Best web shops for snus

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  • Lars

    Best web shops for snus

    Who knows ..what is the best one?
  • Leo

    Try Norherner, have been using their services many times .. 8)


    • Guest's Avatar

      #3 is a one of the best I have used!


      • TheCanuck
        • May 2006
        • 38

        I've used The Northerner many times but is very good and fast. The owner is friendly and often has some great deals. If you are a big user of snus, you get every sixth roll at half price, too.


        • Zodiac

          Worth of trying??


          • gopherbob
            • Jan 2007
            • 125

            Yea, northerner is pretty nice. I have ordered from there twice. Next time I will order from buysnus,com and if I can afford it get that 6th roll half off deal.


            • mwood72

              BuySnus is my favourite.....Excellent, friendly customer service and fast shipping.... A+


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                It seems as though BuySnus has streamlined their deliveries very well indeed.
                I received an e-mail shipping confirmation on 9-1-2007 13:42 local and received my package 15 min. ago. 11-1-2007 13:30.
                Previously it took about 4 days


                • nzkiwi

                  Northerner is efficient and prices are good.


                  • TheCanuck
                    • May 2006
                    • 38

                    Competition is a beautiful thing.


                    • gopherbob
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 125

                      I think I will try out buysnus next. It doesnt carry the icetool but it seems to have most everything down. I like that thing when your about to order and it tells you how much more snus you can add to your order without affecting shipping.


                      • Zodiac

                        Greetings from SA! Found this from

                        The Snus web sellers


                        A very professional website selling directly from Sweden, not only Snus but all things Scandinavian (except the girls).

                        The website is relatively easy to use but it helps if you know what you’re looking for (I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out where the Snus I wanted was because I didn’t know there were that many different categories of Snus!).
                        The shopping cart could be easier to use for those who want to buy more than 1 product and there was a 404 error half way through my order (not nice). I only found prices in USD, which is a shame. Still, they quoted:

                        $65.80 (USD) . Not bad!


                        Extremely easy to use. Fantastic shopping cart, tells you how much weight is your order and how much you have left till the delivery price goes up. Easy to add more than 1 item to your order and convert between currencies! The price isn’t the best, but it might be worth it if you prefer to pay for quality service. Quote (in USD):

                        $70,51 (USD)
                        €59,78 (EUR)


                        This website has got to be the fastest of them all. It is very straight forward, the list of products is all in one menu (you have to know the name of the Snus you’re looking for. I only knew how the can looked like.) How do they manage to have such expensive prices, and still make business, strikes me. Quote:

                        $107.00 (USD)
                        €77.50 (EUR)


                        This was a funny one. It has great ideas, like a subscription service where you have the same order delivered to you every 3 or 6 months. It looks very professional as well. It has important drawbacks, though, like the fact you cannot see how much is the total of your order (you have a list of prices and another separate form to fill for your order) and the weirdest part was not finding “United Kingdom” in the their country list. So, I guess I cannot order from them. I also struggled to find how much do they charge for delivery, but here it is. The only reason this website is alive must be the subscription service, for I see no other reason to pick this one up instead of any of the other sellers. Quote:

                        €75.50 (EUR)


                        SwedSnus sells several Swedish articles, Snus being one of them. They have a comprehensive list of products, including interesting accessories for the snus connoisseur all with competitive prices. As with some other ones, finding the delivery charge is a bit of a struggle and when you find it, they quote prices according to weight (fair enough I guess).
                        They are also the only ones where I could visibly see a warning about Customs and tobacco tax which you could be liable to pay for.
                        I couldn’t get a quote because most products do not show in the catalogue after choosing “Swedish” price sets, which is indicated for EU countries. Oh well, they didn’t seem that cheap anyway!

                        The original story:


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Also good to know that includes the shipping in the price you see while, for example, adds it after. :idea:


                          • gopherbob
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 125

                   shows you exactly what your going to pay. Northerner sneaks extra fees (taxes supposedly) at the end. For single cans from what I can tell northerner has usually better prices... for example the kardus is half price on northerner and those 'taxes' at the end wont make much of a difference in that case.

                            But for rolls it seems the common agreement that buysnus with their 'roll loyalty program', no sneaky fees at the end and the weight calculator telling you how much more snus you can buy without upping shipping makes them the place to go for rolls.


                            • nzkiwi
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 141

                              I agree, mix and match with northerner, buysnus for rolls.


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