Thank God you said snuff. I don't think I'd fancy some extra moist anus.
Actually - sod it - I think I'll only make what I need myself if you guys only want to pick holes in my anus. I can respect people who have constructive criticism for my anus - but if you're going to pick massive holes in my anus then I'm blowed if I'm going to make the effort any more.
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Originally posted by squeezyjohnActually - sod it - I think I'll only make what I need myself if you guys only want to pick holes in my anus. I can respect people who have constructive criticism for my anus - but if you're going to pick massive holes in my anus then I'm blowed if I'm going to make the effort any more.
I have no luck with the site still. I have separate billing and shipping addresses, and when I fill out the billing address, it auto-fills the shipping address. when I try to change the shipping address, it changes the billing address too. Also, it's saying there are no shipping options available for me right now...I'm kind of annoyed because I only have 2 weeks until I can no longer receive mail at this address, and I'm running low...Also, I was easily one of the first people to see the Jak's promo, and now I likely won't get it.
Originally posted by OregonNativeI was looking at my previous orders (not sure why), and a previous order for around $208 was listed as "total price $600+". Whatever they've done, they did a hell of a job screwing it up.
Originally posted by OregonNativeJust checked out the site for the first time after coming home. It sucks. I've lost 1100 points, and the site still looks/navigates like shit.
Honestly think this was the worst move Northerner could have made...our loyalty is rewarded with this. They should have, or at least could have, given people a chance to use the points.
On the About Us section of the Northerner page: "Building Strong Customer Satisfaction (which is our most important priority)"
Yeah, right!
I logged in and added a roll of general es loose. The roll list price is $38.80. My total tobacco tax should be $0.79. Sub total before shipping should be $39.59
Northerner wants me to pay before shipping $72.95. They want me to pay $24.44 in tobacco taxes plus $9.71 in an EU tax.
I live in USA in a state with really low tobacco taxes and as far as I know we have not entered the EU.
When I first logged in I already had a roll of Skoal mint in my cart. I've never put Skoal in my cart.
The whole thing is nuts haha.
I thought I'd add these pictures up. My filthy porno links have been removed, as well as my personal info. I'm adding this online so you guys are aware of it, and make sure to DOUBLE check your orders. You can verify that these pictures are from the same order. Just view the date on each of the pictures.
Originally posted by ExtremeThank God you said snuff. I don't think I'd fancy some extra moist anus.
ummmm............personally...........I have no use for a dry anus. So.....imo I could at least use a moist one as a backup.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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