So today I finally got the slip in the mail which says I can go pick up my snus. So I went down to the post office, and the lady says it hasn't come in yet (but it will around 4 o clock). On the slip, it says 35$ is due. I asked the lady, and she said it was for duty. Now I heard that I'd be paying max 16$ in duty. Something has got to be wrong. What came to my mind is, they might've weighed the whole parcel which is 250 grams, while I'm only ordering 120 grams tobacco. I told her something must be wrong, and she told me if that was the case, I'd have to fill out a customs form. I'd appreciate it someone could link me in the direction of the canadian duty laws (or more specifically british columbian). If I print it out, I might stand a better chance. I've gone a long while without snus now, and its starting to get to me, so I don't want to save 17$ if it means I'll have to wait another week for my snus to get to me (I've already waited 11 days).
35$ tax on 5 tins?
That's a lot of duty!
Over 10 months of ordering snus to Canada I have been required to pay duty on them maybe 5 or 6 times. It has ranged between 13 and 25 dollars for an order of 5 tins.
Did you keep the order down to maximum 5 tins? More than that and the packaging will catch the eye of the customs people. 5 can fit in an envelope, more than 5 needs a bigger package.
The range of duties to be paid indicates to me that customs officers do not really know what snus is and how to apply charges consistently.
The post office is closed now, so I guess I'll pick it up tomorrow. The age limit is 19 in British Columbia so I don't want to raise shit (I'm 18 ) with them for taxing its whole weight and not just the tobacco's, and I guess I'll just pay the 35$. But still it pisses me off, since I bank transferred 40$ to a friend in Norway to pay for it with his visa card for me. That's 75$ total for 5 tins. Still, in Norway it costs 13$ for a tin, so its not that bad. Luckily I'll be able to buy in the stores when I go back to Norway in 17 days, no more of the ordering online troubles (and it was sent 11 days ago!).
So I went and picked it up, paid the 35$ duty. 20$ went under PST, so I guess the tobacco duty in British Columbia is higher, and only 15$ under the federal duty. A pack of cigarettes here do cost 10$ for premium, not sure about the rest of Canada. Would be nice if a BC snuser could compare.
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