesterday morning 9am). Generally these say shipped faster than this on the old website.

            I sent them an an email earlier today with some of my concerns.

            "Just before I was logged in under my account and it suddenly changed to someone elses account!! I think that this is very very bad not just in terms of time lost by logging out and logging back in but mainly for security reasons. It may be just me but I would not like someone else looking into my profile without my permission.

            This must be fixed. In my opinion the old website seemed to work allot better.

            A couple more things:
            • The old website had a reviews page. For the life of me I cannot find a review on here
            • You could easily see if a product was in stock, or low in stock with the old site. No such luck here
            • You continuously get logged out of this site/cannot log in. Sometimes getting logged in under another person’s name!!
            • Website is extremely slow even compared with the old one"
            I hope they get back with a respose however I think that they would be swamped at the moment!!


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              The more of these posts I read I realize I'm really not happy about my information being exposed to the world. This is terrible and needs to be fixed now. Have they heard of privacy laws. I Just don't understand it.......


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                I just wish they had an option to delete your account. Of course it would probably just delete someone elses.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by Extreme
                  They've even spelled nicotine wrong on the front page about electronic cigarettes.
                  You didn't write that for Norhterner dog did you?
                  I may be many things.......but a spelling wiz is not one of them

                  but that said.......anyone who can spell this saxon-latin hybred is not emotionally well..........
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Originally posted by Snusdog
                    I may be many things.......but a spelling wiz is not one of them

                    but that said.......anyone who can spell this saxon-latin hybred is not emotionally well..........
                    I am not sir


                    • Mill
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 198

                      Originally posted by Snusdog
                      ……….especailly when pre-testing the new site would seem such a simple and obvious means of prevention.
                      Which is why I think that lawyers will be involved in this at some point....the argument will be that they did not even take basic precautions to safeguard customer information.

                      If Northerner does get this sorted out in the future I think all the previously loyal customers will go elsewhere due to the shitty way the points were gone without notice.

                      In the past I defended them because I want to see real Swedish snus become a mainstream product in the US and they actually set up here.


                      • Mill
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 198

                        Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                        I just wish they had an option to delete your account. Of course it would probably just delete someone elses.
                        I'm with you on that one.


                        • SnusoMatic
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 507

                          Originally posted by Bigblue1
                          The more of these posts I read I realize I'm really not happy about my information being exposed to the world. This is terrible and needs to be fixed now. Have they heard of privacy laws. I Just don't understand it.......
                          Free advice is normally worth what one pays for it. With that said..... my advice for those who are truly worried about others seeing their personal info is to stay logged out of their site. i have been a web programmer for 15 years. of course without seeing the code I cannot be positive about anything. My experience tells me that the customer "cross overs" only effect logged in users. iow, if me and joe blow were logged in at the same time I may see joe's info and he may see mine. take it for what it's worth haha free. oh what i mean by logged out is if you are currently logged in from a past visit you may want to click the log out link. i believe their new setup is using at least two different servers with I believe they may be mixing up session keys between servers... but that is really guessing a lot but i do feel the cross over is logged in users. now their pricing and taxing is another story and all i can say is it's totally screwed up. i see many red flags to do with location pricing/taxing break downs. so many i am glad i aint working on it. i know i would have swung the old site back into place the first hour I turned the new system on and saw problems. but no one asked me haha


                          • SnusoMatic
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 507

                            I want to say that while I think this sucks I believe northerner will work it all out. i forget how many years ive bought from northerner but it's six or eight. in that amount of time they have screwed my orders up untold number of times. they have always corrected their mistakes plus made up for the problem. They are slow to react but have always made it up to me. But believe me I have been pretty upset before. Just saying.... and I am not taking up for them on this at all.


                            • squeezyjohn
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2497

                              It's happened to me now ... I'm logged in as some chick in Ireland that's ordered a roll of Phantom Brown!

                              It's still going on and I can't access my orders now - but presumably someone else can.


                              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                              • mistahARK
                                • Aug 2012
                                • 56

                                Sigh. I successfully placed an order, but they changed the shipping address to my billing address. I immediately sent them a trouble ticket with the address I want it shhipped to, but it's been 24 hours now and no response. I'm going to go on their FB and post up a summary of all the problems we've been having as a community, but I doubt they're unaware at this point, to be honest. Or that they even care, from what I've seen so far.

                                This is the worst corporate ****-up I've ever been involved in.


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