35$ tax on 5 tins?

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  • kevin32
    • Jul 2008
    • 106

    35$ tax on 5 tins?

    So today I finally got the slip in the mail which says I can go pick up my snus. So I went down to the post office, and the lady says it hasn't come in yet (but it will around 4 o clock). On the slip, it says 35$ is due. I asked the lady, and she said it was for duty. Now I heard that I'd be paying max 16$ in duty. Something has got to be wrong. What came to my mind is, they might've weighed the whole parcel which is 250 grams, while I'm only ordering 120 grams tobacco. I told her something must be wrong, and she told me if that was the case, I'd have to fill out a customs form. I'd appreciate it someone could link me in the direction of the canadian duty laws (or more specifically british columbian). If I print it out, I might stand a better chance. I've gone a long while without snus now, and its starting to get to me, so I don't want to save 17$ if it means I'll have to wait another week for my snus to get to me (I've already waited 11 days).
  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    That's a lot of duty!

    Over 10 months of ordering snus to Canada I have been required to pay duty on them maybe 5 or 6 times. It has ranged between 13 and 25 dollars for an order of 5 tins.

    Did you keep the order down to maximum 5 tins? More than that and the packaging will catch the eye of the customs people. 5 can fit in an envelope, more than 5 needs a bigger package.

    The range of duties to be paid indicates to me that customs officers do not really know what snus is and how to apply charges consistently.


    • kevin32
      • Jul 2008
      • 106

      The post office is closed now, so I guess I'll pick it up tomorrow. The age limit is 19 in British Columbia so I don't want to raise shit (I'm 18 ) with them for taxing its whole weight and not just the tobacco's, and I guess I'll just pay the 35$. But still it pisses me off, since I bank transferred 40$ to a friend in Norway to pay for it with his visa card for me. That's 75$ total for 5 tins. Still, in Norway it costs 13$ for a tin, so its not that bad. Luckily I'll be able to buy in the stores when I go back to Norway in 17 days, no more of the ordering online troubles (and it was sent 11 days ago!).


      • kevin32
        • Jul 2008
        • 106

        So I went and picked it up, paid the 35$ duty. 20$ went under PST, so I guess the tobacco duty in British Columbia is higher, and only 15$ under the federal duty. A pack of cigarettes here do cost 10$ for premium, not sure about the rest of Canada. Would be nice if a BC snuser could compare.


        • darkwing
          • Oct 2007
          • 415

          You know, it is just too stupid that you can't just go buy the damned things in a corner store across this country.


          • ---Nicotinic Acid---
            • Jul 2008
            • 134

            Wait a minute. This whole time I could've been having my snus shipped to my local post office?


            • kevin32
              • Jul 2008
              • 106

              Originally posted by ---Nicotinic Acid---
              Wait a minute. This whole time I could've been having my snus shipped to my local post office?
              I believe you can yes. At my location its automatic because we got a mail slot and not a mail box, where the parcel would unlikely fit.


              • captncaveman
                • Jul 2008
                • 924

                I had to pay $38 today because of customs. And the funny thing is, i still have close to 20 tins coming to me. Buysnus always ships 5 tins to a envelope to me. I receive each envelope every other day. i just hope my other 4 envelopes don't come with this price tag. ****ing PST!!!


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