Originally posted by jyyns
Originally posted by SnusoMaticI live in a state that is about as far south as you can go. i ordered six rolls from buysnus on tuesday night my time like around 11pm. it was in my possession at 10:15 am Thursday. thirty-one hours and fifteen minutes from order to my hands if my head calculations are correct. and yes I do pay my taxes. I pay my tobacco taxes, income taxes, fart taxes and every other tax they dream up.
Originally posted by halocogI actually have a question about that. I ordered today from Buy Snus for the first time. Will I be handed a tax/customs bill on delivery?
Originally posted by halocogI actually have a question about that. I ordered today from Buy Snus for the first time. Will I be handed a tax/customs bill on delivery?
Originally posted by GoVeganI get a bizarre customs clearinghouse bill sometimes from UPS. Usually it is just for a few bucks but I am not sure what it is for.
Originally posted by lxskllrThat's for the circular file. Those guys have a lot of balls adding extras to their already exorbitant shipping.
So they are not only being ballsy............they may in fact be purposely double charging their customers. Regardless, it is a violation of their contract with you. You cannot agree on a firm price and then change it after the fact.
Which brings us back to Lx's circular fileWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by halocogI actually have a question about that. I ordered today from Buy Snus for the first time. Will I be handed a tax/customs bill on delivery?
oh yea, it's smart to keep the value of your shipment under $200. Value is defined as what you paid, not listed prices. packages with values over 200 get flagged sometimes.
Originally posted by squeezyjohnI've done a bit of thinking about why it's all gone so wrong at Northerner:
I think they're re-locating most of their operations to the USA ... when they first opened the US warehouse it caused turmoil in the company for ages and ended up with many dis-satisfied customers, but they explained it to us here and we coped.
With all this EU stuff I think they are shipping most of their stock to the US warehouse so they can continue to send orders to the EU albeit with less reliable shipping. At least they will be able to still provide some kind of service to us over here.
This doesn't help anyone in the US who is also suffering from their corporate brain-spasm - and of course it doesn't excuse the blatant lack of service and customer service to go along with that ... but it may explain it.
Just my musings on a Saturday Night.
Originally posted by SnusoMaticstudy your state law and if they have a program to go after non-payment of tobacco bought out of state. a few do. i doubt Kentucky does. but always pay your tobacco taxes.
oh yea, it's smart to keep the value of your shipment under $200. Value is defined as what you paid, not listed prices. packages with values over 200 get flagged sometimes.Originally posted by FrostedI knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana
From a Canadian perspective I noticed that the price for shipping loose snus was far cheaper on Northerner's new website than Buysnus. Unless it is some sort of "glitch" on the part of their new site, it cost a little more than $9 to ship 1 roll of loose on Northerner compared to $17/$18 on Buysnus.
I've been a loyal customer of Buysnus for quite a long time now, but if true than Northerner is currently offering the best overall deal for me. I put in an order in spite of all the talk about issues with Northerner. Put in an order for 5 cans of Pioneer Loose Snus yesterday (never had it and have always wanted to try it). I hope my order goes through without a hitch.
By the way I've noticed since Buysnus have ended their 8th Year Anniversary sale that there prices have gone up. I'm just looking for the best deal. Pretty hard to do with a virtual oligopoly occurring with online snus vendors.
Hey Heapbag where ya been?
Buysnus started that sale at exacly the same minute they raised ALL their prices by about $5 a roll average.
so you can expect northerner to follow suit soon after they get the new site working properly.
Northerner and Buysnus will be close in price except for the short time when one actually raises the price and the other finds out.
My advice is to always do mock orders on each. When deciding keep in mind that northerners point system is just slightly better than Buysnus's. At notherner you buy 10 rolls you get one free...at buysnus you have to buy 11 rolls and its actually a discount on your order...which has its problems. If you place an order for 12 rolls one of them will end up being free...the problem is that their system is set up to select the cheapest rolls of the order. sucks....but at least they have a points/discount system.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Premium ParrotsAt notherner you buy 10 rolls you get one free...at buysnus you have to buy 11 rolls and its actually a discount on your order...which has its problems. If you place an order for 12 rolls one of them will end up being free...the problem is that their system is set up to select the cheapest rolls of the order. sucks....but at least they have a points/discount system.
Originally posted by SnusoMaticnortherner dont have a point system any longer. but at buysnus the way it works is the 6th roll is half price. so in effect it is buy 10 rolls and get one free.
Buysnus system is just how I mentioned. buy 6 rolls get 50% off of one, buy 6 more rolls get 50% off. In the end you buy 12 rolls and get one of those free. So you bought 11 rolls. And that free roll is the cheapest of the 12.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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