Best web shops for snus

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  • nzkiwi
    • Jan 2007
    • 141

    I agree. U.S.A is the land of the sales pitch and get rich quick schemes. Here in the united states someone is always trying to part with your money.


    • marspatukka
      • Dec 2006
      • 38

      Man those have cheap delivery at snusexpress, at least to Finland . Only 4,41€ and I tried it up to 6kg's. I thought it would have been at least 10€'s or something like that. Guess I'll have to try those Offroad Cranberry strong's. With shipping costs that low I'm not forced to buy ridiculous amounts at once


      • nzkiwi
        • Jan 2007
        • 141

        I'm not sure if this is the place that also sells 5 can rolls. Who ever it is it's a good idea.


        • Nike
          New Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 7

          Anyone done business with They will ship to Finland.


          • slammer

            Best webshop for snus

            is Why? They have the best prices and the freshest snus!


            • marspatukka
              • Dec 2006
              • 38

              I made an order to a couple days ago, and I'm currently waiting shipping. Price was reasonable I guess, I ordered snus worth of 80€ and shippingcosts and taxes were approximately 25€. I hope the order gets here by next week, haven't had a single pris in 2 weeks :?


              • moisty
                • Jun 2006
                • 38

                Re: Best webshop for snus

                Originally posted by slammer
                is Why? They have the best prices and the freshest snus!
                Payam? Is that you?


                • Coffey
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 150

                  Just a heads up for anyone who has not ordered from buysnus in the past, they are having a pretty good sale for the next few days. It goes till the 25th so now may be a good time to try the site out.

                  Disclaimer: I do not work for I just thought this sounded like a good deal a wanted to tell anyone who doesn't get the e-mails from them about it.


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    Funny thing though...I was going to place an order today anyway. I noticed the 30%-off offer when I went to the website this morning. Only later did I read the e-mail they sent out
                    Saved me about €10 total or 15% on everything.


                    • TBonehawk

                      Well, I was planning on ordering with Northerner in about another 3-4 weeks, but with that sale on at, I couldn't wait. Quite the discount! I chose 10 tins of different snuses I had been wanting to try. Too bad I don't get credit for purchasing a roll, though. At least I'll get a free prismaster.

                      Among the snus I will be trying: Ettan and General loose, General Onyx, Granit Maxi portion, Gustavus Classic Portion, Grovsnus portion, and a few others in portion format that I've tried (and enjoyed) in loose form before.

                      I normally prefer loose, but my gums have been aching a bit lately. I need to give them a rest! Portions are a lot softer on them...

                      If I find a Swedish Match brand I can decide on, I may finally use their website to order since I've read all the wonderful things about their fast shipping and superfresh snus.


                      • gopherbob
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 125

                        just had to pick up a roll of skruf stark from buysnus that deal is great and i love skruf.


                        • nzkiwi
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 141

                          Can't believe buysnus has such large discounts on snus. Hope the snus has a few weeks before it expires. I ordered a can each of snus I haven't tried yet.


                          • TBonehawk

                            Has anyone ever had an order mistake with Has anyone had a shipping error with the big sale this past week?
                            I ordered 10 cans of snus from them, but only received 9 (I was missing a can of GrovSnus Maxi Portion). I know that they sometimes send separate shipments when stock is low, but this has never happened to me before. I am worried because their policy is that they do not replace missing shipments. Any counseling you all can provide would be most appreciated.


                            p.s. I have emailed them about the error. I will let you know how they reply.


                            • Craig de Tering
                              • Nov 2006
                              • 525

                              I ordered from BuySnus 7 days ago on monday morning. They also had to split my order in two shipments but I knew that beforehand because they sent me TWO shipping confirmation e-mails. I got the first package on saturday and the second today (a single can of Level). Probably a brand they didn't have at that moment and since they want you to have your snus as fresh as possible i can understand if they ship stuff as they have it available.


                              • TBonehawk

                                I received a superfast reply from a Tomas Andersson at BuySnus. No issue of separate shipments (I had only received one confirmation). He said I should have received it, but that it was likely an error in distribution with the busy week they had. They are sending me my missing can - plus a bonus mystery can to try out. is solid! Great to see they're making right on the error. Rock on, BuySnus! You have a happy customer!


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