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  • LordJ
    • Jul 2009
    • 190

    Originally posted by JudasPriest
    I'd really like to cancel my order from a few days ago. It's still processing, and I have a feeling that I'm not going to get my snus after they've taken my money. It seems like they aren't responding to emails from what I've read itt.

    I guess there's nothing left to do but wait. I would have ordered from buysnus, but they wanted over $30 for shipping and that was too much. I can't imagine what is going on with this what has to be happening over there for this to be going on. It's as if everyone involved just updated the site and then took off and shut off their phones and email. Every hour that this site stays up makes the situation more unbelievable.
    buysnus is having a hell of a sale right now, the prices really take the sting out of the shipping. Also, you WILL get your snus in 2-3 days, straight from the motherland.


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      Originally posted by JudasPriest
      I'd really like to cancel my order from a few days ago. It's still processing, and I have a feeling that I'm not going to get my snus after they've taken my money. It seems like they aren't responding to emails from what I've read itt.

      I guess there's nothing left to do but wait. I would have ordered from buysnus, but they wanted over $30 for shipping and that was too much. I can't imagine what is going on with this what has to be happening over there for this to be going on. It's as if everyone involved just updated the site and then took off and shut off their phones and email. Every hour that this site stays up makes the situation more unbelievable.
      Call your credit card company explain to them that you think you've been ripped off and cancel the order..... Then do what lordJ said.....


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        Originally posted by Bigblue1
        Call your credit card company explain to them that you think you've been ripped off and cancel the order..... Then do what lordJ said.....
        Agreed. They're just gonna sit on your order for God-knows-how-long anyway. Order at least 4 rolls from buysnus and you won't even notice the shipping. $3-$4 per can delivered in 48-72 hours cannot be beat. North American customers who are loyal to Northerner despite their myriad shortcomings and outright mistreatments are a total mystery to me. And I don't mean you, JP, just in general.


        • SnusoMatic
          • Jun 2009
          • 507

          Originally posted by Lambo-fan727
          Hey guys I am pretty new to snus. I was recently at a local cigar shop and I bought a can of General Nordic Mint. When I got home I did some research on swedish snus and saw how safe it is to use! So I tried the General and really liked it! So I researched where I can buy swedish snus online because stores only carry General and Camel. I found I was planning on ordering a few tins from Northerner but the site went crazy. So I searched the problem I was having on google and found this thread.

          Now my question is, what do you think the future of swedish snus is going to be in America? Because I do not want to become a swedish snus user, if there is a possibility of it not being allowed in the USA in the future.

          Why are there not more swedish snus brands available here in the US in stores? All I can find is General and I think its the americanized version.

          Last question, when browsing northerners website I can see all the brands available. Are those all the brands out there or are there some that are only allowed in sweden?

          Compared to just five years ago snus in America is "everywhere". Like you aid General can be found and it is the same General that comes from Sweden. The label will be a little different but contents are the same as you would buy online. If a person is lucky they can even find a few other brands. What I am waiting on is the day we can buy it out of a refrigerator at gas stations. I don't see that happening real soon though. I would say if you are willing to buy online then you will be able to buy snus for a long time to come. The ability to sell snus in America is as solid as any other country short of Sweden. Outlawing snus can only happen when they outlaw Skoal. Of course that could happen sometime down the road. But where I live guys who use Skoal and cope drive around in pickups with rifles in the back window. If their cope is taken away.... well, let's just say our law makers have a bad day too. Am I kidding? Kind of, kind of not.


          • SnusoMatic
            • Jun 2009
            • 507

            Originally posted by LordJ
            These guys?

            They say if you sit a monkey in front of a keyboard and let it type eventually he will build's web site.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              I contacted them through the website last night demanding they remove my personal info from their site. Not sure if they did, but I can't login to my account anymore.


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Oops! Nevermind. I had changed my email addy with them to a fake one and I can login fine now using that. But of course I'm logged in as somebody else FML!


                • spinyeel
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 175

                  This has been going on for way too long. They've just lost me as a customer. One of the worst cases of customer service that I have ever seen.


                  • whalen
                    • May 2009
                    • 6593

                    Originally posted by SnusoMatic
                    They say if you sit a DRUNK monkey in front of a keyboard and let it type eventually he will build's web site.
                    Glad to fix that for you!
                    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                    • Mill
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 198

                      Northerner has worked twice now for me so I think (hope?) they've got it fixed.

                      I played around while logged in and cannot see where any credit card info is stored - which is what I was really afraid of.


                      • Brian74
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 46

                        I kept sending trouble tickets until I finally told Northerner to cancel my account, which went ignored. They seem to just be sending canned e-mails at this point. I'd be astounded if they stay in business; its only gonna get worse for them as more people run low on their snus supply and then realize what happened when they try and log on.

                        I ended up going with Shipping price was utterly ridiculous (almost the same as my snus), but in the end it works out to about slightly cheaper than Northerner due to the cheaper snus prices, and I was able to buy 30 cans at once shipping with UPS instead of Northerner's usual 6 can weight limit (I assume due to the USPS PACT restrictions)

                        It also looks like I wont be waiting 2 weeks for my order; they are promising 5 about days and I got tracking information instantly.

                        Thanks guys for suggesting the buysnus website.


                        • JudasPriest
                          • Sep 2012
                          • 55

                          I'm so angry right now. I just spent the better part of the last hour on the phone with the debit card company. I had to file a dispute and now I have to write up a letter to fax to them stating all the information. All because these jerks at the northerner did what they did. I don't know if I'm going to get either my money back or my snus. There's no way to just cancel the order and get my money. There is a process, and it's a pain in the ass. I really have a million better things to do, but in order to get my $80 back I have to work for it. Now I've got to fill out this form and mail it. I had to report my card as compromised and now they are charging me $5 for a new card. Thanks Northerner. I am boiling with anger over this.

                          I would have gone with buysnus, but at this point, I have no experience with snus beyond the few tins I got in my first order. I wanted to order a tin of all different brands so I could figure out which ones to buy in rolls.

                          It looks like this claims process is going to take days. I suppose if they ship out the snus in the next week, I can just cancel the dispute. It looks like this process takes weeks. UGH! All because a bunch of a-holes at the Northerner. Something needs to be done, they can't just operate by taking orders and charging credit cards and not be held accountable.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            I think I would let them get this all sorted out before anyone places another order.

                            In the meantime, Northerner customer support and communications cannot keep heading towards the bunker and throwing the blackout switch every time there is a problem.................they have got to let their customers know what is going on............
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • JudasPriest
                              • Sep 2012
                              • 55

                              Believe it or not, but they wound up sending me a note back, cancelling my order and refunding the money. Whew! Now I will go to buysnus.


                              • halocog
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 649

                                They need to pull it offline, fire those responsible, and put up a message stating that they are closed temporarily.
                                Originally posted by Frosted
                                I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana


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