Best web shops for snus

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  • Sjef
    New Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 4

    I really like

    try it I you want to


    • Nike
      New Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 7

      BTW, there seems to be a lot of members here from Finland; it seems not every on-line retailer ships to Finland, though. Who does, and who`s the best of them?


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        #18 doesn't seem to have an option to choose Finland as a country (although they'll ship to Åland, which is strange...), but lets you ship to finland and their prices are quite good.


        • SouthTexas
          • Jan 2007
          • 28

          Does anyone posting on this board work for, own, or make money in any way from the online snus shops? Does any online snus shops sponsor or support this forum? Or are we all just snus users from various places?


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I think we're all just snus users, mate. runs this forum, and they manufacture, of course, the icetool portioner, but beyond that I don't think anyone here is a covert salesman, if that's what you mean :lol:


            • SouthTexas
              • Jan 2007
              • 28

              Thanks, Zero. Good to know.

              My small snus order from got here today. Last Sunday I placed an order for about 12 different cans from northerner and the same night I ordered 4 cans from buysnus. Monday I received a confrmation email that my snus had shipped from buysnus. So it took 6 days to get all the way to Texas. That's pretty good!!! I wasn't expecting it till next week. I also like the way they tell you how many cans you can order before your shipping goes up, and gives you the average price you paid for each can. First imprssions are everything, so unless I get an Icetool I will probably stick with buysnus for their good communication and fast delivery.

              I will probably end up getting an Icetool just because. It was pretty easy to roll the Skruf Stark into a little rabbit turd (forget the name you call it) but I like gadgets and the Icetool does look high quality!


              • nzkiwi
                • Jan 2007
                • 141

                I don't think their is a whole lot to prevent a store owner form creating a user name. I would say most snus sellers are aware of this site. When it comes to topics like "the best store on the internet", you have to be aware of potential sales pitches.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  I suppose that's true. Really, though, there aren't that many options when it comes to online snus shops and a sales pitch isn't worth much if the service and prices are crap. I think the stores that have a good reputation here have earned it from simply being good retailers - you can't fake good old fashioned service.


                  • Craig de Tering
                    • Nov 2006
                    • 525

                    FWIW, in the old there was a user called (or something else maybe).
                    So I'd wager a guess that *if* any seller would be pimping their wares we'd be plenty aware of it somehow and most probably by their choice of a username.

                    Besides, Scandinavians have always been known for their bordering-on-the-absurd-according-to-the-rest-of-the-world [HEY, THAT RHYMES!] honesty, weren't they? (you?)
                    I wish everyone used that thought pattern man...:cry:

                    Anyhoo...I wouldn't mind 1 f**king bit if they'd advertize their stuff as long as it's obvious who it was. I'd appreciate it even in this day and age of anonymous spam e-mails.


                    • nzkiwi
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 141

                      I agree. Some of the stores on the internet have outrageous prices, don't know how they stay in business. So far all the stores I have bought from delivered in a timely fashion. Price seems to be the biggest variable.

                      I wouldn't mind if they advertised too. Good way to find out about specials.


                      • SouthTexas
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 28

                        Anyhoo...I wouldn't mind 1 f**king bit if they'd advertize their stuff as long as it's obvious who it was. I'd appreciate it even in this day and age of anonymous spam e-mails.
                        I wouldn't mind at all either as long as they were up front. Only reason I wanted to know is I belong to a saltwater fishing forum that has several sponsored fishermen posting there and also some manufacturers of lures. I just got tired of them shamelessly pushing lures and such that were mediocre at best to the newbs, when some very simple inexpensive lures (gold spoon, plumb colored worm, ect) outperformed them. Even worse is getting blasted when you post a simple alternative to their wares trying to help someone out. Since then I have been a little leery of other forums that deal with a product. Ran into the same thing on a motorbike forum as well. I don't mind advertisement and information about new products and bargains, but I tend to take the consumers word to heart more than someone who is putting the food on the table selling a product.

                        I've enjoyed my snus all day and haven't had a cig yet since getting it in! Will try to give some first impressions of it soon. As Borat would say - I Like!


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          ^ yeah, the sport-fishing industry is totally oversaturated with total garbage, though... I mean, half the sport fish out there would bite on a rusted nail if you offered it to them and yet every year there's some newfangled "magical bait" that promises to instantly transform your fishing trip into something that looks like a half-hour, boring-bits-edited Bob Izumi show :lol: As Craig said, the scandinavians are an honest and thoroughly un-tacky people. Aggressive advertising isn't their style, nor is delivering shoddy products or service if they think they can get away with it. Very honest people. 8)


                          • Nike
                            New Member
                            • Jan 2007
                            • 7

                            Originally posted by Zero
                   doesn't seem to have an option to choose Finland as a country (although they'll ship to Åland, which is strange...), but lets you ship to finland and their prices are quite good.
                            In fact they don`t; when you put some snus to the shopping cart and try to pick Finland as shipping destination, it says "not possible" or something like that...


                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              have you tried :

                              Only a limited selection, but it says

                              Countries where we deliver: USA, Canada, Deutschland, Japan, Österreich, Schweiz, Suomi, Danmark, Sverige, Norge, Noreg, España, Italia, United States of America, 日本語の, Seychelles


                              Not bad prices either, SEK 139,00 for a half-roll (5 cans) general.


                              • marspatukka
                                • Dec 2006
                                • 38

                                Originally posted by Zero
                                Thank's for this, haven't got a credit card so bank transfer is pretty much the only way for me to pay my orders . Their selection is limited but it suits almost perfectly for my needs, only thing I'm missing is Skruf Cranberry


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